"You... Don't come here! "

Seeing Hua Yanyan and Jingjing walking towards him with a wicked smile on their faces, Shi Shaojian was so frightened that he retreated again and again.

At this time, he was in the state of his soul, and he couldn't use any mana at all.

Not to mention Hua Yanyan who is holding a sword, I am afraid that Jingjing, who looks weak, is enough to have the ability to destroy herself.

"If I don't teach you a lesson today, it's just too cheap for you!"

Hua Yanyan ignored Shi Shaojian's plea for mercy at all, and the two talismans flew out and stuck to Shi Shaojian's chest in an instant.




Two muffled sounds came, and I saw that Shi Shaojian's soul body was blown away in an instant.

The three souls and seven spirits were also blown up and almost collapsed!

Now he was completely powerless, lying on the ground gasping for air.

"Bastard! Bastard! "

"What? If you scold again, I'll give you one more Burst Charm to play with! "

"Don't, don't!"

Shi Shaojian, who was still very angry, saw Hua Yanyan take out another talisman and put it between his fingers, and immediately put on a posture of begging for mercy.

There's no way, if you are attacked by the other party like this with a burst talisman, I'm afraid that your soul will be scattered immediately!

"Hmph, bastard!"

Hua Yanyan didn't mean to kill them all, otherwise if Shi Jian knew, he would definitely settle accounts with Uncle Nine and Ye Tian.

When the time comes, cause them to kill each other, and the matter will find its own head!

And Uncle Nine and Ye Tian will also be punished by the Maoshan Torture Hall because of their relationship with themselves!

"Tell you, in the future, I will honestly follow your bullshit master to cultivate, if I find out that you are doing these immoral things again, you will be killed!"

"That's right, it's time to see how your master saves you!"

Looking at Hua Yanyan and Jingjing scolding angrily, Shi Shaojian kept kowtowing and thanking him.

He immediately stood up and ran as fast as he could in the direction of his own body outside the town.

"Haha! Cool! Cool! I guess this guy won't dare to do this in the future! "

"That's right, Sister Hua has taught him a great lesson this time, see if he dares in the future!"

"Let's go, go home!"

Hua Yanyan smiled as she turned around and was about to take Jingjing back to the courtyard where Uncle Nine and the others were.


A white shadow flashed, and Doudou instantly stood at the feet of the two of them, constantly chirping at the dim street behind him.

"Oops, that stinky guy is here! Don't talk much for a while, look at me! Did you hear me clearly? "

"Listen, hear clearly!"

As soon as Jingjing heard that Ye Tian was about to arrive, her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little, and she nodded hurriedly in response.

"You two girls, if you don't come home so late, it will make the adults worry!"

Sure enough, Ye Tian's figure slowly walked from the other side of the street, looked at the two of them in front, looked around, and asked curiously:

"Where did Qiusheng and Wencai go? Didn't I stay with you? "

"How do I know where they went? Jingjing and I are shopping and chatting together, is there any problem? "

Hua Yanyan had already been angry with Qiusheng, and several of them went home in batches, pretending not to know anything, so as not to attract the suspicion of Uncle Jiu and others.


Ye Tian glanced at Hua Yanyan suspiciously, then turned his head to look at Jingjing, and asked with a smile:

"You're just shopping, chatting?"

"Yes! Be! That's right, Sister Hua and I have been chatting together! "

Obviously, Jingjing's answer was a little cramped, and she subconsciously glanced at Hua Yanyan on the side.

All of this was seen by Ye Tian.

The two must have something to hide from themselves, but since the other party is unwilling to say more, they don't ask more.

"Okay, it's late, let's go home, senior sister and senior brothers are worried!"

"What? You're not going back? "

Seeing Ye Tian walking in the other direction, Hua Yanyan asked curiously.

"I'm back at the hospital! Don't forget to come to the clinic tomorrow to help! "

"Got it! Nasty! "

Hua Yanyan grimaced at Ye Tian's back, then pulled Jingjing and said with a smile:

"How about it, I'll just say it's okay, let's go back together!"

"Well, good!"

Jingjing nodded in agreement, and did not forget to turn her head to look at the direction Ye Tian walked away, and there was a trace of longing in her heart.


On the other side, after Shi Shaojian's soul was attacked and frightened by Hua Yanyan again, it had already shown a trend of unstable soul at this time.

If you don't return to your physical body as soon as possible to stabilize your soul, I'm afraid that it won't be long before your soul will really be gone!

Thinking of this, Shi Shaojian had already quickened his pace and ran in the direction where his body was.

"What! How so! "

But what Shi Shaojian didn't expect was when he came to the boulder where his body was.

I have seen several wild dogs gnawing on their flesh.

The stench mixed with the bloody gas came to his face, and at this time, Shi Shaojian's body could be said to have no complete place.

But now, Shi Shaojian has no way to stop it.

"Daddy! Father! "

Shi Shaojian only felt that his consciousness began to blur, looking at the broken body.

Shi Shaojian's heart instantly sprouted the idea of asking his father Shi Jian for help!

No longer hesitate at the moment, while he is still gone, he will fly towards Renjia Town!



At this time, Shi Jian didn't fall asleep, thinking of the humiliation that Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu had given him in the past few days.

Shi Jian's heart seemed to be pressing on a boulder, making him feel breathless.


With Shi Jian's earth-shattering roar, the thunder and lightning that surrounded him burst out instantly.

All of a sudden, the stone piles and numbers in the entire courtyard were struck by lightning, and in an instant, they turned into puffs of smoke and dust, and drifted into the air.

"Whew... Call... "

It seemed that he had expressed a lot of resentment in his heart, and Shi Jian put away his fists.

The blue lightning bolts quickly sank into the body and disappeared.

"Daddy... Father... "

Just as Shi Jian was about to settle down again, a miserable voice of grumbling came from the courtyard.

I saw Shi Shaojian's increasingly weak soul appear in front of Shi Jian, floating back and forth.

"What's going on? How did you become like this? "

Shi Jian was shocked, this Shi Shaojian's soul was now in a state of collapse, and it was already very dangerous!

"Dad, I was attacked by that girl from the Hua family, and they also splashed my flesh with feces, and now I am being eaten by wild dogs!"

While his consciousness had not completely dissipated, Shi Shaojian opened his mouth to recount his experience, as if he was about to cry.

"You stinky boy! How many times have I said it! Don't do this in this town! Those juniors and disciples are here, and if something happens, I can't protect you! "

"Dad, save me, save me!"

Looking at Shi Jian scolding him angrily, Shi Shaojian cried miserably, his face full of sadness.

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