"Hah! Doctor Ye! "

After seeing the face of the person at the door clearly, Ning Shuang's originally curious expression instantly showed extremely happiness and excitement.

Immediately, he put down the wooden sword in his hand that he was using to practice, and flew to Ye Tian's approach, spitting out the aroma.

"Doctor Ye, I'm not mistaken! It's really you! "

Ningshuang smiled brightly and smiled happily.

A pair of hands just grabbed Ye Tian's shoulders, for fear that he was dreaming.

"Frost girl, long time no see!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly and opened his mouth to answer.

"My God, how beautiful a girl is, it has something to do with my uncle!"

Wen Cai saw that such a beautiful girl as Ning Shuang had an extremely friendly attitude towards Ye Tian, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, who are you?"

"Ha, my name is Wencai, and I am Uncle Ye's nephew!"

Wen Cai nodded politely to Ning Shuang, but found that after the other party just glanced at him, he put all his energy on Ye Tian.


Uncle Shi's peach blossom debt is estimated to have to add another one...

"Xiaoshuang, don't just stand here, go cook some food with Xiaohai, I'm going to have a drink with Doctor Ye tonight!"

"Yes, Dad, I'll go! Hee-hee! "

Ning Shuang agreed, and ran into the kitchen with Xiaohai quickly, ready for dinner.

"Brother Dao, I ate with Wen Cai just now, don't be so troublesome!"

"Then how can I do it, I came to this Gejia Town, and I helped Ah Bao so much, I have to do my landlord's friendship if you say anything!"

When Ao Tianlong heard Ye Tian say this, he immediately put on a serious expression and continued:

"By the way, didn't I just say that anything you like in this hall can be taken, and I will never blink."

"Hey... I'm afraid your daughter will be taken away. "

"What did you say?"

Wen Cai muttered in a low voice on the side, but unexpectedly, Ao Tianlong heard half of the sentence and asked curiously.

"Haha! Nothing, nothing! "

"If you don't speak, no one will sell you as a dumb person!"

What Wen Cai said, Ao Tianlong may not have heard it clearly, but Ye Tian heard it clearly.

Then he glared at the other party fiercely, and said in a cold voice:

"Go help cook!"

"Yes, yes, I'll go!"

When Wen Cai heard this, if he was amnesty, he immediately ran into the kitchen quickly.

"Come, Dr. Ye, let's talk!"

"Okay, Brother Dao, please!"

Aotian Long can now be said to be a guest to Ye Tian, and he took Ye Tian's wrist and came to the hall and chatted happily.

Soon, Ah Bao also ran back, and it was said that he had discussed the preparations for the marriage with Boss Zhu.

As long as the auspicious day is chosen, you can visit the church and get married.

I have to say that the food made by Ning Shuang can be described as extremely rich and delicious, even if Ye Tian and Wen Cai have already eaten in the restaurant.

I couldn't help but pick up the chopsticks again and enjoy it.

"Doctor Ye, come, try this!"

"Doctor Ye, eat this!"

"Doctor Ye, you're welcome, if you don't have enough food, I'll make some for you!"


Seeing that the dishes in front of Ye Tian were already piled up with various dishes, Ao Tianlong and the others were completely dumbfounded.

"Little Senior Sister, you haven't given us so many dishes on weekdays!"

"Yes, little sister, it's a little unfair!"

Although Ning Shuang's age is younger than that of Ah Bao and Xiao Hai, the two of them apprenticed very late in the world.

Therefore, the title of Ning Frost has become the word "little sister".

Seeing that Ye Tian, who had been chattering all day long, finally appeared, he was enthusiastic about it.

Ah Bao and Xiao Hai couldn't help but glance at each other, and joked with a wicked smile.

"Dr. Ye is a guest, what's wrong with me being nice to others?"

Ning Shuang glanced at the two of them angrily, and then pointed to the noses of the two, and said dissatisfiedly:

"If you have something to eat, you can't stop your mouth, if you don't eat, don't eat it!"

"Ahem! We eat, we can't eat? "

"Eat, eat, stop talking!"

The two knew that they were not the opponents of this frost, so they immediately buried their heads in eating, not daring to make fun of each other again.

Ye Tian looked at this scene, waved his hand and said politely:

"Miss Frost, you've given me a lot of dishes, and I'm almost out of food!"

"Doctor Ye, how many times have I told you, just call me Xiaoshuang!"

"Ha, Xiaoshuang girl, you are so enthusiastic about my uncle, do you like my uncle!"

Wen Cai watched the scene that happened just now, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

Seeing this, Ao Tianlong instantly stopped his originally happy smile and looked at Ning Shuang in surprise.

And Ah Bao and Xiao Hai no longer continued to bury their heads in eating, and raised their heads cautiously.

Frost's cheeks suddenly turned crimson, and she left the table in embarrassment and ran into the kitchen.

"I think you're itchy on the skin, aren't you? Nothing nonsense! "

Seeing that the originally cheerful atmosphere had become so embarrassing, Ye Tian slapped Wen Cai's head vigorously and said coldly.

"Uncle Shi! I'm just kidding, nothing else! "

Wen Cai covered his high swollen head and begged for mercy, then turned to look at Ao Tianlong, and hurriedly explained:

"Uncle Ao, I'm joking, I don't mean to tease Xiaoshuang's sister!"

"Haha, out of the way, out of the way!"

Aotianlong smiled and waved his hand, and continued:

"Young people joking together, it's no big deal!"

With that, he turned and shouted in the direction of the kitchen:

"Xiaoshuang, come back, Wen Cai is joking with you!"

"Well, good!"

Frost replied and slowly walked out of the kitchen.

Although his cheeks had regained their fair appearance, they became a little twisted, and they were not as enthusiastic as they were just now.

"Xiaoshuang, my nephew is open-mouthed, don't take it to heart!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Ning Shuang glanced up and saw Ye Tian looking at him with a smile on his face.

The mood that had just calmed down instantly became a little restless again.

The awkward atmosphere was quickly relieved, and everyone began to laugh and laugh again.

Only Ning Frost would cautiously peek at Ye Tian from time to time.

And all of this was seen by the Aotian Dragon on the other side of the table.


"Mage, you have to give me this bad breath this time! Otherwise, I don't have the face to continue to stay in Gejia Town! "

At this time, Shi Gongzi stood in the room and paced back and forth, covering his chest that was still aching and the hot pain that could still be felt on his face, and couldn't help but scold!

"Shi Gongzi, although I didn't see that young man beating you today.

But judging by your injuries, it's very likely that guy is a kung fu practitioner! "

The head bearer swung some strange porcelain vases in front of the table, as if he were mixing something.

A strange smell spread through the room, and it smelled unpleasant.

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