"Hey, hey, yes, yes!"

Snuggled in Yang Guifei's arms, Xiao Ming's face was full of excitement and pampering, as if this peerless beauty only belonged to him.

"San Lang, stay here in the future, and accompany the concubine every day, it's good!"

"Hmmm... "

Hearing Yang Guifei say this, Xiao Ming frowned a little, shook his head and said:

"I'm only afraid that my father and my mother won't agree!"

"Woo... Whining... "

Who knows, as soon as Xiao Ming's words fell, Yang Guifei instantly became depressed and sad.

This time, Xiao Ming was a little in a hurry.

Immediately, he sat up, hugged Yang Guifei in his arms, and said nervously:

"Good manner, what are you crying about, but I feel sorry for me!"

"Woo woo ... "

Yang Guifei had tears in her eyes, and the pear blossoms looked at Xiao Ming like rain, and said softly:

"Does San Lang not like concubines? Do you want to abandon concubines and don't want to live with concubines for a long time?"

"How could it, how could it be, how could I abandon you!"

Seeing this, Xiao Ming immediately looked at the other party nervously, and hurriedly said:

"Okay, okay, I'll never leave you again, okay!"

"Well, Saburo is the best!"


"Fuck, this little bunny, I don't know how I died!"

Looking at all this in the gossip mirror, Zhuge Kongping couldn't help but scold, immediately looked at Ye Tian, and said loudly:

"Ye Daoyou, please pull Xiao Ming out, I have to kill this little rabbit cub!"

"No problem!"

Ye Tian smiled, then silently recited the spell in his mouth, and then Zhengse looked at the gossip mirror in his hand, and said angrily:

"Bold and demonic, who actually sucks people's yang energy and seduces people's souls, will be punished by God!"


Just when Yang Guifei and Xiao Ming were warming up together, suddenly a man's angry reprimand voice came from the sky, which instantly startled the two.

Xiao Ming stood up directly, looked at the sky outside the building in a panic, and asked nervously:

"Who, who, who's there!"

"San Lang, you're hallucinating!"

Yang Guifei hurriedly pulled Xiao Ming closer, and then gently spit out a mouthful of aroma.

Xiao Ming only felt lightheadedness for a moment, his eyelids seemed to be fighting, and then he fainted in Yang Guifei's arms and fell asleep deeply.

As Xiao Ming fell asleep, Yang Guifei's originally delicate face instantly became hideous.

Looking at the sky like a terrible ghost, he scolded angrily:

"Where did the demon Dao come from, it actually did a good thing to me!"

"Maoshan Yetian!"

Ye Tian smiled coldly, and then his fingertips appeared, and a golden needle instantly penetrated the gossip mirror in his hand and entered the illusion.


As the golden needle fell, Yang Guifei instantly saw an optimus pillar fall from the sky, and then smashed the entire pavilion building into ruins.

The Optimus Pillar emitted a golden light, and in the blink of an eye, it fell into the body of Xiao Ming, who had fallen asleep.


In the blink of an eye, Xiao Ming's body disappeared.

Immediately flew out of the gossip mirror and fell into Xiao Ming's body in the outside world.

"Thank you Ye Daoyou!"

Zhuge Kongping watched it from the sidelines, this Xiao Ming's consciousness and soul had now returned to his original body.

It's just that his yang energy has been depleted a lot, but at this time he is in a coma, but his life is no longer in danger!

"Damn the demon, I want you to die!

saw that the pavilion building was destroyed in an instant, and Xiao Ming's soul was also taken back.

Yang Guifei let out an angry roar, and then the yin qi around her body skyrocketed, roaring out, and wrapped around the Optimus Pillar, about to break through the sky, break through the gossip mirror in Ye Tian's hand!

"I can't help myself!"

Ye Tianleng snorted!

In the next second, the Optimus Pillar instantly turned into extremely sharp golden needles, and in the blink of an eye, a powerful storm of golden needles was formed, rushing towards Yang Guifei!


Although Yang Guifei has absorbed the yang energy and essence of many men, and her cultivation is very high, she is facing Ye Tian in the realm of real people after all!

With just one move, the remnants of Yang Guifei's soul in the picture scroll were instantly shattered by the golden needle storm and completely disappeared into the picture in the gossip mirror.

And on the picture of Concubine Yang's night makeup, Yang Guifei's graceful and charming figure gradually disappeared.


As the resentful spirit that Yang Guifei transformed into was destroyed, the picture of Yang Guifei's night makeup instantly ignited a strange flame.

In an instant, it burned all and scattered in the air, gradually blown away by the wind.

"Ding! Destroy a resentful spirit, get 250 merit points, 250 oceans!"

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: two real people

Merit: 180/2000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire, shrinking the ground into inches

Skill: Martial arts masterpiece, the power of ten thousand jun

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor

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