Walking out of the convenience store, Ah Zi looked at Ye Tian curiously, and asked:

"Master, do you really plan to destroy the soul of Chiyou in this stunned green body? What if the Hades of this world does not agree?"


Ye Tian pouted and smiled, and said disdainfully:

"The Hades King of this world seems to be beautiful, but he is just a small bird imprisoned in a huge cage, and as for those Kunlun demons who claim to be gods, I don't pay attention to them!

Besides, aren't you by my side? With your purple stiff cultivation strength, you're still afraid that those guys won't succeed?"

"Hee-hee, that's right!"

Ah Zi smiled and said approvingly:

"The power system of this world is too poor, a blue-eyed demon dares to call himself the Nine Heavens Xuannu, if it is in our world, I am afraid that if the real Nine Heavens Xuannu has a thought, the other party will already die!"

"Whatever, we only have less than thirty days in this world anyway, if we don't grasp the great opportunity, how can we be worthy of us!"

"Yes, the master is right!"

Ah Zi nodded when she heard this, looking happy.



Just as the two were strolling down the street, suddenly a car sped up in front of them and stopped at great speed.

Ye Tian and Ah Zi recognized that this car was the car that the yamen had used to catch Miao Wei.

Sure enough, as the car was stable, Miao Wei's figure quickly stepped out of the car.

Along with him, there was also a middle-aged man wearing a fast trapping uniform with a heroic face.

Although his appearance was very different from that of Senior Brother Ninth Uncle, Ye Tian knew that he must be the exorcist of this world, Lin Feng.

"Mr. Ye, Miss Ah Zi, where have you gone, but let me find it!"

Miao Wei approached with an excited face, looked at the two of them looking at him, and hurriedly said:

"Fortunately, I investigated all the cameras in the city, and finally found your traces here, so I didn't stop coming!"

"What's the matter with you!"

Ah Zi stepped forward and stopped in front of Miao Wei.

The other party was a little embarrassed, looking at Ah Zi's cold face, he hurriedly turned around and led Lin Feng to the front, and introduced to Ye Tian and Ah Zi:

"Actually, this Uncle Feng wants to see the two of you, he heard that you killed the evil magicians of the Jiuju faction, and he just wants to meet you!"


Lin Feng took a step forward with a smile, and saw that Ah Zi was still looking at him with a vigilant gaze.

Then he nodded and smiled, and hugged his fists to say hello.

"Lin Feng, the successor of the Xiamaoshan faction, has seen two masters! I don't know where the two masters are from, I heard what Miao Yu said about you earlier, and I was very surprised in Xia!"

"Maoshan, Ye Tian!"

Ye Tian walked closer with a smile, patted Ah Zi's shoulder gently, and then stood in front of Lin Feng.

"You... Are you from the Maoshan faction?"

Lin Feng was surprised, he didn't expect that the other party was also a descendant of the Maoshan faction.

You must know that today's Maoshan faction has long since declined, and there are even fewer heirs in the world.

The senior Lin Feng followed to practice was a secular descendant, so he also regarded himself as the descendant of the Maoshan faction.

"Not bad!"

Ye Tian nodded and said with a smile.

"Then this one is also from the Maoshan faction?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but look at Ah Zi again.

For him, it was unimaginable that he could recognize two Maoshan Sect heirs with extraordinary strength in one day!

"It's better not to tell you her identity, lest you be frightened!"

Ye Tian directly stopped the other party when he heard this, immediately looked at Lin Feng, and asked:

"I don't know why Your Excellency wants to see me!"

"Hah, here's the thing!"

Hearing Ye Tian's inquiry, Miao Wei shouted happily on the side.

"Mr. Ye, didn't you two help us solve this big drug possession case, the chief is very happy, and specially held a celebration banquet at the Kaixing Hotel, telling me that you must invite you and Miss A Zi to go together no matter what!"

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