"Dad, it turns out that this coffin nail can subdue this bronze armored corpse!"

Zhuge Ming also understood what was going on at this time, and couldn't help but feel very proud of his unintentional move.

And Zhuge Kongming patted him on the shoulder with great satisfaction and said approvingly:

"Good son, you are worthy of being the heir of my Zhuge family, you are so talented, Dad loves you!"

The sudden turn for the better in things completely surprised Zhuge Kongping.

In the end, he still didn't rely on Ye Tian to make a move, and subdued this bronze armored corpse, which can be described as a great joy.

Although the bronze armored corpse had fallen to the ground at this time and there was no movement, Zhuge Kongping was still a little worried that it would regenerate, so he instructed his son Zhuge Ming:

"Go back to the coffin and see if there are any scattered coffin nails, and find them for me!"


"Nonsense, if you are long-winded, Lao Tzu will beat you!"

Seeing that his father, who was still kind just now, has now become so stern, Zhuge Ming is angry and aggrieved.

I could only pout and run away quickly, for fear that my father Zhuge Kongping would really beat himself!

"This stinky boy!"

Zhuge Kongping muttered angrily, and then walked quickly in the direction of Ye Tian and the girl.

first said hello to Ye Tian, then looked at the girl, and asked with concern:

"Miss Ma, you're fine!"

Although Zhuge Kongping was fighting with the bronze armored corpse just now, what was happening on the side could be seen clearly.

Ye Tian took action to remove the girl's corpse poison, but Zhuge Kongping saw it in his eyes.

Now that I see that the other party's cheeks are already bloody, and his complexion is much better, I am not so worried in my heart.

"It's nothing, thank you for your concern!"

The girl first nodded and thanked her, then looked at Ye Tian on the side, and said solemnly:

"Ma Danna, the heir of the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan, thank you to Maoshan for sending Brother Dao to come to the rescue!"


Ye Tian was very surprised when he heard the girl report to her home.

There are hundreds of yin and yang families in the world, and their inheritance and strength are different.

However, Ye Tian didn't know everything, he just knew that some of the more powerful families had never heard of the exorcist dragon clan Ma family.

Of course, this is because Ye Tian didn't know much about the exorcist dragon clan Ma family after coming to this world.

But it doesn't mean that he doesn't know about this exorcist dragon clan.

You must know that this exorcist dragon clan is a major yin-yang family in the TV series I watched in my previous life.

But the protagonist in it is Ma Xiaoling, not her girl, Ma Danna.

Could it be that the worldview of "Deadlock" is also integrated into this world?

Zombie King General?

The Pangu people, the human king Fuxi, and the Holy Mother of Yaochi also exist?

Ye Tian couldn't help but fall into deep thought!

Anyway, at least in the cognition I know, there is no Pangu zombie who distinguishes strength by eye color!

Yes, it's the seven types of zombies identified in the world that day!

White Zombie, Black Zombie, Green Zombie, Mao Zombie, Flying Zombie, Fierce Zombie and Zombie!

Seeing that Ye Tian was in thought, Zhuge Kongping thought that he didn't know Ma Danna's inheritance, so he opened his mouth to explain:

"Ye Daoyou doesn't know about this exorcist dragon clan, it's really normal, to be honest, I don't know much about them. If I hadn't just seen this horse girl summon the divine dragon of her own clan with the nine-character mantra, I am afraid that I would not have thought that she was the heir of the Ma family!"

As he spoke, Zhuge Kongping looked at Madana apologetically, and said with a smile:

"Miss Ma, the main reason is that your family is scarce, and there are few people in the world, and I only learned about your family by hearing the elders of the clan talk about it. My friend doesn't know anything about your family, so please don't mind!

By the way, let me introduce myself, my name is Zhuge Kongping, and I am the outer descendant of the Zhuge family. This friend of mine is amazing, he is a personal disciple of Maoshan Tianxu Zhenren, Ye Tianye Daoyou!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Ma Danna didn't care about this, and waved her hand slightly, the identities of the two, she had already guessed it just now.

Zhuge Kongping is right, although their Ma family has been inherited since the first emperor's time, it is longer than the inheritance of the Zhuge family!

But after all, because the family is scarce, and the cultivation of each generation is not high, it is difficult to make a name for themselves in the cultivation world.

Therefore, in the cognition of many people, the exorcist dragon clan has long disappeared from the world and broken its inheritance.

There are even many people who believe that there is no such existence as an exorcist dragon clan at all.

"If there is a continuous war today, many people have been affected by the war, resulting in unjust souls and corpse disasters. This time, I want to use the power of inheritance to eliminate harm for the common people and do my part!

Who knew that when I passed by this place just now, I saw this zombie appearing, and I wanted to destroy it, but I didn't expect to be scratched by it and fall below, I am really a little ashamed!"

Listening to Ma Donna's words, Ye Tian could be sure that the Ma family of the exorcist dragon clan in this world was different from the Ma family he knew.

At the very least, their mission is not to hunt down the zombie kings and generals!

If it's too late today, and Miss Ma is injured, it's better to go back to my house to rest for a few days, and it's not too late to make plans later!"

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