That's right, it's corpse gas!

Although the aura is relatively dim, it is for Ah Zi at the stiff level and Ye Tian in the realm of real people.

Such a faint corpse aura was clearly captured by the two of them.

What caught the eyes of the two was a delicate-looking girl in a corner not far away.

The girl kept her eyes on the doorway in front of her, and her eyes never shifted.

Her right hand was holding a suitcase and she never let go.

The source of the corpse qi is the girl in front of her.


Ah Zi did not act on his own, but asked Ye Tian's opinion in a low voice.

"There are a lot of people here, let's see what happens!"


Under the guidance of the waiter, the two found a window seat and sat down.

After ordering two steaks and coffee, Ye Tian's eyes once again noticed the girl's body.

"It seems that this world is quite interesting! A walking corpse appeared in this western restaurant, and no one even noticed!"

"Master, there must be a warlock behind this walking corpse, but I don't know what they are thinking!"

"If it comes, it will be safe!"

Ye Tian smiled and waved his hand, pointed to the steak in front of the table and said:

"Let's eat something first, with the two of us here, are you afraid that the walking corpse will run away?"

"Well, that's right!"

Ah Zi didn't say much, but lowered his head and tasted the food in front of him.

In this way, the minutes and seconds passed, and the young girl did not make any other moves.

Just like that, he kept grabbing the suitcase in his hand and staring straight in the direction of the door of the restaurant, which has not changed.

It wasn't until a young man walked briskly towards the girl that things took a turn of the day.

"Miss, miss, can I sit here?"

The young man smiled brightly at the girl's walking corpse, then sat directly to the side and took out a document from his arms.

"Miss, my name is Lin Xian, I am the fast catcher of the bad hall (to prevent some unnecessary trouble, so the word fast catch is used instead), now I have a few words I want to ask you, please match the black!"

However, for Lin Xian's actions, the girl walking corpse did not react at all, and still did not say a word, looking at the door.

"Miss, I suspect that you are carrying guns and weapons in this suitcase, please open it and accept my inspection!"

Seeing that the girl was ignoring herself, Lin Xian stood up directly and said loudly to the girl.

At this time, many customers cast curious glances in the direction of Lin Xian and the girl's walking corpse.

Ah Zi also turned his head at this time, and saw that Ye Tian did not signal, so he did not get up and act.

"Miss, please cooperate, otherwise, you're welcome!"

Lin Xian's face already looked a little unhappy at this time, he directly grabbed the suitcase in the hand of the girl's walking corpse, and was about to pull it out of the girl's walking corpse's hand.

It's a pity that no matter how hard Lin Xian pulls it, the box is still tightly grasped by the girl's walking corpse and never lets go.

"Why don't you come and help!"

At this time, Lin Xian also felt that he couldn't get off the stage, and looked angrily at several young people dressed as waiters beside him.

A few people understood, first covered their mouths and snickered, and then came to the front together and helped Lin Xian pull the box together.

"Haha, boss, I said you are a little weak, can't a girl's strength be compared?"

"That's it, I feel like you must have diarrhea today, otherwise, how could you be so rubbish?"

"Oh my God, this girl's strength is really great!"


To the surprise of a few people, the combined strength of several young people did not produce any effect on people.

Even if everyone worked together, the suitcase in the hand of the girl's walking corpse was still only grabbed by the other party.


I heard a muffled sound, and the girl's walking corpse instantly stood up from her seat.

Then with a vigorous flick, several young people, including Lin Xian, were thrown out by its terrifying power and crashed into the ground around them.



"Don't go!"

Lin Xian was in great pain all over his body, but out of the instinct of catching fast, he still gritted his teeth and raised his pistol, and shouted loudly at the girl:

"I'm telling you, if you go again, I'll shoot!"

Obviously, Lin Xian's warning did not play any role in the eyes of the girl's walking corpse.

The other party still kept walking forward, never stopping.


Lin Xian scolded angrily and pulled the trigger in an instant!


I saw that the bullet penetrated the girl's right knee in an instant, and the other party knelt directly on the ground.

"Fuck, I'll see you run again!"

However, just as Lin Xian stepped forward and was about to clasp the other party with handcuffs, the girl's walking corpse stood up in an instant and walked towards the door again.

This scene really stunned Lin Xian, and also stunned everyone present!

"What's going on!"

"Your gun is useless!"

Just as Lin Xian was about to continue shooting, suddenly a man's voice came from behind him.

I saw a man and a woman smiling in their direction, and the appearance of the two of them was relaxed.

The two are none other than Ye Tian and Ah Zi!

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