Aunt Sue and Uncle Nine stood aside and watched anxiously as Ye Tian rescued Qiusheng and Wencai.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, continuously transported the True Qi in his body into the bodies of the two of them to keep their hearts from being damaged.



The golden needle glowed with gold and made a sound.

Ye Tian took advantage of the situation and slapped his palms directly on the chests of the two.


In an instant, a mouthful of thick, black-smelling blood spurted out of the mouths of the two and spilled onto the bed.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, quickly stuffed the two pills into the mouths of the two, and instantly pierced the two golden needles at the center of the eyebrows of the two of them.


A cloud of golden light appeared at the center of the two of them's eyebrows, and then quickly spread through the bodies of the two of them, turning into a ray of light that traveled all over their bodies.

Then Ye Tian's hands flew quickly, and he saw that the bloody wounds on the two of them were being quickly stitched up by the golden needles at this time.

Where the golden needle fell, the blood no longer leaked, and the two of them frowned and closed their eyes tightly, as if they were suffering some kind of pain.


After half an hour, Ye Tian wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, and with a wave of his hand, the eighteen golden needles returned to his cuffs.

"Okay, these two guys' lives are saved!"

"Great, thank you, Senior Brother Ye!"

Hearing this, Uncle Nine breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and the hanging stone also fell instantly.

Qiusheng and Wencai are like their own sons, although they always make themselves angry sometimes, but they are very filial.

If you really watched the two of them die in front of you, you don't know how sad you would be.

"Okay, senior sister, let me take a look at your injuries!"

"I'm sorry for you, Senior Brother Ye!"

After that, Ye Tian took action again and treated Aunt Sue.

Fortunately, Aunt Cane's injuries were not serious, although there were many wounds, but they were all superficial injuries, and they did not hurt muscles and bones.

After a little treatment, I simply wiped some ointment for him, and it was completely cured.

"Okay, now let's talk about why you got hurt!"

"Well, here's the thing!"

When Uncle Nine heard this, he didn't delay any longer, so he told Ye Tian the reason for the matter.

It turns out that in recent times, there have always been children in the town who have disappeared inexplicably, both men and women.

The people in the town suspected that it was a monster, and they were afraid to go out and stay at home.

As a Taoist priest of Maoshan Mountain, Uncle Jiu naturally couldn't sit idly by, so he divided his troops into two ways.

Aunt Sue took Qiusheng and Wencai, and she went out alone to find the monster who kidnapped the child.

However, to the surprise of Uncle Jiu, the entire Renjia Town did not feel any demonic energy, and even the ghost qi did not appear.

This made Uncle Nine feel that there were some tricky questions, and he wanted to come forward to inquire, but he didn't know what to do.

Just yesterday evening, several people continued to inquire about the whereabouts of the monster according to the original division of labor.

Uncle Nine didn't find anything on his side, but something happened on the three of them.

Just when the three of them were checking the situation around the town, they found three figures in black robes with strange whereabouts.

So Aunt Su immediately sent a summons to inform Uncle Nine.

And he led Qiusheng and Wencai to follow quietly.

Following all the way, the three of them came to the back mountain of Renjia Town.

At this time, just as the three of them were staring at the situation ahead, suddenly three more figures in black robes attacked from behind.

In an instant, he swung his claws and grabbed at the three of them.

Aunt Sue reacted quickly and dodged to the side in an instant.

And Qiusheng and Wencai were not so lucky, those people in black were extremely fast, and just as they were about to dodge, they were directly grabbed in the chest.

Then Aunt Cane used the talisman and the peachwood sword to attack the other party, which had no effect at all.

After a series of fierce battles, Qiusheng and Wencai had already fainted, and Aunt Sue was also scarred.

On the other hand, the three men in black seemed to be uninjured, but they still roared angrily, waving their claws and continuing to attack Sue Gu.

To see that the other three men in black are also going to join the battle, Uncle Nine felt it in time.

Then he used the Maoshan Tiangang Fire and the psychedelic formation to temporarily drag the six black-clothed people, while he quickly left the back mountain with the injured three people and returned to Yizhuang.

Then he hurriedly used the messenger to notify Ye Tian, asking him to return to Renjia Town as soon as possible to treat the three Sue Gu.

"And this kind of weirdness?"

After Ye Tian listened to the story of Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue, his face showed a suspicious look.

Not afraid of any magic weapons and talisman attacks, such a monster is indeed rare in the world!

But soon, another bold idea flashed into Ye Tian's mind.

Combined with the sharp minions of several people described by Uncle Nine and the characteristics of not being afraid of Dao techniques, Ye Tian already had doubts at this time.

It is very likely that these six people are not Huaxia demons, but dark creatures --- werewolves in the West!

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