"Don't say that, we will all be a family in the future, why bother to be so angry!"

Hua Yanyan looked at Ren Tingting's gratitude and respect for herself, and her heart was also very warm, holding the other party's hand, and replied with a smile.

At this time, a middle-aged woman walked up to her with some anxiety and asked:

"Miss Ren, you called us all here so late, what kind of things do you want to announce?"

"Sister Zhang, I'm really sorry, there will be a big event to announce in a while, please be patient for a while!"

"Okay then..."

Ren Tingting's attitude was also full of sincerity and apology, and this middle-aged woman didn't dare to say anything more.

After all, the other party is the helmsman of the Ren family in the provincial capital, and even if he and the others have more reluctance in their hearts, they can only swallow it in their stomachs.

After appeasing the middle-aged woman, Ren Tingting looked out of the door a little anxiously and muttered to herself:

"Hey, Brother Ye hurry up, I'm so worried!"

"Look, isn't that coming back!"

Just when Hua Yanyan wanted to open her mouth to appease Ren Tingting, suddenly a figure appeared at the door.

Then Ye Tian flashed in front of the two of them like a light and shadow, and in his hand, he was still carrying the weak Ren Cai.

"Brother Ye...

Ren Tingting was very surprised, especially after seeing Ren Cai in Ye Tian's hand, she covered her mouth and exclaimed, and said in a lost voice:

"Second uncle!"

Ren Tingting's exclamation instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Those anxious people who were already waiting stepped forward one after another, and after seeing the Ren Cai that Ye Tian was carrying in their hands, they were all dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on!

The second master of the Ren family, who was still glamorous in the last second, why did he become so embarrassed in the next second?

"Who are you! What happened to Second Master Ren! "

"yes, who the hell are you! Why is it here in the middle of the night? "


In the crowd, there was no shortage of cronies who were rich, and now they saw that their master had become like this.

For a while, everyone's suspicions were focused on Ye Tian, and they couldn't help but accuse loudly!

And the rest of the people were also very puzzled, and they didn't know Ye Tian's identity.

"Why am I here? Then you'll have to ask him! "

Ye Tian smiled coldly, then raised his hand and flicked it gently, and Ren Cai drew a perfect parabola in the air.

It flew over everyone's heads and landed heavily on the ground.



Ren Cai screamed again, and then rolled his eyes and passed out.

Seeing this, his cronies looked at Ye Tian in disbelief, and then they were just about to step forward to help Ren Cai up, when they heard Ye Tian's indifferent cold snort again:

"I see who dares to help him!"


For a moment, everyone gasped.

Ye Tian just threw it lightly, and he was able to throw Ren Cai over everyone's heads and fly to the ground.

With such power, ask everyone present who can have the ability to resist.

But after all, some people still couldn't stand it, and they didn't dare to question Ye Tian, so they turned their heads to look at Ren Tingting and said loudly:

"Miss Ren, this person injured the second master like this, as the head of the family, don't you care?"

"Yes, Miss Ren, you just watched the second master being beaten?"

"Miss Ren, is this what you told us about the big deal?"


For a while, the overwhelming accusations came to Ren Tingting, looking at everyone's angry appearance, Ren Tingting's heart was also full of thoughts.

"What for! What are you doing! To rebel is not it! "

Seeing Ren Tingting being accused by her subordinates like this, Hua Yanyan was not angry, and stepped forward and raised her hand to point at everyone's faces, and said loudly:

"You come up and accuse your family, why don't you ask the second master in your mouth first, what did he do!"


Everyone was stunned, looked at Ren Tingting in great surprise, and then turned their heads to look at the unconscious Ren Cai lying on the ground.

"Sister Hua!"

Ren Tingting said softly, her heart full of gratitude.

Then he looked up and looked at Ye Tian, who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Ren Tingting's heart instantly had confidence, as if she had a huge backer.

At that moment, Ren Tingting gently pushed everyone away, slowly walked to Ye Tian's approach, looked at Ren Cai on the ground, and said loudly to everyone:

"You may be curious, who is this person, why did my second uncle become like this again, I will tell you 1510 now!"

In this way, Ren Tingting told everyone how she was hit by the Seven Killings Coffin Nailing Technique.

Everyone rushed to the uproar, and they all couldn't believe that this matter would be done by Ren Cai.

And Ye Tian nodded approvingly after seeing Ren Tingting muster up the courage to finish talking about this matter, and said with a smile:

"Yes, grown up!"

After speaking, Ye Tian raised his hand and pointed at it, and a true qi instantly hit Ren Cai's lower abdomen.

In an instant, Ren Cai, who was originally unconscious, woke up in an instant, and with it, there was also severe pain.

"Daoist Ye, let me go! I don't really want to hurt Tingting! You let me go! I know it's wrong! "

Ren Cai covered his soft arms, rolled on the ground, and wailed.

And Ren Tingting and everyone looked at all this in amazement, not knowing what to say.

Ren Cai's begging for mercy truly confirmed that he did the murder of Ren Tingting, and now those cronies who originally belonged to him have no superfluous words.

They believe that whoever stands up first to say good things for Ren Cai will be the next one to take their turn!

"Shut up!"

Ye Tian stepped on Ren Cai's body and instantly stomped on the floor.

Ren Tingting looked at this scene, hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed Ye Tian's wrist, and said anxiously:

"Brother Ye, don't!"


Ye Tian knew that Ren Tingting couldn't bear Ren Cai in her heart, so she raised the soles of her feet.

Ren Cai finally knew where he was at this time, and he didn't care about so many high-level subordinates beside him.

hurriedly climbed to Ren Tingting's approach, kowtowed and cried and said:

"Tingting! The second uncle really knew that it was wrong! Second uncle shouldn't hurt you! For the sake of the second uncle who has loved you so much since you were a child, you must not kill the second uncle! "

Ren Cai cried and begged for mercy, tears fell, Ren Tingting looked at the second uncle kneeling on the ground, and many warm and familiar pictures flashed in her heart.

If you change to someone else to harm yourself, maybe you will really be ruthless.

But now it is this second uncle who has loved him very much since he was a child, and Ren Tingting's heart instantly softened for a while.

Looking at Ren Cai, who looked embarrassed and miserable on the ground, Ren Tingting didn't know what to do for a while.

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