"Brother Hua, what you said is a difference, how can you say that the two of us have also been friends for so many years, your Hua family held an internal assessment today, I will take Tian'er to observe and practice, isn't it okay?"

"Where is this, if Brother Xiang can come to the little brother's humble house in person, it is simply full of brilliance, how can they refuse to leave?"

When Hua Manjiang heard this, he immediately showed a welcoming attitude, after all, he had some friendship with the other party, and he almost got married to his children's family, how could he not welcome the other party's coming.

"The main thing is that Tian'er misses your Yanyan girl, you have to let me take him here to see, from Jiangbei to Jinling, this road is very tossed!"

After speaking, Xiang Kunlun looked at Hua Yanyan, and then noticed that she was holding Ye Tian's wrist, and was a little surprised.

And Xiang Dingtian also noticed Ye Tian's existence at this time, and seeing such an intimate attitude between him and Hua Yanyan, he couldn't help but roar as if he was burning.

"Who is this?"

Seeing Xiang Kunlun looking at Ye Tian, Hua Manjiang smiled and led Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan to the front, and introduced:

"This is my future son-in-law, the personal disciple of the Maoshan Sect's Tianxu Zhenren, Ye Tian!"

After speaking, he opened his mouth to introduce the two opposite:

"These two are the heirs of the Xiang family of the Jiangbei martial arts family, Xiang Kunlun, the future head of the Xiang family, this is his son, Xiang Dingtian!"

How could Ye Tian not notice Xiang Kunlun and Xiang Dingtian's hostility towards him, so after Hua Manjiang introduced his identity, he just nodded slightly and didn't say anything.

"Maoshan faction... "

Obviously, Ye Tian's identity made Xiang Kunlun a little surprised, he squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Tian carefully, and said lightly:

"No wonder Brother Hua, you didn't confirm the marriage of the two children, and you dared to love the relationship between the Maoshan faction!"

"Hehe, Brother Xiang is serious, this marriage event is related to the child's life after all, Yan Yan likes this Ye Tian, I don't have anything to say. "

"In that case, Tian'er, go and say hello to this Ye Tian of the Maoshan faction!

Xiang Kunlun didn't take Hua Manjiang's explanation to heart, but opened his mouth to order the latter, and said coldly.

"Yes, Dad!"

Xiang Dingtian's heavy voice sounded like a subwoofer, and then he bypassed Xiang Kunlun in front of him and came to Ye Tian.

"Hello, my name is Xiang Dingtian!"

As he spoke, Xiang Dingtian stretched out his right hand, which was bigger than Ye Tian's face, and placed it in front of Ye Tian.

"This... "

Hua Manjiang looked at this scene, and his face became a little displeased.

According to the previous etiquette, when the two met and said hello, they all hugged their fists and saluted.

But now Xiang Dingtian stretched out his hand to shake hands with Ye Tian, which was clearly to embarrass Ye Tian!

Xiang Dingtian, as the descendant of the Xiang family, a martial arts family, had already reached the peak of cultivation at the age of twenty.

How terrifying is the strength and blood of a body?

Although Ye Tian is a Maoshan monk, he looks like a young man, where will the strength on his body be Xiang Dingtian's opponent?

Thinking of this, Hua Manjiang just wanted to speak, but saw Ye Tian calmly stretch out his right hand and hold it with the other party.

"My name is Ye Tian!"

Ye Tian's tone was flat, and he couldn't see any waves at all.

But Xiang Dingtian was shocked and extremely surprised.

The moment he made contact with Ye Tian's palm just now, Xiang Dingtian exerted a huge force and clenched Ye Tian's palm.

Although it was impossible to crush his palm in front of Hua Manjiang, it was extremely easy to make it painful.

But the development of things was not at all as Xiang Dingtian expected.

That Ye Tian's palm was like a piece of King Kong, and it was extremely hard.

He exerted great force, but he didn't do any damage to him at all.

And the other party's expression is still so natural and flat, it's just incredible!

"Hey, you hold my brother Ye's hand and don't let go, what do you want to do?"

Just when Xiang Dingtian was holding Ye Tian's palm tightly, Hua Yanyan stepped forward angrily and shouted.

Hearing this, Xiang Dingtian withdrew his palm, stood behind Xiang Kunlun again, and said no more.

"Are you alright?"

Seeing that Xiang Dingtian let go of his hand, Hua Yanyan held Ye Tian's right hand very distressedly and asked with concern.

"What do you say?"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and gently scratched the other party's nose, as if nothing had happened.

The performance of this situation surprised both Hua Manjiang and Xiang Kunlun.

Although Xiang Kunlun was surprised in his heart, he didn't show it, but smiled and waved his hand:

"Haha, the young man has said hello, and I won't delay Brother Hua to get busy with business, let's go in first!"

"Okay, please inside!"

Seeing this, Hua Manjiang immediately put on a welcoming expression, and watched Xiang Kunlun and Xiang Dingtian leave the school gate.

"What's going on? I asked you to say hello, don't you understand what I mean?"

After leaving Hua Mantian, Xiang Kunlun looked back at Xiang Dingtian and asked in a deep voice.

"Dad, that guy's hand is like King Kong, I can't hold it at all!"

Xiang Kunlun's tall body was like a wronged child, and he opened his mouth to answer.

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