Do you like me?


Listening to Shenxiao's sudden words, Ye Tian instantly didn't know how to answer the other party!


I like a fart!

The reason why I do this is to ensure my own safety!

Feeling the fragrant Shenxiao princess who was squirting like an orchid in front of her mouth, Ye Tian frowned and took a step back, then bowed and said solemnly:

"Your Royal Highness Princess, it's better not to make such jokes with lowly positions!"

"Hee-hee, I'm teasing you, take it seriously!"

Shenxiao laughed, stretched out his palm, and spread it in front of Ye Tian.

"Bring it, I'm going back!"


Seeing this, Ye Tian instantly understood what the other party meant, and as soon as he turned his palm, several full-color comics of "Dragon Ball" fell into the hands of the other party.

"Haha, it's finally here!"

Kamiya held the comic book in her hand and was as happy as a child.

Then he turned to look at Xiang Yu behind him, and said with a smile:

"Old Black, let's go back!"

"Yes, princess!"

Xiang Yu replied respectfully, without the slightest hesitation.

"Ye Tian, let's meet again!"

Shenxiao waved his hand towards Ye Tian, and then his figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

And that Xiang Yu also saluted Ye Tian with a fist, and then disappeared with the figure of the god night.

And as the two disappeared, hundreds of souls instantly descended from the sky, all of which fell into the bodies of those black-clothed people who fell to the ground.

At this point, a conspiracy finally came to a perfect end with the departure of Shenxiao and Xiang Yu.

But everyone in the Hua family was stunned and looked at everything that happened in front of them, and they were a little overwhelmed for a while.

"Uncle Hua, the matter is settled!"

Ye Tian looked at the other party and walked forward with a smile.

And Hua Manjiang and the others finally came to their senses, hurriedly looked at Ye Tian, and asked:

"Ye Tian, that person just now is the princess of the underworld?"

"That's right, she is the daughter of the Eastern Ghost Emperor Shendi, Princess Shenxiao!"

Ye Tian nodded and explained with a smile.

"Obediently, the daughter of the Ghost Emperor, it's terrible!"

"yes, I feel like I'm in a dream right now!"

Seeing this, Hua Linglong and Hua Mantian couldn't help but exclaim, immediately looked at Ye Tian, and said happily:

"Ye Tian, I am fortunate to have the help of you and that princess today! Otherwise, the eldest brother would definitely lose face in front of the entire cultivation interface today!"

"Hey, my stinky guy is the best!"

At this time, Hua Yanyan also smiled and grabbed Ye Tian's arm, and smiled very proudly.

And Hua Manjiang frowned, waved his hand and said:

"I just didn't expect that the second brother would do such a thing, and I don't even know how to report this to my father!"

After speaking, Hua Manjiang pointed to Xiang Kunlun and Xiang Dingtian, who had fainted on the ground, and commanded:

"Third brother, sister, you take someone to send these two people and those people in black down the mountain and find a house to settle down. When they wake up, let them leave Jinling. "

"Big brother, this Kunlun is the second brother who wants to kill you, just let them go, it's too cheap!"

"Yes, big brother, you can't just let them go so easily!"

"Alright, let's do it!"

Hua Manjiang waved his hand to stop the opinions of the other two, and said in a deep voice:

"Now the Hua family and the Xiang family have broken up, but it has not yet reached the point of dying, for the sake of the inheritance of the Hua family for thousands of years, for the safety of the Hua family, I can't kill these two people!

Sending them back to Jiangbei is also a warning to Xiang Wuji, and I believe that he will not dare to continue to provoke our Hua family!"


After all, it is the future heir of the family, and there are always a lot of worries and concerns, Hua Mantian and Hua Linglong reluctantly agreed, and then took the others to deal with the affairs of the Xiang family.

"Now that the external troubles are solved, there are only internal worries left! Dad, what are you going to do about the second uncle?"

"Hey, after all, it's my second brother, I don't know where to go yet, I will go to Huaiyang in person later and confront him!"

"Uncle Hua, don't be so troublesome!"

Ye Tian saw that Hua Manjiang was upset and worried, so he immediately smiled and pointed to the outside of the school field, and said:

"I know where they are, so I'm tied up for you!"

"Do you know where they are?"

Hua Manjiang was extremely surprised, and looked at Ye Tian in surprise, but Ye Tian's figure was extremely fast, and he disappeared on the school field in the blink of an eye, and disappeared without a trace.

Looking at this scene, Hua Manjiang gently wiped Hua Yanyan's shoulders and said earnestly:

"Yan Yan, you have found a strong backer for the Hua family!"


Time passed quickly, and in less than half an hour, Ye Tian had already returned to Hua Manjiang and Hua Yanyan.

With him, there were also Hua Manlou, who was firmly tied by ropes, Hua Yingcai and Hua Ling'er, father and son.

It turned out that Ye Tian had long expected that Hua Manlou's father and son would take advantage of the chaos to escape, so he placed three golden needles on the three of them early.

Relying on the guidance of the golden needle and the magical power of shrinking the ground into inches, it was extremely easy to find the traces of the three people.

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