Regarding Yang Guifei's tragic experience, although Ye Tian also had a sympathetic attitude, he didn't say much.

It is a fact that Yang Guifei died and turned into a resentful spirit, and it is also a fact that she has been absorbing the yang energy and essence of men in the yang world for thousands of years.

It is difficult to estimate how many people will lose their lives because of this painting.

Therefore, it is inevitable to destroy the evil spirits in the painting and destroy the painting.

"Dad, it's all my fault, if I hadn't been fascinated by this demon painting, there wouldn't be a treasure missing from your ghost vault!"

At this time, Xiao Ming also realized the mistake he had made, nodded with some guilt, and apologized.

"Forget it, this may be all fate! If this painting is stolen by the world's best in the future, I don't know how many people will be hurt!"

Now that the demon painting has been destroyed, Xiao Ming's safety is no big problem, for Zhuge Kongping, this is already the best way to deal with it.

"The best in the world?"

Listening to Zhuge Kongping's name of the world's No. 1 Mao in his mouth, Ye Tian's brows furrowed secretly.

Yes, it is really the same as the movie "Ghost Hunting Family Carnival" in the previous life, there is really a disciple of Maoshan who gave himself such a big name.

If you want to have a breath as big as this guy, there are only Qian Daochang and Wu Daochang, who are self-proclaimed "the first in Maoshan", who met at the beginning!

Seeing that Ye Tian asked the world's number one in his mouth, Zhuge Kongping immediately explained the identity of the other party.

The first Mao in the world is named Ouyang Fan, and his ancestor was originally an outer disciple of the Maoshan faction, and all the Taoist techniques he learned were fur.

Then when Ouyang Fan's generation came, he was extremely interested in the Maoshan technique taught by his ancestors, but after all, he was just a little skin, and it was difficult to achieve anything.

Then Ouyang Fan went to the West, and spent many years combining Western spells with the Maoshan Taoism he had learned.

Because of a demon hunt, Ouyang Fan and Zhuge Kongping got to know each other.

After that, Ouyang Fan repeatedly asked Zhuge Kongping for trouble on the grounds of learning Taoism, which made the other party speechless to the extreme.

This Ouyang Fan is narrow-minded and has improper mental skills, so if he knew that Zhuge Kongping's ghost sealing library had this picture of Concubine Yang's night makeup, he would definitely take the opportunity to steal it.

When the time comes, I don't know how many people will pay with their lives.

"Hmph, the tone is not small, the side door is left!"

Ye Tian, who is the heir of the inner gate of Maoshan in this life, hates the most on weekdays is the pretentious disciple under the banner of Maoshan.

The first Maoshan at the beginning, and now the first Mao in the world, is simply shameless to the extreme.

"Ye Daoyou is angry, if you run into that guy in the future, you can teach him a good lesson!"

Zhuge Kongping knew Ye Tian's identity, and when he saw that he was so angry, he also expressed his understanding, and immediately straightened his waist, looked at each other with a sincere expression, and said with a smile:

"Thanks to Ye Daoyou's strong help this time, Xiao Ming's life was saved, the day after tomorrow is the next birthday, if you don't mind, can you come to the cold house, let me have a good reception, how about we have a drink?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm actually going to take the train to the provincial capital. "

Ye Tian originally wanted to go to the provincial capital, but who knew that this incident suddenly happened, which made him a little embarrassed.

And Zhuge Kongping waved his hand and said:

"Hey, Ye Daoyou, you and I meet is fate, I live in Baili Town, and the distance from the provincial capital is not very far, I will personally drive you to the provincial capital when the time comes!"

"Well, it's okay, it's just a little abrupt, I don't know what gift to give to Brother Dao!"

Seeing Zhuge Kongping's sincere invitation, Ye Tian couldn't bear to refuse again.

And according to the plot described in the movie, this trip to the Zhuge family is likely to encounter a Xishuangbanna bronze armored corpse!

When the time comes, it will definitely be a great merit to destroy it!

"Ye Daoyou, what are you talking about, you saved Xiao Ming, it is his blessing, it is the best gift for me! It is my blessing to invite the personal disciple of Maoshan Tianxu Zhenren to come to the cold house, how dare I ask for your gift again! Isn't this a fat face that slaps me!"

"Yes, Daoist Ye, you don't have to send anything!"

For Ye Tian, Xiao Ming was full of admiration at this time.

Seeing that the other party was only two or three years older than himself, but his cultivation was very high, Xiao Ming felt respect.

Ye Tian didn't say anything more about the gracious invitation of the two, followed the two with a smile, and left the dilapidated mansion.


"How so?"

At this time, in an attic in Fuso, a young man stood up from his seat in great surprise.

And kneeling in front of him, a middle-aged man dressed as a Fusang onmyoji was shocked, trembling and hurriedly said:

"Great... My lord,That painting,It's really lost the breath of association.,Was... ruined!"

"Baga! What bastard dares to destroy this Holy Father's favorite ancient painting, it's an unforgivable sin!"

The young man kicked over the desk in front of him, glared angrily at the onmyoji who was kneeling on the ground, and rebuked angrily:

"Find out for me! Who destroyed the painting! If you can't give an explanation to the Holy Father, you Junmaro clan will wait to take on the wrath of the Holy Father!"

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