"So, Daoist friends know where the wolf king's seal is?"

Ye Tian heard the explanation of the grass house monk, and immediately asked.


The grass house monk nodded.

"Great, that fellow Daoist will take us over now, I want to see where this seal is!"

Hearing the confirmation of the matter, Uncle Nine immediately shouted happily and hurriedly said.

"Senior brother, no!"

Ye Tian waved his hand to express his disapproval, explaining:

"If we appear at that seal now, we're sure to attract the attention of the enemy! It's better to hide in the shadows and act when the opportunity arises! "

"Ye Daoyou's thoughts are the same as those of Poor Dao!"

The Grass House Monk nodded and added:

"To be sure, all we can do now is wait for the day of the full moon."

"I was not thoughtful and almost missed a big thing!"

When Uncle Nine heard the reason, he realized that it was almost a big deal, and shook his head helplessly and said:

"It's just that the children who were taken away are suffering, and I don't know if they are alive or dead!"

"Lin Daoyou don't have to worry too much, in my opinion, the sacrifice of the resurrection of the wolf king has not yet begun, and the child's life is still safe!"

"Well, that's right!"

"Yes, senior brother, don't worry about this for the time being!"

Ye Tian added on the side:

"Besides, I killed two of them tonight, and the remaining werewolves must be on guard.

In the next two days, it is estimated that there will be no more murder, so let's just wait! "

"Understood, understood!"

Uncle Nine nodded when he heard this, and then said to the grass house:

"Fellow Daoist, it's getting late, I'll prepare a guest room for you and rest for the night!"

"Then disturb Lin Daoyou!"

"Where's the word!"

Uncle Nine nodded with a smile, looked at Ye Tian and said:

"Senior brother, you can also live here, if we have anything, we can also discuss it!"

"That's fine!"

Since the werewolf incident had happened, and Doudou was also sleeping in Yizhuang, Ye Tian did not return to the medical hall, but stayed in Yizhuang.


At this time, in a hidden cave twenty miles outside Renjia Town.

Three big men were tearing the wild boar they had just hunted while drinking wine, each with a happy smile on their faces.

And not far from these two big men, there are eight children about six or seven years old.

There were men and women, lying on the ground in a coma.

These children are the children lost in Renjiazhen during this time.

And those two big men are the dark creatures of the West that Ye Tian and the others are looking for, werewolves.

At this time, a werewolf finished eating the fat in his hand, looked in the direction outside the cave and said:

"Novansky, why haven't they come back yet? It's weird! "

"Yes, not only the three of them, but even the boss is gone!"

The other werewolf patted his bulging belly and muttered.


At this moment, a man's shouting voice came from outside the cave.

Seeing this, the two of them were panicked, and they quickly stood up and bowed respectfully to the entrance of the cave.

"Boss, you're back!"

At this time, another tall Western man with a tiger's back and a bear's waist walked into the cave.

The man's face was grim and full of anger.

Seeing that the two of them were actually eating the wild boar, he stepped forward and kicked the remnants of the wild boar aside, and said loudly:

"Eat, eat, eat! Just know how to eat! Did I bring you two here just to eat? "

"No, no, no, boss, don't be angry!"

"Yes, Boss, there happened to be a wild boar running by here just now, and we didn't have dinner, so didn't we slaughter the wild boar to fill our stomachs!"


The man let out a resentful sigh, and then raised his hand and slapped them firmly in the face.

"Do you know that Novansky, they're dead, and our location is almost exposed!"

"Huh? Novansky is dead? How can it be! "

Both of them were shocked, looked at the man in front of them, who was called the boss, and hurriedly said:

"Boss, what the hell is going on!"

"I don't know!"

The man scolded angrily, then took a long breath and said in a deep voice:

"I was out surveying the terrain, and suddenly I felt that Zakhasky wanted to betray, so I immediately used a secret technique to kill his soul, and I didn't let the other enemy succeed!"

"Huh? Zachski betrayal? "

The man was very surprised, then shook his head and hurriedly said:

"Zakasky is a very good warrior of our werewolf clan, and ordinary Chinese monks are not his opponents at all? Could it be that the person who killed Zakasky and them was the Maoshan Taoist priest in Renjia Town? "

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