"It's strange, where did this dead girl go, I can't see a shadow for a day, I have to teach her a good lesson when I go back!"

"The child is older and has his own affairs, so let's not get involved!"

Seeing Aunt Cane muttering on the side, Uncle Nine pulled his arm and whispered persuasion.

"You just don't let me worry all day long!"

As soon as Uncle Nine finished speaking, Aunt Sue instantly became angry and complained loudly to Uncle Nine.

Then he turned around and walked straight into the lobby, and there was no shadow.

"Uh... Brother, did I say the wrong thing? "

Uncle Nine looked confused, spread his hands and had a very helpless expression.

"You two can solve the matter by yourself!"

Ye Tian shook his head, turned around and was about to leave the yard with Doudou on his shoulder.

"Senior brother, I'm not worried about Yan Yan and Jingjing, I'm worried that Qiusheng and Wencai will stab Lou Zi!

The matter of the escape of the hundred ghosts in this family town has just been resolved, and I don't want to cause any more trouble! "

After that, Uncle Nine pointed to Jia Le and Ah Fa in the distance, and whispered:

"They must know where Qiusheng is, you go and watch them, so as not to cause trouble again!"

Uncle Nine is afraid of these two unsuccessful apprentices Qiusheng and Wencai from the bottom of his heart.

Now as long as I can't see the two of them around for a while, I have to mumble in my heart and guess that the two of them must be in trouble again.

"Okay, I got it! Go ahead and get busy with yours! "

Ye Tian nodded and agreed, but instead of looking for Jia Le and Ah Fa, he said to Doudou on his shoulder:

"Look for the smell of that girl and see where they are!"

Except for Ye Tian, Hua Yanyan and Doudou have been together for the longest time.

Therefore, the smell of the two people can be said to be extremely familiar.

Hearing Ye Tian ask, Doudou stood up straight and sniffed vigorously.

Immediately jumped off Ye Tian's shoulder and ran out of the courtyard.

"It's pretty fast!"

Ye Tian scolded with a smile, and ran out of the yard with him.

Seeing Ye Tian and Doudou running out of the yard, Jia Le and Ah Fa on the side couldn't help but mutter.

"You say, will Uncle Ye go to find Qiusheng and them?"

"Who knows? Probably not! "

"Hey, I don't know what happened to Qiusheng and them now, it's a pity that I didn't have a chance to look at them and fix that bad thing!"

"It doesn't matter, let's just wait for news at home! Don't worry about the rest! "

"Yes, yes!"


It is still the familiar dance hall in Shanghai, and a white figure walks out of the door of the dance hall, graceful and delicate.

Like a fairy out of the dust, it instantly attracted the hot eyes of many people.

"Beauty! Let's have a drink together! "

"yes, why haven't I seen you all this time!"

At this time, two drunks who had just finished drinking walked up to the girl in white and drunkenly accosted her.


The girl smiled, and then blew lightly at the two drunks, and said with a smile:

"As long as you're not afraid, I'll eat you!"

"Eat us? Hahaha! "

"Chicks are hot enough, I like it!"

The two drunken men were overjoyed, and then one of them grabbed the girl's arm and walked towards the dim alley in the distance.

When others saw this, they all felt sympathy and regret.

I just wish that one of the two drunks was myself!

At the door, a woman glanced faintly at what had just happened, and strolled to a private room on the second floor.

"Lord Deacon, after the deputy head went out, he was taken away by two drunks!"

"Since they took the initiative to send it to the door, they are looking for their own death."

The man known as the deacon shook his body, and the thought of what the girl had just commanded.

He shook his head and said, "What is that guy looking for us?" "

"Lord Deacon, Shi Jian said that he hopes that we will send someone here to help kill someone in Renjia Town!"

"Oh? Shi Jian, this guy really thinks we take him seriously! "

The man poured a glass of wine leisurely and asked, "What is that man's ability, and what is his identity?" "

"That's it! Shi Jian said that the person's name was Ye Tian, and he was the descendant of the golden needle of Maoshan Weimen! His little junior brother! "

"The Golden Needle of the Trick Gate...

The man said in a deep voice, and then spoke:

"The deputy head just warned us to keep a low profile, and as for their own internal grievances, we don't have to interfere."

"Yes, my subordinates understand, so I'll go and reply to Shi Jian!"

"But I also want to see what kind of Maoshan fellow sect it is, which will make Shi Jian, a senior brother, dare not start!"

With that, the man put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up and said:

"Go investigate this guy named Ye Tian and see what's so special about him!"

"Yes, my subordinates will do it!"

"Well, there's one more thing I need to tell you!"

"I wonder what else the deacon commands?"

"From tomorrow, withdraw from here, we need to go somewhere else to develop our forces!"

"Moving out of here?"

The woman was a little surprised, but she nodded and replied:

"My subordinates understand, so I'll tell my subordinates to prepare for moving out!"

"No need, you and I will leave here tomorrow! Others, don't notice! "


The woman was a little surprised, and asked:

"Are you going to give up on them?"

"It's useless to take away a bunch of waste, it's better to shed it down and use it as a cover for those so-called famous and decent people, wouldn't it be better? Hahaha! "


At this time, outside a small courtyard in Renjia Town, Hua Yanyan and Jingjing hid behind a big tree not far away, quietly observing the movements in the courtyard.

"Sister Hua, do you think this Shi Shaojian will come out to be funny?"

"Don't worry, this guy will definitely come out!"

Hua Yanyan nodded lightly, and then said, "I'll give him a little bit of power when I go back, and see if he dares to beat our girls again!" "

"Well, Sister Hua, I support you!"

Jingjing was infected by Hua Yanyan's arrogance, and immediately nodded and said.

"Well, just support me! I'll help you match up with that stinky guy when I go back! "

"Sister Hua, I didn't mean that!"

Seeing Hua Yanyan say this, Jingjing's cheeks instantly became hot, and she lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Hua Yanyan's eyes.

"Hey, I know, I know!"

Hua Yanyan nodded with a smile, then looked around, and couldn't help but say with some complaints:

"Damn Qiusheng and Wencai, why hasn't this guy come back yet! I'm! "

"Here we go! Come on! "

Sure enough, Hua Yanyan was just talking to the two of them here, when she saw the two of them walking over quickly with a wooden barrel.

Although the barrel was covered with a lid, it still could not hide the foul smell it emitted.

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