Looking at Miao Wei with a smile on his face at the door, the expression on Ah Zi's face did not change, and he said lightly:

"So, why is my master talking to you?"

"Uh... "

Miao Wei was a little embarrassed, scratched his head helplessly, and said with a smile:

"Miss, we are tracking down a drug case, and today thanks to the help of you and that gentleman, we were able to catch the drug trafficker!

But the girl who carried the poison died seven days ago, and we think this matter is very evil, so we want to come to you and the gentleman and help us come up with ideas!"

"Hmph, don't your leaders still suspect that me and my master are the real culprits behind the scenes?"


Miao Wei kept waving his hand and apologized again and again:

"Our head is nervous, if you want to come out of it, don't be like him, I'm here to make amends to the two of you for him!"

"Ah Zi, let him in!"

room, Ye Tian said lightly.

When Ah Zi heard this, he dodged sideways and put Miao Wei into the room.

"Sir, hello, my name is Miao Wei, and I am the catcher of the Yamen of this city!"

"I listened to your self-introduction, I don't have to say it again!"

Ye Tian waved his hand, then stood up from the sofa, looked at Miao Wei and said:

"Want my help finding out the truth behind the scenes?"

"Yes, sir!"

"I know about this matter, I will help you when necessary, if there is nothing to do, please go back!"


Miao Wei was very surprised, and wanted to continue to say something, but suddenly felt a huge force behind him, and then he was thrown out of the room by Ah Zi.

"My master said, please go back!"


After speaking, Ah Zi closed the door again, leaving Miao Wei stunned and looking at the closed door, not knowing what to say.


"What did you say? The woman named Ah Zi threw you out?"

"yes, my butt still hurts!"

In the office, listening to the information reported by Miao Wei, Lin Xian was extremely angry and said in shock.

"Fuck, this guy dares to beat us up, he's just looking for death!"

"I can't say that, he said he would help us, and today can be regarded as some gains!"

"Fart, hell knows what he had in mind!"

As he spoke, Lin Xian slapped the table hard and shouted unhappily:

"I've asked the guys from Dongpingzhou to help identify the body, let's investigate this case ourselves, I don't believe we can't find out!"

"Okay... Alright!"

Miao Wei was helpless, so he could only nod blankly and agree.


"Wake up, don't sleep!"

Miao Wei was sleeping soundly, and suddenly heard a woman's voice in his ears.

Instantly sobered up and opened his eyes.

I saw that Ah Zi, who I had just met last night, was standing in front of him at this time, while Ye Tian was sitting on a rocking chair on the balcony, leisurely looking at the scenery outside the window.

"You... How did you find my house?"

Miao Wei was a little scared, and subconsciously touched and robbed, but thought of the picture of Ah Zi pinching and exploding the pistol with one hand last night, and retracted his hand again.

"Rely on this!"

Ye Tian smiled faintly, stood up and walked in from the balcony.

Immediately, he groped on Miao Wei's clothes, and a golden needle appeared in his hand.

"Huh, a needle?"

Miao Wei was surprised, and his mind was very confused.

But he hurriedly got up and asked:

"Sir, did you come to me to help me solve the case?"

"Boy, you're smart!"

Ye Tian smiled, casually threw the clothes on Miao Wei, and said:

"My name is Ye Tian, she is my servant Ah Zi, the two of us are here today to help you solve the case!"

"Oh, really, great, great!"

When Miao Wei heard this, he was overjoyed, hurriedly got dressed and stood up, looked at Ye Tian with an excited face and asked:

"Mr. Ye, where do we start looking for clues today?"

"Is the girl's social relationship investigation clear?"

"The investigation is clear!"

Hearing Ye Tian's inquiry, Miao Wei hurriedly added:

"That girl's name is Zhuzhu, she has a grandmother named Sanma, she is eighty-five years old this year, she lives in Dongpingzhou, because she is too old, we arranged for a guy from the local yamen to help identify the body, it is estimated that it will be there today!

Zhu Zhu also has a boyfriend named Eddie who works as a personal trainer at a gym, and we sent a guy to talk to him for a while yesterday and found that there were no useful clues. "

"Let's go, go to Eddie's gym, and find him again!"


Miao Wei was a little surprised, frowned and said:

"Eddie, we have investigated clearly, he has been abroad all along, and he only returned to the city before yesterday, and when Zhuzhu died, he had an alibi!"

"My master tells you to do whatever you want, why is there so much nonsense?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Hearing Ah Zi's cold voice beside him again, Miao Wei was shocked, and he could only agree again and again.

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