
An explosion shocked everyone.

I saw that the rockery was instantly blown into powder by thunder.

And the abacus in Wang Hui's hand was also scattered to the ground in an instant, and the brush in the other hand was also broken in an instant.


A mouthful of blood was sprayed on the spot in an instant.

Wang Hui only felt that the world was spinning, her eyes were black, and when she regained consciousness again, she was already lying on the bed.

"Wife, you're scared to death!"

On the side of the bed, Zhuge Kongping held Wang Hui's palm with great concern, and when he saw that she finally woke up, he instantly smiled.

"I am... "

Wang Hui only felt a pain in her head at this time, her consciousness was a little blurred, she looked at the people standing in front of her, and instantly understood what was happening.

Looking at Ye Tian who was standing in front of him, he sighed and said:

"I can't estimate your fate, I just used the secret technique passed down by the family master to investigate, and the result was punished by the Heavenly Dao! "

Wang Hui didn't expect that Ye Tian's life and future would be so obscure, and because of this incident, he would also attract heavenly thunder to descend into the world!

Although he was more curious about Ye Tian's destiny in his heart, he also knew that his destiny could not be calculated by himself.

"Mrs. Zhuge has suffered, and she is very ashamed!"

To be honest, Wang Hui would be punished by the Heavenly Dao, which Ye Tian really didn't expect.

In the past, when the master calculated his future and destiny, there was no such situation.

Come to think of it, it must be that Wang Hui's cultivation is not enough, so he will suffer from this difficulty.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian felt a little ashamed in his heart, and with a little fingertips, a fragrant ginseng plant fell into Zhuge Kongping's hands:

"Brother Dao, this five-hundred-year-old ginseng is my treasure, take it to make soup for Mrs. Zhuge and replenish your body!"

"This... I can't help it!"

Although Zhuge Kongping didn't know what Wang Hui had calculated for Ye Tian so far, he could see that Ye Tian's future future was by no means something ordinary people could imagine.

For a while, Ye Tianzai Zhuge Kongping's status in his heart had become very respectful and lofty.

Now that he saw that the other party took out a five-hundred-year-old wild ginseng and gave it to his wife, how could he not be surprised and shocked.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, this matter is all because of me, and the day after tomorrow is your birthday, Brother Dao, I don't have anything to give, this ginseng, even if it's my little heart!"

"That... Then I'll take it!"

Hearing Ye Tian say this, Zhuge Kongping stopped twisting, thanked him, and handed the ginseng to Zhuge Hua.

"Xiaohua, take it and send it to the back kitchen, let the ghost servant stew chicken soup!"

"Ahh "

From just now until now, Zhuge Hua was secretly looking at Ye Tian.

How can a handsome young man who can let his mother's fortune-telling be counterattacked, how can he not attract his own interest.

For a while, he looked at Ye Tian and was a little engrossed, but now when he heard Zhuge Kongping's words, he reacted.

Suddenly, Hongxia flew up and ran out of the room in shame.

"What do you want this girl!"

Zhuge Kongping couldn't help muttering a few sentences, then looked at Wang Hui and asked with concern:

"Wife, how are you feeling, are you getting better!"

"Well, it's much better, I feel warm all over my body, and my vitality seems to be recovering quickly. "

"Ha, thanks to Ye Daoyou's elixir, you can recover so quickly!"

Zhuge Kongping was overjoyed when he saw this, and couldn't help but smile at Ye Tian again.

"Everywhere, it's what I should do!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and replied with a smile.

"Daddy, Daddy, someone's rushing in!"

Just when a few people were laughing, suddenly Zhuge Hua's frightened cry came from outside the door.

Zhuge Kongping and Zhuge Ming rushed out as soon as they saw this, Wang Hui was worried and wanted to go out to find out.

was stopped by Ye Tian and persuaded him:

"Mrs. Zhuge , you can rest for a while, and leave the affairs outside to us! Don't worry!"

"That... Then thank you Ye Daoyou!"

Wang Hui knew that Ye Tian's achievements in the future were limitless, and he had confidence in his heart at the moment, and nodded in thanks.

"Hmm. "

Ye Tian agreed, turned around and walked out of the room quickly.

At this time, in the courtyard of the house, there were dozens of soldiers in military uniforms, each holding spears in their hands, standing on both sides.

The leader was a handsome middle-aged man, and behind him stood an adjutant, who was holding Zhuge Hua hostage with a gun at this time, looking at the few people in front of him with disdain.

"This military master, if you have anything to say, let my daughter go first!"

Seeing that his daughter was held hostage by the other party at gunpoint, Zhuge Kongping was worried, and immediately put on a gesture of begging for mercy and spoke.

"His grandmother's, the girl who told Ben Shuai's fortune during the day, get out of here!"

This middle-aged man who called himself a handsome man was Wu Dashuai who had appeared during the day, and at this time he and his subordinates had already changed into military uniforms and stood in the courtyard.

Originally, after this Wu Dashuai left the Zhuge family, he kept talking about Wang Hui saying that he would be beaten, and after thinking about it, he felt more and more that the other party was bluffing him.

didn't say a word at the moment, ordered everyone to change into military uniforms one after another, and entered Zhuge 's house with a fierce momentum, ready to ask for an explanation.

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