



A sneeze came from Zhuge Kongping, Ye Tian looked at the other party's appearance, took out a pill, added water, crushed it, and handed it to the other party.

"Brother Dao, after drinking this bowl of medicine, you will feel better."

"Grandma's, I'm usually as strong as a cow, how can a good person get a cold! It's so depressing! "

Zhuge Kongping shook his somewhat confused head, drank all the potion handed over by Ye Tian, pouted and said:

"Ye Daoyou, this medicine is so bitter!"

"Bitter medicine!"

Ye Tian replied lightly, he knew that Zhuge Kongping would get the wind cold, all because of the bad luck of the bronze armor corpse of Xishuangbanna.

Last night, after he subdued the bronze armor corpse of Naxishuangbanna, he began to run into bad luck everywhere.

First, he fell and ate a mouthful of cow dung, and then when he got home, he fell down and ate chicken dung.

I thought about taking a hot shower quickly, but halfway through the washing in the wooden barrel in the courtyard, it suddenly rained heavily, without any warning.

Hot and cold are intertwined, bad luck rushes to the body, this good Zhuge Kongping has become this virtue.

"It's still too bitter, Ye Daoyou, please pour me a cup of tea!"


Looking at Zhuge Kongping's pained expression, Ye Tian turned around and came to the table and poured a cup of tea.

At this time, it was already evening, Wang Hui was pulling Zhuge Hua and Zhuge Ming to prepare dinner, and only Ye Tian and Zhuge Kongping stayed in the room, so this tired work naturally fell on Ye Tian.


Just when Ye Tian was about to hand the tea to Zhuge Kongping, something strange happened.

Ye Tian only felt that the teacup in his hand began to shake constantly, and then a mysterious mana appeared in the teacup out of thin air.

For a while, Ye Tian frowned, and saw a woman's figure appear on the surface of the teacup.

The woman's willow leaves bent eyebrows, long green silk tied up by the bun, coupled with her delicate face, gives people a taste that does not eat the fireworks of the world.

The woman looked only a few years older than Ye Tian, but she was wearing a blue Taoist robe, just like a Taoist aunt.

"Who are you? What about my brother? "

Before Ye Tian could speak, he heard the woman's puzzled voice.

"Hey, my sister's thousand-mile transmission!"

Zhuge Kongping, who was originally lying on the bed waiting for Ye Tian's tea, instantly became energetic when he heard the words coming from the cup.

immediately walked out of bed, immediately took the teacup in Ye Tian's hand, and said excitedly to the teacup:

"Senior sister, why did you send me a thousand miles of transmission, do you miss your senior brother?"

"I miss you, at such an old age, you are not serious! If that yellow-faced woman of yours hears it, she will definitely have to scold me again! "

"Hehe, senior brother made you laugh, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Who's that guy?"

Seeing the woman in the cup asking, Zhuge Kongping immediately pulled Ye Tian closer and introduced to the phantom of the woman in the cup:

"Senior sister, this is my honored guest in the house, the personal disciple of the Maoshan Sect Tianxu Zhenren, Ye Tian!

Ye Tian, this is my junior sister, Bai Rourou! "

"It turned out to be a high-ranking disciple of the Heavenly Void True Man, I didn't know just now, I was offended, and I ask for forgiveness!"

As soon as she heard Zhuge Kongping's introduction, Bai Rourou instantly showed an embarrassed look and hurriedly apologized.

Although the Zhuge family is a yin-yang family that has been inherited for thousands of years, it is different from other yin-yang families.

Every year, the Zhuge family will look for highly gifted children in the world to inhale into the family, preach the Tao, and bare the lintel.

These people are often treated higher than some of the children of the side branches, and they become the inner descendants of the Zhuge family.

Bai Rourou is full of such existences.

When Zhuge Kongping was not separated from the Zhuge family, he had a very good relationship with this Bai Rourou.

Although the two have rarely seen each other for so many years, they just rely on thousands of miles to greet each other.

But even so, once Zhuge Kongping's wife Wang Hui knew about it, she would definitely have a trouble with Zhuge Kongping.

There is no way, although Wang Hui looks dignified and virtuous, but compared to this Bai Rourou, it is three points inferior.

Any woman who sees her husband standing with a childhood sweetheart who looks better than herself will feel jealous.

"Bai Daoyou, hello!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and then nodded and said hello.

"Some time ago, the real person of Tianxu came to my Zhuge Inner Gate, and I also had the fate to serve a cup of tea to her old man, and now I see her old man's tall feet, which is really a blessing for three lives!"

"Master, his old man has already told me about this, there is a place to disturb your mansion, please forgive me!"

"Where is it, it is the honor of our Zhuge family that the real people of Tianxu can come to our Zhuge inner gate, why bother with it!"

Listening to Ye Tian's politeness, Bai Rourou waved her hand again and again, and after a few more greetings, she turned her head to look at Zhuge Kongping, and said:

"Senior brother, I have two things to inform you of this time!"

"Oh? What's up? "

Zhuge Kongping saw that his junior sister Bai Rourou instantly became serious, and he knew that it must be a big deal, so he hurriedly asked.

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