The moon is sparse, and it is late at night.

Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu followed the figure of the grass house monk and walked quickly towards the place where the wolf king had sealed.

Soon, the three of them came to a deserted grave halfway up the back mountain.

"This... Isn't this the tomb of the old lady back then? "

Looking at the deserted grave in front of him, Uncle Nine cried out in surprise.

He never imagined that the seal of the wolf king back then would be on this dragonfly point water hole that was destroyed by the feng shui master!

"That's right. According to the guidance of the ancestors, this is where the wolf king's seal is located! "

Hearing this, the grass house monk nodded, then squatted down to look at the desolate grave and observed it carefully.

"Senior brother, fellow Daoist, let's hide for the time being, and wait for the arrival of those werewolves!"

"Yes! Yes! "

Hearing Ye Tian's suggestion, the two nodded in unison, and then jumped forward, each using an invisibility charm to fade their own breath and hide in a bush.

Gradually, as the moon slowly rose into the sky, the yin energy around it gradually became richer.

There seemed to be a ghost crying sound around a few people, and there was a little ghost fire, which lit up not far away.

It is conceivable that if ordinary people pass by here at this time, they are afraid that they will be fascinated by the little ghost and encounter the situation of the ghost hitting the wall.

"It's coming!"

Ye Tian muttered in a low voice, and the Ninth Uncle and the Caolu Monk instantly cheered up and looked into the distance.

I saw that in front of the darkness, a faint yin qi gradually appeared, mixed with a little fishy wind.

Soon, three black-robed figures walked quickly from a distance to the front.

Everyone was still carrying a huge sack in their hands, and it was obvious that it was the children who had disappeared in Renjiazhen in recent days.

"Damn, these guys did it!"

Uncle Nine looked at the three sacks and couldn't help but scold.

Ye Tian didn't speak on the side, but the killing intent on his body could clearly be felt by the Caolu monk and the ninth uncle.

Seeing this, the grass house monk said lightly:

"Ye Daoyou, now restrain the murderous aura on your body, otherwise those three werewolves will find out about us!"

"! The truth kills them! "

Ye Tian understood what the Caolu monk meant, if the other party found out about the existence of the three of them, he was afraid that the child in the sack would suffer.

Killing wolves is big, but saving the lives of these children is also very important!

Immediately, Ye Tianyi's breath dissipated.

Then a purple shadow appeared beside him, and he followed Ye Tian and lay in the grass.

"Master, can I do something for you?"

"There's no hurry!"

Ye Tian looked at Ah Zi and said lightly:

"You'll only be responsible for saving those children in a moment, and as for those three werewolves, I'll tear them to shreds with my own hands!"


Ah Zi nodded, followed Ye Tian, and looked into the distance.

Rub and go!

The figures of the three werewolves instantly landed next to the old lady's deserted grave.

Everyone's face was filled with excitement.

"You two, throw those kids out!"

The werewolf at the head looked at the other two companions and commanded lightly.

When the two heard this, they hurriedly opened the three sacks they were carrying, and they were all children who were still in a coma.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu's fists were already clenched tightly.

Ah Zi looked at all this indifferently, while the grass house monk frowned, staring carefully at the unconscious children.

"Boss, will that Maoshan Taoist find here?"

"Yes, boss, let's be careful!"

Hearing this, the werewolf leader stepped forward and slapped them hard twice, slapping them firmly in the faces of the two subordinates.

"Bastard! The Taoist priest of Maoshan is a fart, and when he returns with the wolf king, he will definitely wash this Renjia town in blood! "

"Yes, yes!"

The two did not dare to say more, covered their swollen cheeks, and hurriedly placed the unconscious children one by one around the desolate grave.

Looking at the children in this arrangement, a cruel smile appeared on the werewolf leader's face.

Immediately after, a scimitar appeared in his hand.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, it looks particularly cold!

"Today, use your blood to resurrect the great Wolf King!"

As he spoke, the scimitar in the werewolf leader's hand was instantly raised high, and he was about to plunge into the chest of the child closest to him!


However, before the scimitar could be stabbed, the werewolf leader felt a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth.

Then the scimitar instantly turned into two halves, and a golden needle emitting golden light immediately pierced into his hand and burst open in an instant!


In an instant, the werewolf leader's right hand turned into a mist of blood.

And the boy at his feet also disappeared in front of his eyes out of thin air, without a trace.

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