
Wang Hui's words came to an end, and the atmosphere in the entire mansion became quiet for a while.

Then there was a deafening burst of laughter.



I saw that Wu Dashuai and his subordinates were laughing one by one, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Oh, you Wang Hui, I also heard people say that you are a god operator, and now it seems that you are also in vain, and you have nothing to show for it!"

Wu Dashuai's snot bubbles were about to erupt, he tried his best to calm his inner mood, and said with a grin:

"Someone dares to hit me? Isn't he afraid of our dozens of guns? Borrow ten of his guts, he won't dare! Hahaha!"

In Wu Dashuai's view, although he is only a small warlord leader, he has only a few dozen soldiers.

But even if there are only a dozen people, usually when others see them going out, they have to back down three points.

This hundred miles of town is just a small town, except for the dozen or so members of the security team in that town who are not worth mentioning and those few broken guns, others are not taken into account by themselves at all.

Dare to let yourself be beaten?

Lao Tzu first let him taste what it is like to have dozens of pistols pointed at his head!

"Whether you believe it or not, that's how I calculated it, as for whether you will be beaten up, let's wait and see!"

"Okay! I'll put my words here today, if anyone beats me up today, I'll give you a thousand oceans! If I hadn't been beaten today, I'd have demolished your house! Hmph!"

After speaking, Wu Dashuai glared at Wang Hui angrily, then turned to look at the other soldiers, and ordered:

"Let's go, I'll settle accounts with her tomorrow!"

After speaking, Wu Dashuai walked out of the courtyard with dozens of subordinates in a huff.

Seeing that Wu Dashuai and the others finally left, Wang Hui sighed speechlessly, and immediately looked at Zhuge Hua and the ghost servants who were hiding in the hall behind him and did not dare to make a sound, and said in a reprimanded voice:

"Have you seen enough of the excitement? Why don't you hurry up and clean up the housework!"

"Yes, yes!"

Seeing that Wang Hui was angry, Zhuge Hua and the ghost servant couldn't help but shudder, and immediately nodded in response and began to clean up.

Soon, with the cooperation of the two of them and one ghost, the originally somewhat messy courtyard became neat and clean at this time.

And Zhuge Hua looked at Wang Hui's solemn appearance, and became a little puzzled.

To be honest, even if the inner descendants of the Zhuge family came here, they had never seen their mother Wang Hui behave like this.

Who is the noble person in the mother's mouth, and why does he value it so much, it is indeed a little surprising and curious.

"Wife, wife, Xiao Ming and I are back!"

Just as the housework was cleaned up, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this, Wang Hui smiled instantly, and then walked over quickly with Zhuge Hua.

The ghost servant did not go out to greet Wang Hui according to the instructions arranged in advance, but hid in the furnace in the hall and watched curiously.

"Wife, I want to kill you!"

Seeing that Wang Hui and Zhuge Hua both came out, Zhuge Kongping instantly opened his big arms, shook his fat body, and ran over quickly.

Zhuge Ming felt very embarrassed when he saw his father being so numb in public.

And Ye Tian shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly, secretly saying that Zhuge Kongping was still a tender man.

"You guy, you're so serious!"

Wang Hui glanced at Zhuge Kongping angrily, looking very disgusted, but Ye Tian saw it, Wang Hui's eyes were full of deep love when he looked at Zhuge Kongping!

To say that Zhuge Kongping's appearance is really average, and he is obese, he looks like a meat stake at a glance.

But Wang Hui has a delicate face, although she has given birth to two children, she still maintains a pretty good figure.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Wang Hui with charm and extraordinary temperament!

This very different combination is very surprising!

"Hehe, wife, I'll introduce you to a distinguished guest!"

Although Zhuge Kongping loved Wang Hui, he also knew that too much flesh and numbness at this time was also out of place, so he laughed twice at the moment, and immediately led Ye Tian to the front, and introduced to Wang Hui and Zhuge Hua:

"This is the master disciple of the Maoshan Sect, Ye Tianye Dao Chief, it was he who saved Xiao Ming's life. This is my wife, Wang Hui, and that is my daughter, Zhuge Hua!"

"Hello Daoist Ye!"

Looking at Ye Tianqi Yu Xuanang, his noble temperament was undoubtedly revealed, Wang Hui had an answer in his heart, and nodded and saluted.

And Zhuge Xiaohua looked at Ye Tian in front of him stupidly, but for a while he was fascinated and forgot to say hello.

Could this be the honored guest that my mother is talking about?

It's just so handsome!

"Hello Mrs. Zhuge

Ye Tian saw Wang Hui looking at himself with a smile, and immediately waved his hand jokingly, and said with a smile:

"Mrs. Zhuge looks at Xia like this, but is there anything special about Xia Xia?"

Seeing Ye Tian say this, Wang Hui shook her head a little embarrassedly, and said apologetically:

"I'm really sorry, Ye Daoyou, I am proficient in divination and physiognomy, today I saw Ye Daoyou's face is excellent, extraordinary, it is the face of a dragon among people!

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