"It's nothing, just an old man."

Xu Fu looked at the young man who was kneeling on one knee in front of him, and immediately raised his hand slightly.

The young man only felt a force coming from all over his body, so he involuntarily stood up straight, and then spoke:

"Since it is the deceased of the Holy Father, I will invite him back for you!"

"You... Not her opponent! "

Xu Fu glanced at the young man deeply, then walked to a jade seat, drank the scarlet plasma in the cup, and said with a smile:

"That's a stiff, it was already the strength of the peak of stiffness back then! If it weren't for me and dozens of masters of the Transformation God Realm to suppress it, I'm afraid she would have already advanced to a zombie! "


The young man was extremely shocked, following Xu Fu for so many years, of course he knew what it meant to be stiff! What kind of terrifying strength does it represent!

"What? Scared? "

Xu Fu poured another cup of fresh plasma and handed it to the young man in front of him.

Seeing this, the young man hurriedly took the plasma, drank it in one gulp, wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and said with a serious face:

"Don't be afraid of lowly duties! He has followed the Holy Father for hundreds of years, and he has long since put his death on the line! Don't say it's a stiff! Even if it's stiff! The lowly will also fight for the Holy Father! "

"Excellent! Very good! "

Xu Fu nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"You are worthy of the manhood of the Tokugawa family, you are much braver than those elders of yours!"

After speaking, Xu Fu stood up, gently patted the young man's shoulder, and continued:

"But the stiffness is not in Fusang, but in Huaxia! The appearance of the zombie will inevitably alarm those hidden world sects and yin and yang families!

After being silent for so many years, it's time to take a look at the former homeland and appreciate the already indifferent demeanor! "

"What does the Holy Father mean? Entering China? "

Where Xu Fu came from, the young man knew very well.

It's just that it has been nearly two thousand years, and Xu Fu has never mentioned the matter of returning to China, and the sudden emergence of such an idea is indeed very surprising to the young man.

"Entering Huaxia, that's a matter of time!"

Xu Fu narrowed his eyes and smiled, his eyes became extremely deep:

"However, the cultivation world in Huaxia is strong after all, and its strength is extraordinary, if you rush there, I am afraid that it will backfire!"

After speaking, Xu Fu looked at the young man and ordered:

"Go and tell the dog emperor, just say it's my order, let him gather troops, and when the time comes, he will leave for China! And you and Yoshikawa, while they were heading to Huaxia, led a team of blood guards to quietly accompany them, waiting for the opportunity to move!

I want to see what kind of cultivation those guys in Huaxia are now, after so many years! "

"Yes, obedience!"

When the young man heard this, he immediately knelt down on one knee and replied respectfully.

"By the way, has the painting been found?"

As if suddenly he thought of something, Xu Fu glanced down at the young man and said coldly.

"The humble position has been investigated, the painting has been lost to China, where is the specific place, we still need to continue to investigate!"

"Oh? Is it? "

Hearing this, Xu Fu's eyes burst into two cold lights, then he shook his head and said with a smile:

"It seems that this matter is becoming more and more interesting now, Huaxia, wait for the baptism of the blood demon army! Hahahaha! "


Xu Fu's conspiracy was being planned, but at this time, in the courtyard of the Ren family in the provincial capital, Ye Tian was extremely surprised, looking at the old man in front of him, as if he couldn't believe it!

"Master! What are you doing here! "

Ye Tian will not be mistaken, this master who has raised himself for twenty years is standing in front of him at this time!

This person is none other than the six elders of the inner gate of the Maoshan faction, the descendant of the golden needle of the Trick Gate, the master of Ye Tian, and the real person of Tianxu!

Hearing that Ye Tian called each other master, Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting were instantly stunned, just like Ye Tian, they were extremely shocked!

And Edward and the other internal guards looked at the old man in front of him in front of him with a smile on his face with surprise.

This person is Ye Tian's master?

Edward wondered inwardly.

The innocent real person feels like an amiable old man, with a smile on his face and no smiling.

And he can't feel the slightest bit of cultivation breath from his body, if he replaces the Taoist robe on the Tianxu real person and puts on the clothes of ordinary villagers.

Edward would have thought of him as an old farmer in the fields, and would never have thought of him as a hermit!

"Disciple meets the master!"

Ye Tian's heart was filled with joy, and he took two steps at the moment, and in the blink of an eye, he knelt down in front of the Tianxu Zhenren and said respectfully.

"Alright, get up!"

Tianxu Zhenren smiled, and then the dust in his hand shook slightly, and he helped Ye Tian up.

Then he looked at Ye Tian with a smug face, pinched the other party's cheeks, and said with a smile:

"Boy, do you miss the master! Master loves you to death! "

"Master, how did you become the same as Senior Brother Four-eyed!"

Seeing that the real person of Tianxu actually played the trick of the four-eyed Taoist to treat the juniors on weekdays, he looked at the other party with some surprise, and then hurriedly pulled off the other party's hands, and said with some embarrassment:

"Master, save me some face!"

"Save face, save face!"

Tianxu Zhenren stood up straight again, just glanced at Edward next to him lightly, and then put his eyes on Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting, who were still surprised, nodded and exclaimed:

"The two little girl dolls are good-looking, little leaf, you are not small!"


Ye Tian was really speechless, his master has always been like this, he speaks as he wants, and he will not save face for himself at all.

Seeing that Tianxu real people were making fun of the two of them, Hua Yanyan and Ren Tingting hurriedly stepped forward, bowed down and said:

"Little girl Ren Tingting, I've seen a real person!"

"The younger Hua Yanyan has seen the real people of the sky!"

"Ren Tingting, Hua Yanyan, not bad, not bad! They are all good girls who know how to be polite! "

Tianxu Zhenren looked at the two of them with satisfaction, nodded again and again, and then looked at Hua Yanyan with some surprise, and asked suspiciously:

"Your girl's name is a little familiar, your father is Hua Manjiang of the medical and Taoist family?"

"The real person knows my father?"

Hua Yanyan was very surprised and looked at each other curiously.

Tianxu Zhenren laughed when he heard this, and explained with a smile:

"It turned out to be really a little doll of the Hua family, no wonder it would grow so smart! Back then, your grandfather and your father came to Maoshan to ask me about medical treatment, and they brought you with them! "

"Huh? Have it? How I don't remember this! "

"Of course I don't remember, I remember that you were just over a year old at the time, and now you are the eighteenth change of the female university, so slim! That's great! "

After speaking, Tianxu Zhenren turned his head to look at Ye Tian, pointed at Hua Yanyan and said:

"Xiao Yezi, you hugged her when you were a child, do you remember?"

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