"What's wrong, Ye Tian?"

At this time, Hua Yanyan, who was lying in Ye Tian's arms, also noticed the abnormality, he looked at the other party curiously, and asked.

"Summoned by the Inspection Division, it should be because of the princess's matter!"

"So that's the case, then you go quickly, don't delay the business!"

Although it was a beautiful day at this time, and the beauties were opposite, Hua Yanyan knew that Ye Tian was also a yin, so she was still very open-minded and persuasive.

"Well, then you can rest early, you don't have to wait for me!"

"Okay, you have to rest early when you come back, let's see you tomorrow!"

Hua Yanyan nodded lightly in agreement, then gently nodded on Ye Tian's lips, turned around and got off the roof, and walked towards her room.

Feeling the faint aroma coming from his lips, Ye Tian smiled, and in an instant, the door appeared in front of him, and slowly, he walked in.

traveled all the way, and soon Ye Tian came to the palace of the Inspection Division.

As he expected, at this time, in the hall, except for Zhao Jingqi, the director of the Division, the other people were Meng Po, the director of the Soul Crossing Division.

"I've seen two principals!"

Ye Tian first bowed to the two of them, then looked at Zhao Jingqi, and asked curiously:

"I don't know if Elder Zhao called me here, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Yezi, don't be nervous, I didn't come to you today, it's Meng Po!"

Zhao Jingqi smiled and waved his hand, then pointed to Meng Po beside him, and said with a smile:

"Bring Princess Shenxiao back this time, you belong to the top merit, and Meng Po is here to reward you this time!"

"Ye Tian, thank you for this incident!"

Hearing this, Meng Po nodded, looked at Ye Tian calmly, and said:

"Last time I said, after you finish this matter, I will promise you one thing within my ability. But this time, I'm going to change my mind!"


To be honest, Ye Tian really didn't take this condition that Meng Po promised to him at the beginning.

But now that he heard that the other party had unilaterally broken the contract, this made Ye Tian feel a little unhappy, he tilted his head to look at Meng Po, and asked puzzledly:

"The head of the dignified Soul Crossing Division actually changed his hexagram, which made the humble position a little surprised. "

"Little leaf, don't be rude!"

Seeing that Ye Tian was a little unhappy with Meng Po's tone, Zhao Jingqi was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly persuaded the other party on the side, for fear of attracting Meng Po's disgust.

"It's okay!"

Unexpectedly, Meng Po smiled and waved her hand, and then the cuffs flicked slightly, and another Yin Token fell into Ye Tian's hand.

Ye Tian was surprised, looking at the token in his hand, puzzled.

Especially when I saw that the word "Keqing" was still written on it, I felt even more confused.

"This is the guest order of the Soul Crossing Division, from now on, you are the guest secretary of my Soul Crossing Division, in other words, I am the guest secretary of my Meng Po. With this token, you can order all the horses of the Soul Crossing Division, of course, except for me and Shenya!"

"Soul Crossing Si Keqing?"

Ye Tian is now an inspector of the Inspection Department, but he didn't expect to be awarded the position of Soul Crossing Division by Meng Po again, but he was a little unexpected.

However, Ye Tian knew that the status of this inspection department was half a head higher among the Yin Division's mansions, and it had the responsibility of supervising various divisions.

Soul Crossing Si Keqing, for Ye Tian, there is really no special attraction.

Seeing that Ye Tian was hesitating, Zhao Jingqi immediately patted the other party's shoulder on the side, and hurriedly said:

"Xiao Yezi, what are you still doing in a daze, being able to be Meng Po's guest is definitely your greatest blessing!


Obviously, Ye Tian was even more surprised by Zhao Jingqi's remarks.

Could it be that this Meng Po's identity is very unusual?

The previous attitude of Zhao Jingqi towards Meng Po and his respectful expression, Ye Tian can now be sure that although the position of the Soul Crossing Division may be very high, the background and identity of Meng Po, the head of the Soul Crossing Division, is definitely not an ordinary role.

"In that case, thank you for the kindness of Mother Meng!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian accepted the Keqing token given by Meng Po and bowed down to thank him.

"No thanks, it's nothing, you can go back!"

"That's a resignation!"

Ye Tian was also speechless, and after a long time, he arranged a new identity for himself, and then he was in a hurry to leave.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian bowed to the two of them again, then turned around and left the palace hall and went back to the yang world.

Seeing that Ye Tian had left the inspection department's office, Zhao Jingqi looked at the direction Ye Tian left with some envy, and said to Meng Po:

"Thank you Meng Po for your love, Ye Tian, this kid, is blessed!"

"It has nothing to do with me, I'm just acting on the mother's will!"

"Mother's will?"

Zhao Jingqi was shocked, and looked at Meng Po in great shock, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Okay, you shouldn't ask, don't ask, there are some things that you shouldn't say, don't say it, you know?"

"I understand, thank you for the admonition of Master Meng Po!"

Seeing Meng Po talking with a serious face, Zhao Jingqi hurriedly nodded in response, not daring to hesitate any longer.


Three days passed in a flash, the turmoil of the Hua family gradually subsided, and the discussion about the Hua family in Jinling City gradually fell silent.

Everything calmed down, and Hua Mantian, Hua Linglong and others also left Jinling City one after another and returned to their homes.

Under the leadership of Hua Manjiang, Hua Yanyan's cultivation ability and medical cultivation have also improved a lot.

But after all, there is no banquet in the world, and Ye Tian knows that it is time to leave Jinling and leave the Ren family.

Outside the courtyard of Washington's mansion, Hua Yanyan reluctantly hugged Ye Tian, with tears in her eyes.

And Ye Tian also gently stroked her back, looking at each other with a tender face.

"Okay, Yanyan, you'll see you again after a while!"

Hua Manjiang looked at his daughter's sad expression and knew the reluctance in his heart.

But after all, it is the era of etiquette and teaching, and there are some things that you can't control.

Seeing this, Ye Tian sent away the girl in his arms, gently wiped away the tears on both sides of her cheeks, and said with a smile:

"Alright, be good at home, we'll see you again soon!"

"Hmmm... Well... "

Hua Yanyan sobbed sadly, pouted, and said reluctantly:

"I'm telling you, you can't do without me, otherwise, I will definitely kill Renjia Town!"

"Silly girl, who said I don't want you anymore!"

Ye Tian smiled and scratched Hua Yanyan's nose, then kissed her lightly on the forehead, and said softly:

"We'll meet again soon!

After speaking, Ye Tian reluctantly let go of Hua Yanyan's little hand, waved his hand at Hua Manjiang in front of him and said:

"Uncle Hua, goodbye!"

"Take care, Ye Tian, when I go back and wait for my father to come home, I will take Yan Yan and go to Maoshan to visit the Venerable Master in person!"


Ye Tian smiled, looking at Hua Yanyan, who was still reluctant and tearful, and gradually walked away from the front.

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