"Yue Qiluo, I don't understand what you're talking about?"

Ah Zi looked at Yue Qiluo blankly, not understanding how she could suddenly hate herself like this, as if she had done something wrong.

"Don't understand?"

Yue Qiluo muttered dissatisfiedly and said loudly:

"Then let me ask you, what is your relationship with this Ye Tian?"

"I am his servant!"

Ah Zi blinked his two big eyes and nodded slightly.

"Sure enough..."

Yue Qiluo's expression became more and more dissatisfied, and then he looked at Ye Tian and said dissatisfiedly:

"Ye Tian, I want you to get rid of her, and then stay with me!"


Ye Tian couldn't help but feel angry and funny, how could this Yue Qiluo's brain circuit be so strange.

Immediately, his hands were spread, and an expression that was not his business was placed in front of him.

"Yes, as long as you can defeat Ah Zi, I will drive her away!"


Yue Qiluo was very surprised, the anger on his face disappeared, and what followed was his face full of excitement.

"Of course."

Ye Tian nodded, with an indifferent expression.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Yue Qiluo agreed, then turned to look at Ah Zi, shook his head and said:

"Little girl, do you know what kind of cultivation realm my Yue Qiluo is? I see that you look like a symbol, so it's not difficult for you, and now that the begging for mercy is gone, I can still spare you! "

Ah Zi ignored Yue Qiluo's arrogance, but tilted his head to look at Ye Tian opposite, and asked in a low voice:

"Master, can I kill her?"

"Just click on it!"

Ye Tian had a black line on his face and smiled awkwardly.

To be honest, Ye Tian didn't plan to destroy this Yue Qiluo, in fact, when he read the original book back then, Ye Tian still had a good impression of Yue Qiluo.

The reason why she became so vicious also has a lot to do with the surrounding environment.

If she can be subdued, she can solve this unstable factor, and she may be able to change her fate.

"You're crazy!"

Hearing that Ah Zi actually said that he was going to kill himself, Yue Qiluo's face reappeared with an angry expression, and then a black yin qi suddenly appeared, spreading all around.

"I'm going to see who killed whom!"

I only heard Yue Qiluo shouting, and in an instant, his body turned into countless pieces of paper, flying all over the sky, flying towards Ah Zi from all directions.

Yue Qiluo's sudden attack seemed to Ah Zi to have nothing to worry about.

Seeing her figure turn, the thick purple corpse qi flew away in the blink of an eye, and the corners of Ah Zi's mouth revealed two sharp fangs.


It's too late, it's too soon!

I saw that as soon as Ah Zi appeared again, he appeared in mid-air.

She threw a punch that seemed to shatter the air barrier, and slammed the paper men in the sky.


A loud muffled sound came, and those paper figures instantly condensed back into Yue Qiluo's appearance, but her body was heavily smashed into the stone wall next to her, and the entire cave was shaking violently.

"No... No way... "

Yue Qiluo was deeply immersed in the wall, but his face was extremely shocked and puzzled.

She didn't dare to imagine that the weak and quiet girl just now would be a stiff!

"Master, mission accomplished!"

Dealing with Yue Qiluo, in Ah Zi's opinion, is really an ordinary thing that cannot be more ordinary.

Even if you don't have to turn into a zombie, you can easily subdue and suppress it.

The reason why he did this was to make him jealous.


Ye Tian smiled and nodded, he could see that Ah Zi just now had already shown mercy to his subordinates.

Otherwise, this Yue Qiluo would be able to instantly disperse under Ah Zi's move!

Ghost King?


It's not a level of existence at all!

After speaking, Ye Tian walked towards the stone wall. 、

I saw that Yue Qiluo's body turned into a flying paper figure again, and then condensed again, standing in front of Ye Tian.

However, the expression on Yue Qiluo's face at this time did not have the arrogance and anger just now, but a sad and gloomy expression.

Faintly, you can also see two lines of faint tears.

"I lost, I leave you."

Yue Qiluo didn't look up, but said lightly.

Then he turned around and walked slowly towards the entrance of the cave.

To be honest, this scene made Ye Tian feel very surprised, in his memory, Yue Qiluo was the existence of a queen with a loli face.

It's the first time I've seen such a sad look.

"Wait a minute."

Ye Tian's voice sounded in Yue Qiluo's ears, and she turned around with a puzzled look on her face and looked at herself.

"What? Are you really going to destroy me? "

"Thinking too much."

Seeing that Yue Qiluo doubted himself, Ye Tian shook his head, then slowly walked towards Yue Qiluo and said:

"The Ghost King is here, I can't sit idly by and watch you leave! After all, I released you from the seal. "

"So what?"

Yue Qiluo narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Tian with a calm expression.

"Now I give you two choices, first, be destroyed by me, and your soul will be scattered! Second, surrender to me and become my ghost servant! "

"You mean I can be with you, right?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Tian's words fell, Yue Qiluo, who was originally very disappointed, instantly smiled and looked at each other happily.


I have to say that Yue Qiluo's personality changed so quickly that Ye Tian really couldn't react.

"Hehe, I knew you wouldn't drive me away!"

Without waiting for Ye Tian to speak, Yue Qiluo threw himself into Ye Tian's arms like a gust of wind, hugged his waist, and said happily.

This Yue Qiluo, who is the first person you see after waking up, will you want to be with him forever?

Doubts flashed in Ye Tian's mind.

Looking at Yue Qiluo, who had a delicate face in his arms, seeing the excitement and happiness on his face, Ye Tian didn't know how to answer for a while, so he had to gently straighten his body.

"You choose the second one?"

"Yes, yes, I'll pick the second one!"

Yue Qiluo nodded again and again, very happy.

"In that case, then accept my natal soul seal!"

Ye Tian raised his right hand slightly, and instantly slapped it on Yue Qiluo's forehead.


For a moment, bursts of golden light emanated from the top of Yue Qiluo's head, and he disappeared without a trace.

"From now on, you are my ghost servant!"


Yue Qiluo nodded happily, then looked at Ah Zi on the side, pouted and said:

"Since everyone is now their own people, then I won't care about you for what you beat me so badly just now."


Of course, Ah Zi was not in the mood to pay attention to these things with Yue Qiluo, since the other party had become Ye Tian's servant like himself, there was no grudge.

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