"What? Do you want to do it with me? "

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei glaring at him with anger on his face, Ye Tian couldn't help but smile secretly in his heart, but his face was very cold.

"No... I'm not going to do anything with you! "

Although Zhang Zhiwei is very strong, he has to judge the situation more than his junior brother Zhang Huaiyi after all.

The other party is a master of the real realm, and he will definitely not be his opponent, but he is still undiminished, and said lightly:

"I just hope that Brother Ye Dao can hand over my traitor to Longhu Mountain to me, I still say the same thing, he will be punished as he deserves!"

"Uh... Forehead... "

Zhang Kui watched the scene that happened just now, and his heart was extremely anxious.

However, he was sealed by Ye Tian with Zhenqi many acupoints and meridians, and he couldn't say anything at all.

I could only look at the two of them with a flushed face, and some sounds came out of my mouth.

And Ren Cai had long lost the strength to escape, lying on the ground covering his injured chest, unable to stand up at all.


Ye Tian pretended to be puzzled and pointed at Zhang Kui on the ground, and said with a smile:

"I don't understand, what kind of mistake did this Zhang Kui make, he actually let the Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master send his true disciple to chase after him! Isn't there some secret that no one knows? "

"Brother Ye Dao is too worried, this Zhang Kui is my inner disciple of Longhu Mountain, and the head and the elders are also optimistic about him!

Now that he has defected to his own sect, Senior Brother Huaiyi and I just want to take him back and accept the punishment he deserves! "

"In that case, you don't have to go to such trouble to take him back, he can die in my hands now!"

Ye Tian looked at Zhang Zhiwei and still refused to tell the truth, and at that moment, a golden light flew out of his fingertips.

A golden needle instantly pierced Zhang Kui's chest, sealing his heart.

With the sealing of the golden needle, Zhang Kui's face became more and more ugly, from the original red to bruised.

Both eyes seemed to burst out, and they breathed with great difficulty.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Zhiwei knew that if he delayed it any longer, he was afraid that Zhang Kui would suffocate to death because of this.

Then when the time comes, the purpose of going down the mountain with his junior brother will not be completed at all!

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhiwei immediately grabbed Ye Tian's sleeve and said in a pleading tone:

"Brother Ye Dao, please spare Zhang Kui's life, what do you want to know, I'll tell you everything!"


Ye Tian saw that Zhang Zhiwei was finally relieved, and gently picked his finger in Zhang Kui's direction.

The golden needle that sealed Zhang Kui's heart instantly flew out of his body and re-entered Ye Tian's hands.

In an instant, Zhang Kui seemed to have been reborn.

I couldn't help but take a big gulp of fresh air, and my face changed from blue purple back to red just now.

"Much more ... Thank you, Brother Ye Dao! "

Zhang Zhiwei was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect this other party's methods to be so strong.

With a raised hand, he could easily take the life of a six-rank heavenly master, and he couldn't help but look at Zhang Huaiyi, who was still unconscious on the ground, and gasped in his heart.

"Tell me, what is the secret of this Zhang Kui?"

"He stole the forbidden technique of this sect, reincarnation soul technique!"

Zhang Zhiwei knew that he couldn't hide this matter from Ye Tian, so he helplessly opened his mouth to explain.

"Reincarnation Soul Technique?"

Ye Tian was a little surprised, Ye Tian had never heard of this technique.

"The reincarnation of the soul technique is a forbidden technique in this sect, and several generations of heavenly masters have ordered that disciples of this sect are not allowed to practice such forbidden techniques, but I didn't expect it to be stolen by that Zhang Kui!"

"This forbidden technique sounds a little strange, why was it banned by your Dragon Tiger Mountain?"

"Reincarnation Soul Technique, as the name suggests, uses such forbidden techniques to achieve the purpose of reincarnation!"

Zhang Zhiwei's face was dark, and he said helplessly:

"Actually, it's a technique that allows cultivators to reincarnate!"


Ye Tian was puzzled, this method of seizing away was basically recorded in many cultivation sects or Yin and Yang families!

A spell that manipulates the dying person's body by invading his own soul into someone else's body by means of a spell to destroy his own soul!

This method of seizing and giving up can be called the art of immortality!

However, this kind of immortality technique is spurned by almost all cultivators!

Because after the seizure, the cultivator's cultivation will all disappear, even if the opponent himself has strong strength, once the seizure is successful, he will instantly turn back into an ordinary person.

Therefore, a practitioner will never adopt such a method of giving up unless he has to.

Why this Zhang Kui only aimed at this reincarnation soul technique is indeed a little puzzling!

"Brother Ye Dao's puzzlement, I know it very well!"

Seeing the confusion on Ye Tian's face, Zhang Zhiwei knew what the other party was puzzled about, so he continued to explain:

"This reincarnation of the soul technique is different from the previous reincarnation technique, when the caster takes away, not only will he not let his own cultivation disappear, on the contrary, he can also obtain all the other party's cultivation!"

"What! There is also such a forbidden technique! "

Ye Tian was extremely shocked, if he really told Zhang Zhiwei like this, he was afraid that people who cultivated such forbidden techniques could already be called immortal!

"That's right, that's why this sect has banned this technique!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and continued:

"Several generations of Heavenly Masters have thought that this technique is against the way of heaven and against human ethics, but they don't want to destroy the hard work of the first Heavenly Master, so they listed it as a forbidden technique and sealed it!

But unexpectedly, Zhang Kui inadvertently let Zhang Kui know about this matter, and he found the right time to steal this forbidden technique!

Senior Brother Huaiyi and I were ordered by the Heavenly Master, so we went down the mountain to track down Zhang Kui's whereabouts, and finally found him! "

"No wonder, no wonder your Heavenly Master attaches so much importance to this matter, and you are so nervous again!"

Ye Tian finally knew Zhang Zhiwei's distress, and couldn't help nodding in response.

"Hey, I don't want to say these things, I'm afraid that it will attract the covetousness of other sects!"

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head helplessly and continued:

"Although this forbidden technique can achieve an unusual reincarnation, the practitioner can only use it twice in his lifetime!

But even so, you can't let this forbidden technique wander out, otherwise I don't know how much trouble it will cause! "

"Kid, good!"

Ye Tian looked at Zhang Zhiwei and patted the other party's shoulder in admiration.

I couldn't help but think of the other party's gray-haired and smiling appearance again.

Immediately, with a movement in his hand, a True Qi entered Zhang Kui's body again, and then pointed at the other party and said:

"That guy's limbs have been shattered by me with real qi, and he won't be able to resist. I've removed the ban on him, so go and ask about the reincarnation of the soul technique! "

"Thank you Brother Ye Dao, Dragon Tiger Mountain will definitely remember Brother Ye Dao's kindness!"

"Don't! I'm not looking at the face of Longhu Mountain, but I appreciate you very much! "


Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised, and he didn't understand why Ye Tian would give himself this face.

But it was not the time to wonder about this matter, so he walked quickly in front of Zhang Kui and asked about the reincarnation of the soul technique.

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