"Huh? Why so suddenly? "

Obviously, the third aunt hasn't come out of this surprise yet!

If he hadn't seen the red lantern hanging high with his own eyes, how would he have thought that such a thing would happen tonight?

In the Marshal's Mansion, there is a rule.

As long as a red lantern is hung in front of the lady's courtyard tonight, it means that the handsome lady will sleep in the lady's room tonight and spend the night with him!

How could the handsome handsome, who was still in pain just now, suddenly leave a red lantern for himself tonight, which really puzzled the third aunt.

Especially after hearing the maid's other words, the third aunt's jaw seemed to be shocked!

Tonight, not only did red lanterns hang up in front of their own courtyard, but even the other two ladies hung red lanterns in front of their homes!

This scene is the first time I have seen it!

You must know that Xu Dashuai is already middle-aged, and in addition to these three ladies on weekdays, his favorite place to go is the place of fireworks.

What's more, Xu Dashuai is still fighting all year round, and his body bones have long been empty.

Otherwise, this third aunt would not have hooked up with this Adjutant Li and secretly cheated on her.

Although there were thousands of questions in her heart, the third aunt did not dare to go against Xu Dashuai's wishes, so she could only hurriedly go back to the house to wash and wait for Xu Dashuai's arrival.


"Brother Ye, you said that this Xu Dashuai is haunted by ghosts, and there will be a bloody disaster in the near future, is it true?"

At breakfast, Ren Tingting and Ye Tian chatted about homely things while eating breakfast.

Hearing Ren Tingting accidentally ask about this, Ye Tian nodded in response and explained:

"That's right, although I am not as proficient in the art of looking at qi as Senior Brother Lin, I also know some superficial things.

That Xu Dashuai's Yin Tang seems to have five faint ghost qi, although these five ghost qi are dim, but they are extremely evil! "

"So, there are five vicious ghosts?"

"That's how it should be!"

"Then Brother Ye, don't you come to the rescue? Anyway, you are also a Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain, shouldn't it be a matter of exorcising demons and subduing demons? "

Ren Tingting was a little puzzled, and didn't understand why Ye Tian didn't come to the rescue since Ye Tian knew that Xu Dashuai was haunted by powerful ghosts?

"That Xu Dashuai Yin is corrupt, full of evil spirits, and full of blood, I don't know how many people died in his hands! If I save him, not only will I be innocently implicated, but it may also deplete my yin virtue, which is not good for me! "

In Ye Tian's opinion, this is the same as Xu Dashuai, just like the owner of the winery in Jiuquan Town, he is simply a person who has lost his conscience!

For this kind of person, Ye Tian didn't even want to take a second look.

Being able to tell him to prepare for the future in advance is like having done his duty.

"I see!"

Ren Tingting suddenly realized, and then she was a little worried, and hurriedly asked Ye Tian again.

"Fortunately, the sister of Uncle Wang's family has not married Dashuai Baitang yet, otherwise, she would have become a widow! Brother Ye, will the handsome ladies you say be in danger? "

"Didn't I remind them last night and advise them to leave this Xu Dashuai as soon as possible! As for whether or not to listen to my persuasion, that is their creation, so why should I meddle with it! "

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders, some people's fate is often a choice they make.

If they believe what Ye Tian said, then they will be safe, and if they don't believe that they continue to stay in the Great Marshal's Mansion, I am afraid that they will be more than lucky.

Do your best, obey the destiny of heaven, everyone's going to stay, it's not something that Ye Tian can say.

"Master, miss, that marshal's mansion is lively early this morning!"

Just when Ye Tian and Ren Tingting were chatting to the extreme, Yue Qiluo ran in from outside with an excited face, and immediately pretended to be mysterious, looking at the two with a smile.

"You girl, don't sell Guanzi, let's say, what kind of moth did Xu Dashuai do?"

"Hehe, I heard that since last night, many soldiers have abandoned their guns and fled, and when they ran, they also took a lot of treasures, and they were found by that Xu Dashuai this morning, and their noses were almost crooked!"

"It seems that there are still people who believe what you said, Brother Ye!"

Hearing that someone had left the Dashuai Mansion, Ren Tingting felt a little relieved and smiled sweetly at Ye Tian.

"And what, there's more!"

Yue Qiluo looked unsatisfied, and hurriedly waved his hand and continued to add:

"There's also big news, you must not have imagined! Hey! Xu Dashuai's third brother and wife are all happy! "

"What? Are you all happy? "

Sure enough, Ye Tian and Ren Tingting were both shocked, the three ladies were pregnant at the same time, which was indeed unbelievable for ordinary people.

"Brother Ye, are you mistaken, isn't there a lot of happy events in Xu Dashuai's mansion?"

"There's something weird about this!"

According to common sense, the probability of three ladies getting pregnant at the same time is extremely low.

Even if Da Shuai had sex with three ladies at the same time a month ago, there is no guarantee that everyone will be able to conceive successfully.

What's more, Xu Dashuai is corrupt and moral, this kind of person will not have descendants.

There's got to be weird!

Most likely, it has something to do with those five ghost qi!

Sinister design!

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