Although he has experienced Bai Rourou's thousands of miles of sound transmission, it has made Wang Hui and Zhuge Kongping, who are jealous, a little awkward.

But after all, it is a one-day husband and wife, and the two have a pair of filial children, even if Wang Hui has a lot of complaints about Zhuge Kongping in his heart, they are all pressed in his heart.

After all, Ye Tian is also a distinguished guest invited by Zhuge Kongping to celebrate his birthday, and if the husband and wife have an opinion, they are afraid that they will also make outsiders look at the joke.

Finally, Zhuge Kongping's birthday came, and the entire Zhuge family's compound was also full of joy.

Towards the end of the evening, Wang Hui prepared a table full of sumptuous dishes.

Looking at the delicacies on that table, all of which were the dishes he liked to eat, Zhuge Kongping couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart, and regardless of the children and Ye Tian beside him, he immediately gave Wang Hui a big hug, and said dotingly:

"Hehe, wife, you're the best, I know you love me!"

"Go and go, don't be poor with me, I'm here for Ye Daoyou to eat, what does it have to do with you!"

"Hey, I know, I know."

Although Wang Hui was still very tough in his words, Zhuge Kongping could see that Wang Hui's tone and eyes were much gentler.

Even when he hugged her in public just now, Wang Hui glared at him like a coquettish.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Kongping laughed, immediately looked at Ye Tian, and said proudly:

"Ye Daoyou, you see, such affection between husband and wife is definitely the happiest thing in this world, how about it? Do you have a crush on someone, and when do you plan to get married? "

As soon as they heard Zhuge Kongping's question, Zhuge Ming and Zhuge Hua instantly stopped the chopsticks in their hands and looked at Ye Tian with a curious expression.

Zhuge Hua, in particular, is full of expectations, although her mother Wang Huishu strictly forbids her not to allow such thoughts.

But for a person's affection, how can it be said that it can be abandoned if it is abandoned.

"Well, there is indeed a favorite person, as for when to get married, it depends on the meaning of the master and his old man!"

Ye Tian smiled slightly, and the appearance of the gentle and dignified Ren Tingting and the lively and agile Hua Yanyan instantly appeared in his mind.

For a while, the sweet taste came to my heart, and I missed the two girls a little more in my heart.

Hearing this, Zhuge Hua's face was a little lost and a little unhappy.

And Zhuge Ming walked quickly to the front and asked curiously:

"Daochang Ye, that girl is not beautiful, is my sister pretty?"

"You kid, you ask so much!"

Wang Hui frowned and reprimanded Zhuge Ming, and then deliberately glanced at the direction of Zhuge Hua.

"People just ask, why are you so fierce!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Ye Tian smiled and waved his hand, and then said:

"Well, both of them are very handsome."

"Huh? Two? "

Zhuge Kongping was very surprised when he heard this, and then looked at Ye Tian with some envy, and stretched out his thumb:

"Tut-tut, sure enough, Ye Daoyou is very charming, and he can be accompanied by two beauties, I am really envious! Oops! "

As soon as Zhuge Kongping's voice fell, Wang Hui slapped him heavily on the head, and scolded angrily:

"What? You're looking for two, aren't you? Or are you still obsessed with your Senior Sister Bai! "

"Wife, wife, I'm in a hurry, don't take it to heart!"

"Fart, look at you like that, snot bubbles are coming out!"


Seeing that Wang Hui began to count Zhuge Kongping again, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, it seems that this birthday banquet is going to be unreliable again.

"Haha! Kong Ping, I haven't seen you for so long, you are still so afraid of your sister-in-law! "

At this time, a man's voice came in from outside the courtyard, and when everyone turned their heads, they saw a middle-aged man with a big belly, wearing a suit, and holding a civilization staff into the house with a smile.

Seeing this, Wang Hui no longer reprimanded Zhuge Kongping, but slowly frowned.

"First Mao? What are you doing here? "

Zhuge Kongping looked at the person who came, it was Ouyang Fan, the first in the world!

Sure enough, as Bai Rourou said, this first Mao really came to find her own bad head, but what she didn't expect was that it would come so soon!

"Haha, Kong Ping, look at what you said, today is your birthday, I have been friends with you for many years, why don't you come?"

With a wave of his hand, the staff of civilization disappeared into his hand as if it were a trick, and then a beautifully packaged gift box appeared.

"Kong Ping, I wish you every year today, every year and today, be careful, not respectful!"

"Thank you! Now that you're here, please take a seat! "

Although I knew the intention of this first mao, people also came with smiling faces, and also showed that they were celebrating their birthday.

is reasonable, Zhuge Kongping can't refute other people's face, and he has to entertain the other party for a birthday banquet.

Hearing this, First Mao handed the gift to Zhuge Kongping, and then sat down very naturally, and with a sweep of his eyes, he noticed Ye Tian, who had been sitting beside him and had never gotten up.

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