At this time, the atmosphere in the hall can be described as very tense.

Ye Tian did not answer Ren Fa's question, but carefully looked at the other party's cold face, and said:

"Master Ren, if there is nothing to do, I will leave!"

"That's good, don't send it!"

Ren Fa didn't politely stay, stood up, threw down his sleeves, and opened his mouth to send off the guests.

"Sir! Master! Catch a thief! "

At this time, a family member ran in quickly, came to Ren Fa, and hurriedly reported the situation.


Ren Fa was a little surprised, and said in a deep voice:

"Pull it out and beat it, let it be thrown out of the house, such a trivial thing will also bother me, waste!"

"Yes! Be! "

Seeing that Ren Fa was very angry and turned around and walked towards the second floor, the family didn't dare to hesitate, and hurriedly nodded in response.

Seeing this, Ye Tian called out to the family who was about to turn around and go out, and asked in a low voice:

"Excuse me, how many days has Master Ren's temperament changed greatly, did anything special happen before?"


Hearing this, Ding looked at the second floor with some fear, and saw that Ren Fa had returned to the room, so he replied cautiously:

"Doctor Ye, let's go out and talk!"


After saying that, Jia Ding pulled Ye Tian and walked out of the hall.

Seeing that there was no one around, the family let go of his courage this time and whispered:

"To be honest, I also think that something is wrong with our master, and he looks like a different person!

It used to be approachable, but now it looks very fierce! "

After that, Jia Ding took a few deep breaths and continued:

"By the way, our master has changed his appearance since he came back from Qiaojiazhuang last time.

Doctor Ye, you are a master of Maoshan Mountain, what is going on with our master, can you see it? "

"Well, I haven't seen any clues yet."

Ye Tian didn't want to explain too much, so he thanked him a few words, then turned around and left Ren's mansion.

"Strange, strange, even Doctor Ye can't see it, what's going on?"

"Xiao Wang, the thief is gone!"


At this moment, another family member came and spoke hurriedly.

"It's broken, hurry up and look around, if the master knows, he will definitely punish us!"

"Good, good! Let's split up! "

For a while, the Ren Mansion began to search for the whereabouts of the thief.

And after Ye Tian came out of Ren's Mansion, he headed in the direction of the medical hall.

"Doudou, are you sure?"



Doudou nodded repeatedly, with a look of fear in his eyes.

It seems that the evil that is attached to Ren Fa's body makes Doudou have a strong intention.

"Senior brother, how is the situation?"

Uncle Nine had been waiting for Ye Tian's news in the medical hall, and when he saw him walk in, he hurriedly stepped forward to ask in a whisper.

"It can be determined that the old man Ren is indeed possessed by evil spirits, and his strength is very strong!"

Ye Tian nodded, placed Doudou on the table, and explained:

"But like you, I didn't notice the evil aura on that master.

Only Doudou noticed something unusual, and he was very afraid! "



Doudou nodded desperately, and the hair all over his body stood up straight, scurrying back and forth.

"How so? It's hard to do now! "

Uncle Nine frowned and sat back in his chair, shook his head and said:

"We have to think of a way to expel the evil spirit from Master Ren, but we can't force it, so as not to hurt Master Ren's life!"

"Indeed, we must first find out where this evil came from!"

Ye Tian nodded and replied, agreeing with Uncle Jiu's opinion.

Scold... Scold...

Just when the two of them were very troubled by the affairs of this family, a figure appeared at the door.

I saw a very obese middle-aged man lying on his stomach at the door of the medical hall, covered in blood, and shouted weakly:

"Doctor, save me... Save me... "

"What's going on?"

Uncle Nine was shocked and hurriedly helped the middle-aged man to the medical hall, while Ye Tian looked at the middle-aged man with a surprised expression.

His injuries were not light, although there were several wounds on his body that were bleeding constantly.

But the most deadly thing was the fist-sized blood hole in the lower abdomen.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tianer didn't say a word, and instantly clicked on several degrees on the middle-aged man.

A wisp of aura slowly entered the middle-aged man's body, temporarily protecting his heart.

"Senior brother, this wound is very weird!"

Seeing that Ye Tian began to treat the wound on the middle-aged man's lower abdomen with a golden needle, Uncle Nine pointed to the scratch on the other party's arm, and hurriedly said:

"These wounds are all dug out by sharp claws, but there is no evil breath, something is wrong!"

"Doctor, doctor!"

The middle-aged man noticed the aura that Ye Tiandu had entered his body, and his eyes showed a look of hope.

Then he pointed in the direction outside the door and said with difficulty:

"Oh my God... The Ghost King... The ghost king is in office... Ren family... "

After saying this, the middle-aged man's eyes rolled and he fainted in an instant.

"Ghost King?"

Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu were both shocked, it seemed that this middle-aged man was very likely to be the same as the two of them, and they both noticed Ren Fa's abnormality.

And he also knows very well what kind of evil is possessed by Ren Fa!

It's just that the two of them don't know the identity of this middle-aged man.

But what is certain is that this person must be from the Xuanmen, and he has just fought hard with Ren Fa, that is, the ghost king!

Could it be the thief?

Ye Tian had a picture of what had happened in the Ren Mansion just now in his mind.

It seems that as long as this person is rescued now, we can know what happened to this Ren Fa!

Soon, Ye Tian pulled the middle-aged man's life back from the ghost gate.

It's just that this middle-aged man was seriously injured and bleeding profusely.

At this time, although there was no danger to his life, he was still in a coma.

If you want to get this specific news now, you can only ask when he wakes up.

"Senior brother, when will this person wake up?"

For the affairs of the Ren family, it has always been a pimple in Uncle Jiu's heart.

Seeing that Ye Tian placed him on the hospital bed, he asked cautiously.

"Tomorrow at the earliest!"

Ye Tian opened his mouth to answer, and then walked to the front of the medical hall, and his fingertips moved.

The true fire of samadhi instantly appeared in front of me.


With that, Ye Tian flew out of the Samadhi True Fire and landed on the ground.

The blood of the middle-aged man remaining on the ground was completely burned dry by the Samadhi True Fire in an instant, without a trace.

Seeing this, Ye Tian returned to the house with satisfaction and said:

"Now this fat man is the key to solving all the puzzles, and I can't let the ghost king who is attached to Master Ren find out that he has come to me!"

After that, Ye Tian carried the middle-aged man on his shoulders and said:

"Right now, it's the most appropriate thing to send him to Senior Brother's Yizhuang."

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