Resurrect the Wolf King?

Obviously, the news brought by this werewolf surprised Ye Tian very much!

Werewolves are dark creatures in the West, this Renjia town is located in China, where did the wolf king come from?

And these werewolves have taken so many children away, it's outrageous!

"Say, what the hell is going on!"

Ye Tian kicked him on the werewolf and reprimanded him angrily.

The other party didn't dare to hide anything when he heard this, and hurriedly explained:

"Wolves... Lord Wolf King came to China two hundred years ago, I don't know what happened, and he never returned to the family after that!

The current wolf lord also inquired about many information, only to know that the wolf king was killed by a Chinese monk and sealed in this Ren family town!

Therefore, he ordered us to come here in person, use secret techniques to resurrect the wolf king, return to the family, and fight against the vampires and the power of the Holy See! "

"Killed two hundred years ago?"

Ye Tian was a little puzzled, and immediately looked at the werewolf on the ground, and asked again:

"What about the other werewolves who are with you, where are they all, and where is the wolf king in your mouth sealed!"

"They are ... They are ... "

Just as the werewolf was about to answer Ye Tian's question, all of a sudden, his cheeks instantly became swollen.

Then the whole face became painful, as if it was about to explode!

Seeing this, Ye Tian was just about to find out the reason, when he heard the werewolf scream in an instant!

Then the whole body exploded into a cloud of blood mist in the blink of an eye, dissipating into the air.


Ye Tian's body was really angry, blocking these smelly blood mist.

But for the accidental death of the werewolf, he is very angry!

Obviously, the other werewolves sensed that this werewolf had betrayed him, and used the family secret technique to completely kill him to prevent future troubles!

This time, the clue I just got disappeared in an instant!

If you want to find these werewolves again, I'm afraid it won't be so easy!

"Master, don't worry, we will definitely find those werewolves and rescue those children!"

Seeing Ye Tian's solemn face, Ah Zi walked closer and whispered comfort.

"Well, that's all there is to it now!"

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, then sighed and walked in the direction of Renjia Town.

Only this time, he didn't take Ah Zi back into the spirit servant space, but took her with him and walked beside him.

"Senior brother, you're back!"

Ye Tian's departure made Uncle Nine very worried, and now that he saw him reappear in Yizhuang, the stone hanging in his heart fell to the ground.

Then after seeing Ah Zi beside Ye Tian, Uncle Nine was a little surprised, and asked:

"Senior brother, who is this girl?"

Ah Zi is dressed in purple clothes, like a fairy in the world, beautiful and moving!

Seeing this, Uncle Nine couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Ye Tian was so charming, and he brought back a woman when he went out, which was really amazing!

"This is Ah Zi, my corpse slave!"

"Ah Zi has seen the Dao Chief!"

Ah Zi immediately bowed down and greeted Uncle Jiu.

"Corpse slave?"

Unexpectedly, this woman turned out to be a zombie, and Uncle Nine was very surprised.

If it weren't for Ye Tian's explanation, Uncle Nine wouldn't have been able to detect the existence of a single corpse qi from his body at all!

How could such a beautiful and moving woman be a zombie!

"Senior brother, don't be surprised, Ah Zi is stiff, not an ordinary zombie!"

"What! Stiff! "

Uncle Nine was even more shocked!

What does the stiff represent, it's not that his ninth uncle doesn't know!

Even if Ye Tian has become a real person, if he wants to deal with the stiffness, it is absolutely impossible!

Not to mention taking it in as your own corpse slave!

It's all shocking, it's shocking!

"Yes, Dao Chief, the slave family is indeed a stiff, and it is also the strength of the peak of stiffness!"


Uncle Jiu's mind was blank at this time, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this time.

Zombie peak!

This Maoshan master has gone down the mountain, and it is difficult to say whether he can be subdued, let alone the existence of Ye Tian, a real human realm!

"Senior brother, don't be so excited, go, go back to the house, let's talk about it in detail!"

Ye Tian smiled and patted Uncle Jiu's shoulder, then looked back at Ah Zi and said:

"Ah Zi, you can find a room to rest by yourself tonight, you don't have to go back to the spirit servant space!"

"Yes, Ah Zi obeys!"

Ah Zi nodded, and his figure turned into a purple smoke, and disappeared in front of Ye Tian and the others in the blink of an eye.


Uncle Nine still couldn't digest all this, and looked coldly at the direction in which Ah Zi disappeared, silent.

"Let's go, senior brother, I'll tell you what just happened!"

Ye Tian pulled the ninth uncle, who was still surprised, and walked into the hall of Yizhuang, telling about Ah Zi and the real reason why the werewolf appeared in Renjia Town...

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