"What? Envious? "

Looking at Wen Cai's appearance with gold stars in his eyes, Ye Tian said jokingly:

"The impression of the two hall masters is very different!"

"Hey, I know!"

Wen Cai nodded helplessly when he heard this, sighed and said:

"Who makes me stupid and always causes trouble for the master!"

"If you know that your brain is stupid, you have to practice more diligently! Senior brother also pointed to you and Qiusheng to inherit his mantle! "

Ye Tian put on a serious expression and reprimanded in a low voice.

"Hey, got it! Got it! "

Wen Cai grimaced, then pointed to his stomach and said aggrievedly:

"Uncle Shi, can we eat something first, I'm going to starve to death after nearly two days of traveling!"

"You guy!"

Seeing Wen Cai behaving like this again, Ye Tian was also helpless.

However, he still agreed to the other party and drove the carriage into Gejia Town.

Gejia Town and Renjia Town are about the same level of prosperity, but the ground is much smaller.

There are only a handful of decent restaurants, and after finding a restaurant that looks good, Ye Tian walked over.

"Oops! The two of them are objective, whether they eat or stay in the hotel! "

Seeing Ye Tian in front, there was a companion behind him driving the carriage.

A chubby middle-aged man at the door walked up quickly, with a smile on his face.

"Eat and stay at the hotel!"

"Okay, you two please!"

As soon as he heard this, the middle-aged man happily introduced Ye Tian into the restaurant and shouted to the guy behind him:

"Xiao Wu, hurry up, find a seat for the two guest officers, and go to feed the fodder after someone stops the carriage! Hurry up! "

"Yes! Boss Zhu! "

"You please, you please!"

Saying that, Boss Zhu took Ye Tian and Wencai to the second floor with a smile on his face.

At this time, the restaurant was almost full, so I found a place to sit down by the window.

"You two are from out of town, right? What to eat? Would you like me to introduce us? "

Ye Tian didn't understand why this Boss Zhu was so polite to the two of them, but after thinking about it carefully, maybe it was because of the carriage.

The two carriages borrowed by Ren Fa are exquisitely made and the materials are exquisite.

And the horses are sturdy, and their fur is shiny, which is really of the highest quality.

The more important corpse Yetian is gentle and elegant, with a dignified appearance, just like the son of a family.

Boss Zhu has been running a restaurant for many years, and he is still very good at clothing and character.

Therefore, he will be so attentive to Ye Tian and the others, and personally entertain the two of them for dinner.

"Well, pick the most famous one and send it up!"

After that, Ye Tian directly threw ten pieces of ocean to Boss Zhu and continued:

"I'm opening two rooms for us, and we're going to go to the room!"

"Okay! Wait a minute, I'll do it for you! "

Sure enough, the smile on Boss Zhu's face became even brighter after seeing these ten oceans.

At that moment, he excitedly agreed again and again, and ran downstairs quickly.

Sure enough, the treatment of more money is different.

Several tables of guests next door were anxiously waiting for the dishes, and Ye Tian's table here was already full of various delicacies.

Although there is still a gap between the dishes of this restaurant and those in Renjia Town, it can be said that it is quite good.

In less than a moment, most of the dishes on the table had been wiped out.

Wen Cai was like a bottomless pit, still constantly stuffing food into his mouth.

"Eat slowly, be careful of choking you!"

"Uncle Shi, I'm hungry!"

While eating the chicken legs, Wen Cai did not forget to put the vegetables into the bowl, and puffed out his mouth and said:

"Besides, it's not easy to come out with Uncle Shi once, you can't eat more!"

"Look at your worthless appearance!"

Ye Tian glanced at Wen Cai, poured a cup of Longjing, and slowly tasted it.

"The taste is average, and the tea fragrance is not pure!"

At this time, on the other side of the second floor of the restaurant, a chubby young man stood up with an angry face, slapped the table and shouted loudly:

"There's a kind of going out with me alone, I'm waiting for you at the door, and it's the turtle grandson who doesn't come out!"

"Bao, wait for me!"

Seeing that the fat young man named Ah Bao rushed down to the second floor, a thin young man also ran out.

"Uncle Shi, there's going to be a fight over there!"

At this time, the entire second floor was watching the good show over there, and Wen Cai also put down the chicken leg in his hand and looked at it excitedly.

"Don't worry too much, eat well!"

"Oh, yes!"

With that, Wen Cai sat back and continued to eat.

And Ye Tian looked at what had just happened from afar, and he always felt very familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Mage, what now!"

At this time, a young man with a sharp-beaked monkey cheek and a black mole on his chin was a little panicked.

He is a well-known gentleman in Gejia Town, Shi Gongzi, who likes to bully men and women on weekdays, and does all kinds of evil.

Just now, because of these things, I was singled out by Ah Bao.

Now that he has fallen into a situation where it is difficult to ride a tiger, Shi Gongzi has no choice but to ask an old man beside him for help.

The old man's dress did not look like that of the Central Plains, and his body was covered with all kinds of beads.

A pair of gray curly hair fell over his shoulders, and he looked a little vicious.

"Hehe, don't be afraid!"

The old man smiled slightly, bent down, and lifted a basket at his feet.



I saw a little monkey crawl out of the basket, and when he saw the old man in front of him, he climbed onto the table.

"What does this mean, mage?"

"Shi Gongzi, don't worry!"

The old man smiled slightly, and then spread out his palms and placed them in front of the little monkey.



The little monkey seemed to be chewing something in his mouth, and then spit out a black pill and fell into the old man's palm.


"Huh? Swallow! "

Shi Gongzi was shocked, thinking of the appearance of the little monkey spit it out just now, and it was difficult to swallow for a while.

"Hey, swallow it, it's as nimble as a monkey!"

As he spoke, the old man couldn't help but glance downstairs and said with a smile:

"If you don't eat, you'll become a turtle grandson!"

"His grandmother's, just eat it!"

As soon as he heard the old man say this, Shi Gongzi suddenly had courage.

He closed his eyes and shoved the pill into his mouth and swallowed it.


Suddenly, Shi Gongzi shuddered all over.

Then a faint red light appeared in his eyes, and his hands began to move agitated, scratching his ears and cheeks.


I saw that Shi Gongzi jumped down the stairs one by one, and his skills were as nimble as a monkey.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian finally remembered why this scene was so familiar.

It is the plot of the movie "Ghost Bites Ghost"!

The old man who helped Shi Gongzi was a head descender in Nanyang!

"Uncle Shi, what did that old man give that guy to eat just now, why are you so flexible?"

The scene of Shi Gongzi turning over and jumping off the second floor was seen by many people.

Looking at this scene, Wen Cai hurriedly asked Ye Tian beside him curiously.

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