"Brother Ye!"

Holding the Gathering Spirit Fruit in her hand, Hua Yanyan shouted anxiously.

But there was still a shadow of Ye Tian and Steward Liu in front of him, only the residual ghost qi and the breath of the Samadhi True Fire burning.

"Yan Yan, quickly bring the Spirit Gathering Fruit!"

Seeing Hua Yanyan in a daze, Uncle Nine shouted loudly behind him.

Although he was the same as Hua Yanyan, he didn't understand why Ye Tian still had such a spirit gathering fruit.

But right now, Aunt Sue is critically injured, and she can't afford to think about anything else.


Listening to Uncle Jiu's anxious shout, Hua Yanyan reacted to what had happened.

At that moment, he hurriedly ran to the front and handed over the Gathering Spirit Fruit to the hands of the Ninth Uncle.

Aunt Sue was now covered in blood, and the complexion on her face had turned pale because of the severity of her injuries.

There is more gas out, less air intake, I am afraid that if I delay any longer, my life will be difficult to survive!

Uncle Nine didn't say a word, and reached out to take the Gathering Spirit Fruit in Hua Yanyan's hand.

Then he pinched it hard, and the Gathering Spirit Fruit was crushed into pieces by Uncle Nine in an instant.

The cyan juice slipped from Uncle Jiu's hand and flowed into Aunt Sue's slightly open mouth.



As the Juling juice water slowly flowed into Aunt Sue's mouth, a stream of warm currents poured into Aunt Sue's whole body, and finally converged at the dantian.

And the wound that was still bleeding also emitted a little cyan light at this time.

The blood stopped flowing, and it began to slowly scab over.

Aunt Sue's face was not as weak and pale as just now, and gradually became a little ruddy.


Although Aunt Cane closed her eyes tightly, her face was painful.

But the breathing was much heavier, and a long turbid breath was exhaled, and Aunt Sue's eyes opened slightly.

"Senior brother... Am I not dead? "

Aunt Sue muttered to herself, looking at Uncle Nine and Hua Yanyan in front of her, a little unable to believe her eyes.

"Senior sister, don't speak."

Looking at Aunt Sue's painful expression, Uncle Nine seemed to feel like a knife in his heart.

Without saying a word at the moment, he gently opened Aunt Sue's mouth, and stuffed all the minced flesh of the Gathering Spirit Fruit into Aunt Sue's mouth.



After swallowing the flesh of this Gathering Spirit Fruit, Su Gu obviously felt that the vitality was slowly entering her body.

For a while, the whole body seemed to be fluttering, and it was no longer as painful as just now.

Seeing that Aunt Cane's complexion had recovered a lot, Hua Yanyan happily grabbed Aunt Cane's hand and said excitedly:

"Auntie, you're fine, great! That's great! "

"You two waste, why don't you come over and help!"

When Uncle Nine saw Aunt Sue's change, he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Then he turned his head to look at Qiusheng and Wencai, who were slumped on the ground not far away, and scolded loudly.

It can be said that the qualifications of Qiusheng and Wencai are really poor, not only poor, but also extremely timid.

Some time ago, the two seemed to have made some progress and efforts, but now it seems that it is just in vain.

couldn't help but have the idea of accepting apprentices in Uncle Jiu's heart.

You must not pass on your skills to these two apprentices who have not become talented!

"Oh... Oh... "

Qiusheng and Wencai reacted to what was happening, and hurriedly got up and helped Aunt Sue back to the room.

"Yan Yan, my junior sister's situation is fine, I have to catch up with my junior brother now and help him!"

"Uncle Nine, you must be careful!"

Hua Yanyan knew the seriousness of this matter, pulled Uncle Jiu's arm, and anxiously advised.

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring Senior Brother Ye back to you safely!"

Uncle Nine nodded, let go of Hua Yanyan's palm at the moment, and ran out of Yizhuang with a quick step, heading in the direction where Ye Tian ran away just now.

"Brother Ye, Uncle Jiu, you must come back safely!"

Hua Yanyan had tears in her eyes, looking at the direction where those people had disappeared, and a deep sense of worry rose in her heart.

On the other side, on the back mountain outside Renjia Town, a fierce battle is taking place!



Several battles in a row have caused gravel to roll on the mountainside of the back mountain, and smoke and dust have filled the mountainside.

Steward Liu, who was possessed by the Ghost King, obviously felt exhausted, and stared at Ye Tian opposite with a pair of eyes, panting heavily.

And Ye Tian tried his best to calm the qi and blood surging in his chest and adjust his breathing.

After all, it has not been sealed hundreds of times, and his body has been injured.

Otherwise, Ye Tian believed that with his ability at this time, it was still unknown whether he could defeat this ghost king!

"Whew... Call... "

Looking at Ye Tian opposite, Steward Liu covered his chest that was injured again, and said angrily:

"Stinky boy, I have no grievances with you Maoshan, why do you want to go against me!"


Ye Tian smiled coldly, and the golden samadhi true fire instantly ignited around his body, and said angrily:

"You possessed Master Ren's body, trying to do evil and bring harm to the world.

If you are not eliminated as soon as possible, you will eventually have the day when your strength will be restored, and then there will be deaths and injuries all over the field, and the lives will be ruined!

Do you think I'll allow that day to come? "

After speaking, Ye Tian flew up again, his body full of qi and blood.

Both fists come out together, as if they can break through the air barrier.

With the fierce samadhi true fire and the sky-high qi and blood, he went straight to the housekeeper Liu.

"Bastard! Bastard! "

At this time, Steward Liu was also angry, if it wasn't for the fact that his strength had not recovered, he would be injured.

How could he be so despised and attacked by a Maoshan Taoist priest in the realm of a Heavenly Master.

In other words, just a seven-rank heavenly master, Ghost King Steward Liu may still have the confidence to defeat the other party.

But what I didn't expect was that it was such a seven-rank heavenly master!

It was able to summon such a powerful samadhi fire!

Its momentum is so strong, even a master of the real realm cannot be so strong!

In particular, Ye Tian's method of summoning the true fire of Samadhi became more and more proficient, as if he didn't need to chant mantras and draw talismans.

You can easily get your hands on it, and it's getting stronger and stronger!

Seeing that Ye Tian was about to approach, Steward Liu flew up and jumped up.

A pitch-black ghost aura burst out, turning into black pythons, shaking their huge bodies and heading straight towards Ye Tian.



Samadhi True Fire fought against the ghost qi, and burst into bursts of roar.

For a moment, the entire mountain behind seemed to be shaking, and the residents of the town far away seemed to be able to hear the earth-shattering movement.

One by one, they looked curiously at the back mountain, inexplicably curious in their hearts.

"Nether Cage!"

Seeing that the python that had turned into its own yin qi had been devoured by the samadhi true fire, most of it had been devoured!

Steward Liu roared angrily, and then burst out again with a more powerful and rich ghost aura!



For a moment, Ye Tian's body and feet were covered with black ghost aura.

The ghosts began to twist and roll!

It turned into a huge black cage, trapping Ye Tian in it, and the wind gusted.

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