"Senior brother, it's going to be one night!"

Ye Tian directly threw Shi Jian into the utility room in Yizhuang, and even the corpse of Shi Shaojian was also pasted with a corpse suppression charm and put aside.

Shi Jian's eyes were full of anger, but it was a pity that Ye Tian blocked his meridians and couldn't speak.

But his cheeks were already flushed, and the green tendons seemed to burst out.

"Uncle Master, Uncle Master won't run out, will he?"

Although Shi Jian already looked like a waste person at this time, in the hearts of Qiusheng and the others, he was still a very terrifying existence.

"He? I don't have that ability! "

Ye Tian didn't even want to look at Shi Jian more, then closed the door of the utility room and commanded:

"Go back and feed him some liquid food every other hour, and don't worry about the rest!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi!"

Ye Tian nodded, then turned around and came to the hall of Yizhuang.

At this time, the Four-Eyed Daoist, the Thousand Crane Daoist and the Sue Gu had already bandaged their wounds.

Several of them were injured by Shi Jian's stake Dafa, but fortunately, with Ye Tian's immediate action, the injuries were not very serious.

In comparison, Uncle Nine's situation is a bit serious.

In a fierce battle with Shi Jian, many bones in Uncle Jiu's body have been broken.

The whole body was covered with wounds of all sizes, and Aunt Cane was beside her while applying ointment to it, and at the same time she was sad and shed tears.

"Senior sister, don't cry, I'm not dead!"

"Phew! Who wants to cry you, something without conscience! "

Aunt Sue scolded loudly when she heard this, but she still carefully bandaged Uncle Jiu's wounds, for fear of hurting the other party.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I'll get some special ointment when I go back, Senior Brother Lin's injuries will heal soon!"

"Senior Brother Ye, I'm going to trouble you a lot!"

"My own brother, it should be so!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and continued:

"Senior brother, I will temporarily be placed in the utility room, and I will send it to Gejia Town tomorrow morning, a few senior brothers will recuperate well, don't worry!"

"Don't worry, our brothers are blessed with great lives, and they can't die!"

As he spoke, the four-eyed Daoist did not forget to take a bite of the Gathering Spirit Fruit that Ye Tian had once given.

The aura is rapidly replenishing, and the injury is obviously weakening.

"You old boy, don't say bring it to your senior brother to taste!"

Seeing this, Aunt Sue stepped forward angrily, and was about to snatch the Gathering Spirit Fruit in the hands of the Four-Eyed Daoist.

"Senior sister! What are you doing! Didn't Senior Brother Lin eat one! It's mine! Don't rob it! "

Seeing this, the four-eyed Daoist hurriedly took the Gathering Spirit Fruit into his arms, for fear of being snatched by Aunt Cane.

"Phew, you think I'm really going to rob it!"

Aunt Sue glanced at the four-eyed Taoist angrily, then looked at Ye Tian, and said:

"Go back and report to Yan Yan that she is safe, she must be waiting in the hospital in a hurry!"

"Good! Then you guys have a good rest! "

After saying that, Ye Tian nodded, turned around and walked out of the Yizhuang compound.

"Senior Brother Lin, would you like to give you a bite?"

Although Aunt Sue just said that she would not snatch her Gathering Spirit Fruit, the four-eyed Daoist saw the other party's resentful eyes.

Still trembling, he took out the Gathering Spirit Fruit again, and asked Uncle Nine in a low voice.

"Pull it down! I don't know how much money I have to be blackmailed by you! Don't eat! "

Seeing this, Uncle Nine tilted his head angrily, unwilling to deal with the other party anymore.


"You're finally back!"

At this time, Hua Yanyan was restless in the medical hall, and even the lightning mink bean was lying on the table waiting for Ye Tian's return.

Seeing the familiar figure walking into the medical hall, Hua Yanyan instantly threw herself into Ye Tian's arms and sobbed quietly.



Doudou watched Ye Tian return, and he was also full of joy.

jumped on Ye Tian's shoulder in a few steps, and kept pushing his furry head against Ye Tian's neck, very happy.

"Don't worry, it's all settled!"

Ye Tian stroked Hua Yanyan's back and said softly.

"Do you know, I was scared to death just now!"

Hua Yanyan sobbed and whispered:

"There were explosions and fights from that end of the town just now, and I was afraid that you would be in some danger!"

"Afraid of what? Big brother can't beat me! "

Ye Tian wiped away Hua Yanyan's tears with a smile, and said with a smile:

"Go and get some ointment in the medicine box, senior brothers and sisters are all injured, you go and take a look!"

"Huh? Good! "

Originally, she wanted to say a few more words to Ye Tian, but when Hua Yanyan heard this, she immediately ran to the side.

He took out a few medicine bottles from the medicine box and said:

"You have a good rest, I'll go first!"

"Well, go ahead!"

Perhaps it was fate that Shi Jian finally went astray and ended up in disrepute.

However, the difference from the movie is that Shi Jian's life was preserved, and he did not lose his life in Renjiazhen like in the movie.

Now there is only one way to send it to Gejia Town as soon as possible and hand it over to the two hall masters of the Maoshan Torture Hall.

This matter can be regarded as the real end.

The next day, Ye Tian came to Yizhuang early.

At this time, Shi Jian was already weak, where was he still high-spirited and arrogant.

Looking at this scene, everyone didn't know what to say.

Ye Tian and the others had a fierce battle in Renjia Town yesterday.

Ren Fa learned that Ye Tian was going to escort Shi Jian to Gejia Town, so he specially arranged a good carriage for the other party to use.

"Senior Brother Ye, this trip to the far door, thank you for your hard work!"

Seeing that the bodies of Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian were placed in the carriage, Uncle Nine then turned to Wen Cai and said:

"Catch the car on the road, listen to your uncle's words, don't make trouble, do you hear clearly?"

"Master, don't worry! I promise to complete the mission! "

After all, he and Ye Tian have been out of the road several times, and for Wencai, there will be no problems at all.

"Well, be careful on the road and stay safe!"

Uncle Nine nodded, and the four-eyed Daoist also followed aside.

"You'll be back soon!"

Hua Yanyan took Ye Tian's palm and said with some reluctance.

This time, Ye Tian was responsible for escorting Shi Jian to the master of the Maoshan Torture Hall, which was a very important matter.

Therefore, Hua Yanyan is also very knowledgeable, and she has no intention of following, but stays in Yizhuang to take care of the lives of Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue.

"Don't worry, take good care of my senior brother at home, senior sister!"

Ye Tian gently patted Hua Yanyan's pink cheek and said with a smile.

"Alright, alright! It's never too late to get tired of turning back, so let's get on the road! "

Aunt Sue angrily walked up to Hua Yanyan and Ye Tian and pulled away, and then told Ye Tian to say:

"Stay safe on the road!"

"Hmmm! Let's all go back! "

Ye Tian agreed, and then drove the carriage with Wencai to quickly leave Renjia Town and head towards Gejia Town.

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