
It can be said that Ah Zi's actions just now shook the hearts of the two werewolves.

You look at me, I look at you, where do you dare to have the courage to attack again.

Even the werewolf leader was terrified, he never imagined that a woman who looked soft and weak would have such amazing strength!

"Huh, don't you want to?"

Ah Zi looked at the two of them sideways, a ball of corpse qi appeared in his hand, and said lightly:

"In that case, then you're welcome!"


In the next second, Ah Zi's figure instantly flashed in front of the two werewolves.

In just a second, Ah Zi returned to the position he had just stood in.

The two werewolves looked at everything in front of them in a daze, and then, a sharp pain spread throughout the body.

I saw a bloody wound on the chest of the two of them, and the heart in the wound had long since disappeared.

Ah Zi pointed slightly to his feet and said softly:

"Your blood stinks, even your hearts are black!"

Following the direction of Ah Zi's finger, the two werewolves could clearly see two beating hearts, which fell at Ah Zi's feet.

However, if you want to fight back, you can't use any strength.

I saw the two werewolves roll their eyes and fall to the ground in an instant.

For a moment, blood gushed frantically from his body and seeped into the land.

As for Ah Zi, two corpse qi struck, and in an instant, the two werewolf hearts that were still beating were blasted into a blood mist.

"What rubbish!"

Ah Zi pursed his lips, and then his figure flashed, and he appeared beside Ye Tian again.

"This... "

Uncle Nine and the grass house monks looked at this scene, and their hearts were shocked.

Is this the strength of the stiff?

"Ye Daoyou has a corpse slave, the future is immeasurable, the future is immeasurable!"

In the end, the grass house monk shook his head and smiled helplessly.

And Uncle Nine also nodded slightly, but his admiration for Ye Tian in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"Senior brother, how are these children?"

At this time, the two uncles rushed to the front, saw that Ye Tian was using the golden needle technique to treat a few children, and asked nervously.

"No problem!"

Ye Tian didn't look back, but continued to administer the needle, but his tone was much more relaxed.

"These children have been drugged, and the dose is a little bigger, but with me, there will be no problem!"

As he spoke, Ye Tian crossed into the bodies of these unconscious children one by one, and together with the golden needles given, they complemented each other and showed their skills!

"I have heard of the golden needle of the trick door for a long time, and when I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation!"

The grass house monk watched Ye Tian Shi with a golden needle on the side, and nodded admiringly.

Then, Ye Tian stood up, let out a long breath, and said with a smile:

"Well, these children will be able to regain consciousness and wake up tomorrow morning!"

As he spoke, Ye Tian's fingertips moved, and a True Qi turned into a match, slowly tying several children together, like a huge rope.

"Send them home, brother!"

With that, Ye Tian handed over the end of the horse to Uncle Jiu.


Uncle Nine took the Zhen Qi training blankly, and asked with some surprise:

"Senior brother, aren't you going for a walk?"


Ye Tian waved his hand, pointed to the deserted tomb and said:

"If the things in here are not removed for a day, this town will not be at peace for a day!"

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable, Poor Dao and Ye Daoyou have the same idea!"

The grass house monk also nodded in agreement on the side, and said with a smile:

"The corpse of this wolf king must be destroyed as soon as possible, otherwise after destroying this wave of werewolves, there will definitely be other werewolves coming again!"

"Then I can't go, I'm going to fight you here!"

When Uncle Nine heard this, he kept shaking his head with an angry face.

"Forget it, senior brother, you better send these children back to their parents first!"

Ye Tian smiled, pointed to Ah Zi beside him, tilted his head and said:

"With Ah Zi here, do you have anything to worry about?"

"This... Alright!"

When Uncle Nine heard this, he nodded helplessly and agreed to Ye Tian's request.

Indeed, I really can't help here, so it's better to send these lost children back to their parents as soon as possible, so that they can be reunited as a family.

"In that case, be careful!"

Thinking of this, Uncle Nine dragged the real Qi to practice and ran in the direction of Renjia Town.

And those unconscious children were all a single True Qi Horse Training Bundle suspended in mid-air, following the figure of Uncle Jiu, slowly disappearing in front of them.

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