"This old man is not ashamed!"

As soon as Hua Yanyan walked into this innate gossip array, she saw the battle between Shi Jian and Ye Tian, and couldn't help but scold.

And that Shi Jian's lightning thunder fist had already attacked Ye Tian's approach, and he saw that Ye Tian's fists came out angrily.

Two huge waves of qi burst out, and the blue horse training was instantly dispersed by the qi waves.

"Senior Brother Ye! Stop! "

Seeing that Ye Tian was about to attack, Uncle Nine immediately flashed in the middle of the two and said loudly:

"Everyone, don't fight! They are all brothers in the same sect, so why bother so much! "

"Lin Fengjiao, don't be a bad person here!"

Shi Jian didn't appreciate the affection of this ninth uncle at all, pointed at Ye Tian's nose and shouted loudly:

"Ye Tian, you ignore the rules of the same sect and strike first, is there still me as a senior brother in your eyes!"

"Bah, big brother of shit!"

What everyone didn't expect was that Ye Tian actually put on the same momentum as the four-eyed Daoist.

"Others are worried about being punished by the door rules, but I'm not afraid! It's a big deal, let's go up to Maoshan to find the elders to theorize and see whose fault it is! "

"Good! Good! Good! "

Shi Jianqi's face was trembling, and he said three hello words loudly, glaring angrily.

"It seems that you really don't take my senior brother seriously!"

After saying that, Shi Jian turned to those fellow disciples who had already collected all the ghosts and shouted:

"Everyone has seen it, today it was Ye Tian who took the initiative to stir up trouble! If the elders ask about pursuing this matter in the future, I hope everyone can say a fair word! "


Shi Jian glared at Ye Tian fiercely, then with an angry face on his face, he threw his sleeves away.

"Wow, I can't imagine you're still so handsome?"

Seeing that the matter was over, Hua Yanyan quickly ran to Ye Tian's side and patted him on the shoulder.

Then he handed the gourd containing the female ghost Xiaoli to Ye Tian, and continued:

"Here, you guessed right, that female ghost is really looking for Qiusheng and Wencai!"

"Good! Great work! "

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and then handed the gourd to Uncle Jiu: "Senior brother, the culprit is handed over to you!" "

Uncle Nine took the gourd, did not answer, but shook his head helplessly with a sad face, and said:

"Senior brother, it's really inappropriate for you to treat senior brother like that just now!"

"Bad fart!"

Hearing this, the four-eyed Daoist scolded angrily, and shouted disdainfully: "What bullshit Senior Brother, Senior Brother Lin, can't you see that he came here on purpose to find fault this time!"

If it weren't for Senior Brother Ye here, not only would there be many ownerless lonely souls who would be wiped out by him! When the time comes, will he be able to carry this account for you? "

"Senior Brother Ye, you have offended Senior Brother, you must be careful in the future! This guy's heart is the smallest! "

"Yes, Senior Brother Ye, it's better not to get too stiff with Senior Brother!"

"Senior Brother Ye, you can't be so angry in the future!"


For a while, all the senior brothers came closer and persuaded Ye Tian with concern.

Seeing this, Aunt Sue shouted with some displeasure: "What are you doing! What! It's that senior brother who deliberately finds fault, what's the matter with our little junior brother! "

After that, Aunt Su put her arms around Ye Tian's shoulders, patted her chest and said:

"Senior brother, don't worry, if this old boy dares to go to the elders to complain, the senior sister will accompany you to find him to theorize at that time!

I don't believe he can cover the sky with one hand! Hum! "

"Senior sister, did you eat garlic at night?"

"Stinky boy, you're still doing with me now!"

"Okay, okay, it's over, I can only talk about it later!"

Uncle Nine was in an irritable mood at this time, seeing that Aunt Sue and Ye Tian were actually fighting on the side, he opened his mouth to stop it.

Then, Uncle Nine bowed gratefully to the brothers beside him, and said with gratitude:

"Today's event is really hard for everyone! Tomorrow, we will set up a few tables in the courtyard, and let's have a good drink together! "

"Haha. Senior Brother Lin, what you said is the most appropriate! "

"Yes, Senior Brother Lin, you have to greet us well, we are all tired tonight!"

"That's right, whoever doesn't drink and lie down tomorrow will not be allowed to leave!"


In the courtyard, Uncle Nine and the others had just come back, and they saw Jia Le, and Jingjing and the others greeted them.

Looking at Uncle Nine in front of him, he said, "Uncle Shi, just now the master came back angrily, and then left with his apprentice Shi Shaojian!" "

"Hmph, let's go! Better! The province is annoyed to see him! "

"It's just, it's better not to be there, look at his face, and make it look like everyone owes him money!"

When the Four Eyes Dao and the Thousand Crane Dao people heard this, they were very happy.

Only Uncle Jiu frowned, because he knew that this time Ye Tian and the other party had formed a bond, and Shi Jian would definitely not give up!

"Senior Brother Ye, I'm afraid that Senior Brother won't be so simple here, you still have to be careful!"

"Well, I know, senior brother, I'll go back first if there's nothing to do!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and immediately shouted, and Doudou instantly jumped on Ye Tian's shoulder and walked out of the courtyard with him.

Uncle Jiu's worries were completely unnecessary in Ye Tian's opinion.

At this time, he didn't have to worry about Shi Jian's revenge at all, with his current strength, it was not difficult to defeat Shi Jian at all.


On the streets of Renjia Town, since being pulled out of the room by Shi Jian.

Shi Shaojian followed closely behind the other party and walked briskly down the street.

Looking at Shi Jian's gloomy cheeks that seemed to be dripping, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled a little.

"Daddy... Don't we live with Uncle Shi? "

"Phew, what a bullshit uncle!"

When Shi Jian heard this, he angrily punched the stone pier beside him.

Suddenly, the stone pier was beaten into powder, and Shi Shaojian didn't dare to say anything when he saw this, so he had to stand aside.

"Ye Tian! Ye Tian! You're dead! "

Looking at the murderous gaze revealed by Shi Jian's ruthless eyes, Shi Shaojian bumped into his courage and whispered:

"Dad, that Ye Tian's skill is the pinnacle of the Seventh Rank Heavenly Master, are you sure to kill him?"


Hearing his son speak like this, Shi Jian instantly turned his head, looked at the other party viciously, and said in a cold voice:

"Why, do you think your father and my strength are weaker than that guy?"

"No... No... That was not what I meant! "

Shi Shaojian was so frightened that he retreated again and again, and his neck shrunk.


Shi Jian angrily slammed his sleeves and continued:

"Kill the same family! I'm not going to take the blame for it! And you're right, judging from the situation just now, I am indeed not Ye Tian's opponent! "

"Dad, are you looking for a helper to kill him?"

"That's right, Dad has been in the world for so many years, and he still knows a few powerful guys!"

After that, Shi Jian nodded with satisfaction, squinted his eyes and said:

"Let's stay in this Renjia town for the time being, and when that person comes, I will see him kill Ye Tian's bastard with my own eyes!"

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