The four-eyed Daoist was shocked, he didn't expect this Shi Jian to be so vicious, and he made a dead move.

If he was hit by this fierce lightning training, with his current cultivation, he was afraid that he would not be happy.

Thinking of this, the four-eyed Daoist was about to dodge, and a golden light instantly appeared in front of him, and there was a cracking sound.


I saw a golden needle suspended in mid-air, and the lightning that Shi Jian shot out was actually absorbed by the golden needle.

For a while, the golden needle continued to burst out with bursts of thunder, as if it had received a baptism of thunder and lightning.

"Ye Tian!"

Shi Jian was furious, while the other party took a step forward indifferently and said:

"Senior brother! We have truthfully reported your matter to the master! We have been ordered to escort you back to Maoshan Mountain, but you still don't have to do fearless struggles! "

"Take me back to Maoshan? Joke! "

Shi Jian laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke.

Immediately, he put on an extremely annoyed expression, looked at Ye Tian and said:

"Ye Tian, I know that you are strong, I am not your opponent, but if you want me to be caught, I'm afraid you can't do it!"

With that, Shi Jian's body trembled, and domineering blue lightning burst out.

It was as if the air around it had exploded, and it was clattering.

"Come on! I'd like to see how much better you are than I am!" "

As he spoke, Shi Jian opened his posture, the lightning on his body was gradually becoming stronger, and the murderous intent in his eyes suddenly exploded.

"Good! Then I'll be taught! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian spread out his right palm lightly, and several golden needles appeared, suspended in mid-air, exuding dazzling light.

"Senior brother!"

Just as Ye Tian was about to attack Shi Jian, his wrist was instantly pulled back by Uncle Jiu.

And the other party had an extremely serious look on his face, and said:

"Senior brother, how about this matter or let my brother come forward first?"

As he spoke, Uncle Nine put the golden needle that Ye Tian had borrowed from him into the other party's hand.

"Hahaha! Lin Fengjiao! I heard you right! It's up to you! And try to compete with me! I don't know how to live or die! "

Uncle Nine ignored Shi Jian's taunt, but looked at Ye Tian with a determined face.


Ye Tian didn't say anything, simply agreed, and then turned around and retreated to the rear.

It can be seen that Uncle Nine is completely obsessed with doing this.

"Senior brother, you're not his opponent!"

Shi Jian's strength was very clear to several people, and Aunt Sue saw that Uncle Nine was going to fight Shi Jian, and shouted anxiously.

"Yes, senior brother, don't do it!"

Seeing this, the Thousand Crane Daoist and the Four Eyes Dao people also spoke out on the side.

"You don't have to persuade me!"

Hearing this, Uncle Nine just waved his hand, then walked up to Shi Jian and said:

"Senior brother, I still hope that you can get lost and find your way, and don't make mistakes again and again!"

"Lin Fengjiao, who gave you the courage to dare to say these words to me!"

Shi Jian's thunder and lightning appeared, pointing to Shi Shaojian's corpse on the ground, and roared angrily:

"You killed my child, and today I will sacrifice your life for him!"

After saying that, Shi Jian punched out, and bursts of thunder and lightning came out.

The face door of the ninth uncle in the straight middle!


A peachwood sword instantly appeared in Uncle Jiu's hand, blocking Shi Jian's attack!

But he was really beaten back a few steps one after another, and his body's qi and blood were also shaken and rolled.

"Senior brother!"

Aunt Sue was worried about the safety of Uncle Nine and shouted.

And Uncle Nine just waved his hand and didn't say anything more.

Seeing this, Ye Tian stopped the anxious three people around him and said:

"Senior Brother Lin's obsession is too deep, let's not interfere!"

"Hmm. That's all there is to it! "

Hearing this, the Four-Eyed Daoist and the Thousand Crane Daoist nodded.

And Aunt Sue was still full of anxiety, but she didn't continue to speak, but anxiously watched the battle from the sidelines.



For a time, the entire courtyard was full of thunder and lightning.

Ye Tian pulled out the eighteen golden needles together, forming a huge golden barrier.

Blocked the three of them behind the barrier.

And those surging thunder and lightning were instantly absorbed by the eighteen golden needles and baptized the needle body.

After all, his strength is not as good as Shi Jian's cultivation, and he has fought against him several times.

Although Uncle Nine had already used all his strength to fight against the opponent's lightning and thunder fist.

But it was already showing a rout, and Raiden's attack had already caused many wounds on him.

Even with the five-hundred-year-old lightning peachwood sword given by his master, he began to gradually be unable to resist Shi Jian's attack.

"Hahaha! Lin Fengjiao! If you don't try your best to confront me, you're simply looking for death! "

Shi Jian laughed uncontrollably, and then flew into the air, turning his right hand into a fist, as if it had boundless shocking power.

Attacked in the direction of Uncle Nine again.


I only heard a muffled sound, and Uncle Jiu's figure flashed to the side in an instant.

And Shi Jian slammed his fist on the ground.

A deep pit emitting black smoke instantly appeared in front of the eyes of several people.

Uncle Nine flashed aside, the talisman in his hand flew out, and then flames flew out in unison.


Shi Jian roared angrily, and with a punch, that blue lightning bolt instantly lingered on that flame.

"Burning Flames!"

At this time, most of the flames had been crushed by lightning, and Uncle Jiu's hands were constantly sealed, and the mana around him was activated.


In an instant, the flames that had almost dissipated turned into a giant web of flames in an instant.

It seems to have the momentum of burning the world, and it goes straight to Shijian.


Shi Jian didn't expect that at this time, the ninth uncle, who only had the strength of a fourth-grade heavenly master, would be able to use such a powerful spell.

Before he could dodge, he was instantly pounced on by the huge net of flames.

The hard battle between Uncle Nine and Shi Jian, the four people present were very worried.

Although the giant net of flames temporarily trapped Shi Jian to the ground, anyone could see that the mana of Uncle Jiu's body was rapidly weakening.



The stone was covered by a huge net of flames, and the lightning on his body turned into a huge barrier, completely isolating the flames from his body.


I only heard a roar from Shi Jian, and the figure that was originally pressed to the ground burst out in an instant.

The huge net of flames was instantly blasted into residual flames by Shi Jian's thunder and lightning, and huge waves of qi continued to emerge, setting off boundless smoke and dust.


Uncle Nine was knocked away by the air wave and fell heavily to the ground.

The mana of his body quickly collapsed, clutching his injured and painful chest, and coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"Lin Fengjiao, go die!"

I saw that Shi Jian at this time was like a devil who came out of hell.

The original high bun had suddenly disappeared, and the gray hair was scattered over the shoulders.

The eyes full of murderous intent had turned blood-red, and all the thunder and lightning on his body had emerged.

looked at the ninth uncle who knelt on the ground, and in the blink of an eye, he flashed in front of him like an arrow from the string.

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