"Doctor Ye, did you say that zombie was not completely destroyed by your master?"

The dried corpse was sucked dry blood, which in the eyes of the family members, it was clearly the work of zombies.

The fluctuations that finally calmed down a while ago have made the entire provincial capital panic.

Zombies not completely wiped out?

How can it be!

Others don't know, but Ye Tian knows it very well!

That zombie Ah Zi is now in the spirit servant space in his body.

"No, my master is a strong man in the Tribulation Realm, and zombies will not escape from the palm of his hand!"

Ye Tian shook his head and opened his mouth to explain.

"Could it be that those corpses that have been sucked dry by zombies have been resurrected and turned into zombies!"

"Stupid, are you stupid?"

There was another voice of confusion, but it was instantly overshadowed by another voice.

"Those corpses that have been sucked by zombies have long since turned into dried corpses and been burned to ashes, how can they be resurrected and become zombies?

"What's the situation, I don't dare to go out now!"

The family touched the back of his head, his face full of surprise, and everyone invariably looked at Ye Tian.

After all, the only person who can know and solve this matter at this time is Ye Tian.

"Don't be so scared, it's daylight, even zombies won't appear here!"

Ye Tian already had a suspicious target in his heart at this time, and what the famous family Ding said was right.

The dried corpses have been burned to ashes, and it is impossible to leave hidden dangers.

If there really is a dead body that has been drained of blood, then there is only one possibility!


If it was really Edward and them, Ye Tian would definitely not spare them!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian stood up straight, gave a few words to a few family members, then turned around and walked out of Ren's mansion and rushed towards the security team.

All he had to determine now was whether the corpses had really been sucked dry of blood by the vampires.

The security team was stationed in the center of the provincial capital and had its own independent yamen.

At this time, the door of the security team was full of many villagers, and everyone stretched out their heads to look inside, whispering and talking.

"Everyone back off, nothing to see, nothing to see!"

"Everyone step back, don't delay the captain and their errands!"

"Yes, it's all gone, it's all gone!"


The security team members at the gate held spears and persuaded the villagers to leave, and Ye Tian had already come to the front at this time.

Gently squeezed to the door, and said to one of the security guards:

"Hello, I'm Ye Tian, I want to see the situation of the dead bodies inside. "

"It turned out to be Dr. Ye, please hurry!"

Ye Tian's name has now resounded throughout the provincial capital, and the members of the security team all know that there is such a person.

At that moment, a passage was immediately opened, allowing Ye Tian to enter the yamen.

Entering the yamen, Ye Tian saw a lot of people standing in the courtyard.

There is Captain Cao of the security team, as well as several squires and wealthy businessmen in the provincial capital, and Ren Tingting's figure is also standing in the crowd.

At this time, Hua Yanyan was squatting on the ground, looking at the corpses placed on the ground, and observing carefully.

"Doctor Ye, you're here!"

When Captain Cao saw Ye Tian appear, he immediately greeted him.

And when the other people saw Ye Tian's appearance, they all showed relieved expressions.

"Brother Ye, you're back!"

Ye Tian greeted everyone once, smiled at the two girls, and then looked at the two dead bodies on the ground that had been drained of blood, and frowned.

Sure enough, as Ye Tian thought!

These two dead corpses were indeed the work of vampires, and there was not a trace of corpse qi.

"Stinky guy, I think... "

When Hua Yanyan saw Ye Tian appear, she immediately came to his side and whispered in her ear.

Ye Tian knew that Hua Yanyan was also the same thing as he guessed, nodded, and then replied.

"I see. "

"Doctor Ye, do you see if these two corpses were bitten to death by zombies?

There was a murder in the provincial capital, which was a very bad thing for Captain Cao of the security team.

Now that Ye Tian is in front, he only hopes that the other party will help solve this matter as soon as possible and restore the peace of the provincial city in the past.

Otherwise, his position as a security captain will also be lost.

"I'm not sure about this, I need to look into it!"

Ye Tian didn't say anything about vampires, for fear of causing panic among everyone again.

Without confirming whether it was really Edward's doing, Ye Tian didn't want to tell the truth.

"Okay, then please Doctor Ye!"

Captain Cao had a bottom in his heart, and instantly felt much more relaxed, and then pointed to the corpse on the ground and asked:

"Doctor Ye, do you want to burn these two corpses?"

"Yes. "

In fact, there is a fundamental difference between a vampire's dead corpse and a zombie's dead corpse.

When a zombie bites the opponent, it will pass its own corpse poison into the opponent's body.

After that person dies, the poison spreads throughout the body, and then the corpse transforms into a new zombie.

And if a vampire wants to develop a new descendant vampire, he needs to bite the other party while injecting the blood of his heart core into the other person's body.

Obviously, the two villagers in front of them were only sucked dry of each other's blood, and were not injected with the blood of the heart core.

It can be said that these are two ordinary corpses, which do not cause any panic.

Of course, since Ye Tian agreed like this, in order to eliminate everyone's worries, he didn't say anything.

"Okay, come on, carry the corpse down and burn it quickly!"


As he spoke, several members of the security team came over and carried the body down.

Ye Tian first told the squire and Captain Cao, and asked them to tell the villagers not to go out and walk around at night for the time being, and wait until they find out the truth before making a judgment.

Then he ordered Hua Yanyan to accompany Ren Tingting back to Ren's mansion and not to go out, while he ran all the way towards the Rothschild family's manor where Edward was.


At this time, in the manor, a middle-aged man with a dignified face sat on the rocking chair where Edward usually sits, and there were two burly men standing behind him, with gloomy faces, as if he could not see any expression.

Unexpectedly, Edward, the owner of the manor, was on his knees covered in scarf, and his body was tied with a special rope, unable to move.

Not only him, but Anthony and the other blood clan guards were all tied up, lying on the ground, wailing in a low voice.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the middle-aged man took the blood in the cup and drank it all, and said with admiration:

"After tasting it, the blood of the Chinese people is the most mellow and sweet. Edward, you must have enjoyed a lot of this kind of food in China for so long, right?"

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