

Stimulated by the blood of the three of them containing aura, the bones of the bronze armored corpse were like lit firecrackers.

The crackling sound is non-stop!

Seeing this exciting scene appear in front of them, the three of Wang Daoren felt extremely excited in their hearts.

It seems that now they have seen the process of Zhuge Kongping being killed by zombies, which is really happy!

"Awesome! Awesome! "


However, just when the three of them got carried away and couldn't stop their excitement.

Suddenly, the bronze armored corpse instantly opened its scarlet eyes and burst out with a scarlet fierce light.

This sudden reversal of the scene made the three Wang Daoren, who were still intoxicated just now, unable to dodge.


In the next second, the bronze armored corpse instantly stretched out its arms and grabbed Wang Mian and Asba's necks.

With just one attack, he instantly pinched the necks of the two of them, and kicked away the royal road man standing in the middle!


Wang Daoren only felt as if the five organs in his chest were shattered, and his eyes were black and he fell to the ground.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw the bronze armored corpse with its mouth open, constantly sucking the blood of Wang Mian and Asba.

The corpse qi of the body is still gradually rising, and the momentum around the body is becoming more and more domineering!

"Help... Help me! "

Wang Daoren could never have imagined that this bronze armored corpse would have such great power after drinking the blood of several people.

For a while, there was no owner in my heart, panicked, and I couldn't care so much at the moment, so I tried to stand up, screaming and running towards the rear.


However, how could the bronze armored corpse, which had just been inspired by the instinct of blood, allow the royal Dao people to easily escape from his eyes?

At that moment, it turned into a black flash, and both claws came out together, and it pierced through the chest of the king, and two fangs pierced into the carotid artery of his neck...


Night, on the other side of the jungle.

Zhuge Kongping, Zhuge Ming and Ye Tian were hurrying towards the place explained by Wang Daoren.

"Hurry up, Xiao Ming, if you let that bronze armored corpse escape, I'll kill you!"

In order to take care of Zhuge Kongping, Ye Tian did not use the magic power of shrinking the ground into inches.

And Zhuge Kongping is profound after all, even if he is obese and has a flat shoulder, he still has light footwork and a strong body.

In contrast, his son Zhuge Ming, who was just twenty years old, was out of breath, panting heavily.

"Dad, I'm exhausted, these two boxes are so heavy, I really can't carry them!"

"Useless things, let you step up your cultivation on weekdays, but you just don't listen, now you know that you regret it!"

"Yes, Dad!"

Zhuge Ming gritted his teeth, then took a deep breath again, and tried to follow the two of them forward.

Soon, the three of them came to the place that the royal man had said.

As in the movie, the figures of the bronze armored corpse of Xishuangbanna and the three people of Wang Daoren have disappeared.

And the coffin containing the bronze armor corpse was also shattered to the ground at this time.

Not only that, but there are still blood stains on the ground that have not yet coagulated, and it is obvious that those three dead guys have become a meal on the plate of the bronze armored corpse!

Smelling the residual corpse gas in the air and looking at the blood sprinkled on the ground, Zhuge Kongping put down the burden on his shoulders, frowned and said:

"Am I late? Someone has had an accident? "

"Dad, now that the zombie is gone, what should we do!"

Looking at the messy environment around him, and finding no trace of the bronze armored corpse, Zhuge Ming asked a little timidly.

"You're a dead guy, walking so slowly! The zombies are gone! If anyone else suffers, I'll kill you!" "

Zhuge Kongping glared at Zhuge Ming fiercely, and then took out a compass from his arms, and muttered words in his mouth.

There are a lot of villagers in several nearby towns, and if the bronze armored corpse is allowed to run away into the town, I am afraid that I don't know how many people will encounter accidents.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Kongping's worry became even heavier, and after the incantation was recited, he immediately squatted down and held the compass in the air on top of the broken coffin.



I saw that black corpse qi spread out from the inside of the coffin, and then formed a small round black ball, hovering above the compass.



As the black ball continued to guide, the hands on the compass began to change rapidly.

Finally, the pointer was fixed in the northwest direction!

"I've found the bronze armor corpse, let's hurry up!"

In the brief chapter, Zhuge Kongping was overjoyed in his heart, and instantly shouldered the flat burden again, and instructed Zhuge Ming, who had just gasped for breath beside him.

"Brother Dao, you go first, and I'll arrive later!"

Just as the two of them were about to chase after the bronze armored corpse, Ye Tian spoke.

"What's wrong? Ye Daoyou, is something wrong? "

Zhuge Kongping was a little surprised, and asked with a frown.

"This place is drenched in blood, someone must have encountered an accident, I am afraid that now it has been attacked by corpse poison and turned into a zombie! I'm going to find the zombies in the neighborhood so they don't slip through the net! "

Ye Tian explained with a smile.

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