
A mouthful of blood spurted out of the weasel's mouth, and then his whole body fell to the ground, completely out of breath.

"Master, this is just a little weasel that has not yet become a climate, not the werewolf we are looking for!"


Ye Tian nodded, then squatted down and looked at the cannibalized corpse carefully, frowning.

"The paw prints on this are obviously not caused by this weasel, it should be the corpse that the werewolf ate left, and was picked up by the weasel!"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, and immediately the Samadhi True Fire flew out instantly, and the corpse that was only half of his body was burned in an instant.

Dust to dust, dust to dust!

After all, there is no escape from the elusiveness of fate.

"Help! Help me! "

At this moment, a cry for help came from a distance.

Although the distance was far away and the sound was small, it was still captured by Ye Tian and Ah Zi in an instant.

Seeing this, the two instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

In the next second, the two of them came to a dense forest, where the cry for help came.

I saw a burly figure appear in front of the two of them, although the figure was wearing a black robe, but Ye Tian could see at a glance that the other party was a werewolf!

And the werewolf was holding a middle-aged man covered in blood, who was obviously so frightened that he passed out and lost consciousness.

"Hey, hey, two more, that's good!"

The figure slowly turned his head, and saw a strong man with a Western face appear in front of the two of them.

"Fine skin and tender meat, I like it, I like it!"

The strong man spoke fluent Chinese, and his eyes were full of greed when he looked at Ye Tian and Ah Zi.

Immediately, he directly threw the middle-aged man in his hand to the ground.

The target is directly aimed at Ye Tian and the others!

"It's better to eat the heart of the Chinese people, you two are so young, it will be very delicious! Hahaha! "

As he spoke, the middle-aged man instantly raised his hands, and the two big hands turned into furry claws in an instant.

For a while, the wind was howling, and in the next second, the strong man was like a cannonball, and instantly flew in front of Ye Tian.


I only heard a muffled sound, and the strong man was blasted out by Ye Tian's punch in an instant, and flew out upside down.

The strong man was shocked, but his chest was in sharp pain, and he wanted to fight back, but he couldn't exert his strength at all.

However, just as the strong man was about to crash to the ground.

Ye Tian's figure flashed instantly, and appeared behind him in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he grabbed it, he grabbed one of the werewolf's ankles!


Ye Tian exerted his strength, and the strong man was suddenly thrown to the ground, and the ground shook violently for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian kept picking up his arms and slamming the ground wildly.

I saw that the strong man had no power to fight back, and he kept being thrown out and smashed on the ground.

For a while, Ye Tian's surroundings were full of big pits that had been smashed out.

The strong man was covered in blood, and the bones all over his body were in a distorted state.

"Put... Let me go! "

The strong man groaned weakly, but in exchange, it was Ye Tian's fierce attack again.



Only the sound of bones breaking could be heard for several years, and the strong man had collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

And Ye Tian stepped on his back with one foot and said coldly:

"Tell me where are the children you have taken captive?"

"Don't think!"

The strong man's mouth was full of blood, but he looked excited and roared angrily.

"It seems that you don't cry when you don't see the coffin!"

After speaking, Ye Tian instantly punched out again, and the fierce fist wind carrying boundless qi instantly broke the strong man's legs and fell to the side.

The strong man who lost his legs screamed in pain instantly, even if he could recover quickly as a wolf clan, but this pain was unbearable!

"Say! Where is it! "

"No... No... "

The strong man clenched his teeth and refused to let go.

Then, with a wave of Ye Tian's palm, pieces of the ocean fell instantly like rain and smashed on the strong man's body!



The ocean contains the element silver, which is a deadly attack on the dark creatures of the West!

I only heard a sound like concentrated sulfuric acid corroding.

Thick black smoke rose from the strong man's body, and in less than a moment, the strong man's body was already rotting and blurred, and blood was dripping!

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