"And the second?"

Regarding Zuo Jiajun's careful thoughts, Ye Tian didn't take it to heart at all.

As long as the other party is not looking for trouble, he will not be regarded as an enemy!

"Hehe, second, I want to ask Dr. Ye to work hard to help catch ghosts!"

"Ghost hunting?"

Ye Tian was a little curious, listened to Zuo Jiajun's invitation, and asked suspiciously:

"Your house is haunted?"

Having lived in the provincial capital for nearly ten days, Ye Tianke had never heard of the legend of a haunted city in the city.

Therefore, when I heard Zuo Jiajun's words, I couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Yes and no!"

Zuo Jiajun shook his head when he heard this, and explained:

"Actually, it's the house I bought in Xing'an Town next door, which is haunted!"

As if thinking of the horror, Zuo Jiajun's face turned a little pale, and he whispered:

"Ever since I bought that house, someone has been killed inexplicably, either hanging himself in the yard in the middle of the night, or going crazy and cutting his stomach with a knife!

There is also an even stranger subordinate, who suddenly went crazy while eating, and then bit off his tongue, and then stuck chopsticks in his eyes, not to mention how scary! "

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, yes, then I sealed that house and didn't dare to go in and live again!"

Zuo Jiajun looked at Ye Tian with some excitement, and opened his mouth to request:

"Doctor Ye, I know that you are a master of Maoshan Mountain, and please think of a way to help me get rid of the harmful ghosts in the house! In terms of remuneration, even if you ask, I will definitely not bargain! "

"In that case, then you can take five hundred oceans and distribute it to the families of those people who died tragically because of the zombies!"

Ye Tian didn't hesitate, now that there was an incident of a ghost killing someone, he had to go and check it out in person no matter what.

How much money is needed, to be honest, Ye Tian doesn't care, because he is not short of money at all.


Zuo Jiajun took a long breath, and couldn't help but feel more admiration for Ye Tian's behavior, and praised it:

"Doctor Ye is really a master of cultivation, and he is kind-hearted! Don't worry, tomorrow I will arrange someone to send the money to every family! "

"In that case, let's go!"

"Good, good!"

Zuo Jiajun saw that Ye Tian readily agreed, and he was very happy in his heart, and hurriedly stepped forward to lead the way.

And Ye Tian instructed Xiaoru a few words, telling him to go to the next town to catch ghosts, and asked her to tell Ren Tingting and Hua Yanyan not to worry.

Sitting in Zuo Jiajun's private car, he traveled all the way, and soon came to the house purchased by Zuo Jiajun in Xing'an Town.

The road was a little long, it was already approaching evening, and the sky was a little dark.

The house that Zuo Jiajun bought is not in the center of the town, but in a relatively remote suburb.

Due to the remote location and the fact that there are not many households on the left and right, it is particularly gloomy in the quiet evening.

Seeming to be a little scared, Zuo Jiajun looked at the gate of the mansion in front of him and didn't dare to take the initiative to enter, but stood behind Ye Tian and said with a smile:

"Doctor Ye, this is my mansion!"

"Well, open the door!"

Looking at the big lock, which had already been covered with dust, Ye Tian knew that this place must have been uninhabited for a long time.

Through the eyes of yin and yang, there is a faint yin qi floating from the entire house, it seems that Zuo Jiajun is right, there are indeed ghosts in this house!

Listening to Ye Tian's instructions, Zuo Jiajun hit his guts, then took out the key and carefully opened the door lock and pushed the door open.


As the heavy door was pushed open, a cold wind instantly poured out of the house and blew on the faces of the two.

"Doctor Ye, please inside!"

Zuo Jiajun made an inviting gesture and beckoned Ye Tian into the house.

The house is a large house, and as far as the eye can see, it is full of lavishly decorated houses, as well as rockeries and small lakes.

It's just that the yard is full of withered yellow fallen leaves, coupled with the faint yin atmosphere that permeates the entire yard, but it looks a little gloomy and terrifying.

"Doctor Ye, is this really haunted?"

"That's right!"

Ye Tian nodded and said:

"This place is surrounded by yin qi, and there is also a faint bloody atmosphere, there must be a powerful ghost doing something here!"

After Ye Tian finished speaking, he began to stroll around the courtyard, looking for the hiding place of the powerful ghost.

Seeing this, Zuo Jiajun hurriedly followed behind him, for fear that he would be caught by a ghost alone, how could he still have the appearance and courage of the family on weekdays.

"It's here!"

After walking around the entire house quickly, Ye Tian found that in a dry well in Xiyuan, there was a thick yin qi.

Obviously, the ghost was hiding in this dry well.


Zuo Jiajun was a little puzzled, but then he suddenly realized and said:

"I remember that when I was arranging for the workers to start repairing the yard, I heard that a boulder had been crushed from a well, and there were some messy symbols carved on it!

At that time, I was talking about business with other bosses in Yangcheng, and I didn't take this matter seriously, so I arranged for them to handle it themselves! Did the demon crawl out of this well? "

"Maybe the original boulder was a seal used by a master to suppress that ghost, but it was destroyed by your workers, so it caused the ghost to emerge from the well and harm people's lives!"

"That... Doctor Ye, hurry up and help me find a way to take that female ghost! "

After determining the origin of the female ghost, Zuo Jiajun hurriedly took a few steps back, not daring to look at the dry well more, and hurriedly begged Ye Tian.


Ye Tian nodded, opened his mouth and continued:

"It's evening now, and the yin energy here is getting worse, and when the moon rises, it's the time when the ghost appears.

The yin qi here will damage you, you should find a place to avoid it first, and then I will go to you after I destroy the female ghost! "

"In this case, then I'll be waiting for you at the Xing'an Restaurant in the town! Be careful! "

Seeing that Ye Tian wanted to stay here alone and let himself avoid it, Zuo Jiajun was very willing.

Without saying a word, he nodded to Ye Tian, and then ran out of the house quickly and closed the door.

Seeing this, Ye Tian stretched his waist leisurely, and immediately looked down at the dry well full of wild grass, shook his head and said:

"I'd like to see where you came from!"

After speaking, Ye Tian found a slightly clean stone bench and sat down, closed his eyes and meditated, waiting for the night to fall.

Little by little, time passed, and soon the whole sky became dark.

The moon hid in the clouds, and the stars of the heavens were scattered and invisible.

Ye Tian still sat motionless on the stone bench and closed his eyes to meditate, but in the dry well, bursts of black yin qi slowly floated, and soon spread throughout the entire mansion...

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