
Slowly, Ye Tian and Ah Zi came to the door of the women's toilet and gently pushed the door open.

Suddenly, a yin wind struck in an instant, causing the surrounding air to seem to drop a lot, making it look very cold.

"This is it!"

Ah Zi frowned slightly, looked at everything around him, and said lightly.

"Well, that's right!"

With that, Ye Tian and Ah Zi slowly walked into the women's toilet.

And just as the two of them stepped in, the door of the women's toilet was instantly slammed shut.

Then a lot of yin qi began to emerge from all directions, spreading under the feet of the two of them.



A thunderclap rang out all around, and there seemed to be a faint smell of blood in the air.

"Yin Thunder!"

Ah Zi was a little surprised, tilting her head to look at everything in front of her.


At that moment, an angry burst of cheers came.

I saw several demons wearing Dongying military uniforms and with hideous faces appearing in front of Ye Tian and Ah Zi with bayonets and spears in unison.

"Baga, who are you!"

One of the officers at the head looked at Ye Tian and Ah Zi and roared angrily.

In the next second, Ah Zi slapped his palm down and hit the officer's body directly.

"Hmph, dare to be disrespectful to my master, look for death!"


There was a bang, and the officer's ghost instantly turned into ashes and scattered in the air.

"Eight Grid Tooth Road!"

Seeing this, the other Dongying soldiers raised their bayonets and spears one after another, and angrily stabbed at Ah Zi's body!

"I can't help myself!"

Ah Zi didn't even bother to look at these evil ghosts, and as soon as his body moved, countless corpse qi flew out, and all these powerful ghosts were wiped out in front of him in an instant.

"Master, these ghosts are dressed strangely, and their accents are strange!"

After all the powerful ghosts were destroyed, Ah Zi turned his head to look at Ye Tian and asked with a smile.

"Well, these powerful ghosts were Dongying soldiers before they died, and they didn't enter reincarnation after death, but wandered here, harming people's lives!"

is really as in the movie, these ghosts are really Dongying ghosts, in order to harm people's lives and succeed in returning to Yang.



Just as Ye Tian finished explaining, suddenly there was another sound of yin thunder exploding.

Then, unexpectedly, the few powerful ghosts who had been killed by Ah Zi just now actually appeared in front of the two of them again at this time.

Compared to his expression just now, it is even more rampant and fierce!

"Strange? Aren't they exterminated? How can it still appear? "

Ah Zi was very puzzled and muttered curiously.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, glanced at the big mirror beside him lightly, and instantly had an answer in his heart.

"The reason why these powerful ghosts can't be killed is that their natal belongings are not in this world, but in an independent space!"

Ye Tian remembered that in the movie, these Dongying ghosts lived in an independent space, called the Asura Demon Realm.

Only by completely destroying this demon realm can these Dongying ghosts be truly destroyed!


Listening to Ye Tian tell the real reason for the incident, the officer roared angrily and said angrily:

"Stinky Daoist, I advise you not to meddle here, otherwise, our warriors of Dadongying will definitely not let you go!"

"Really? I'm so scared! "

Ye Tian smiled faintly, and with a movement of his fingertips, several True Qi swept out.

In the next second, those Dongying ghosts disappeared in front of them again.

However, if you want to completely destroy them, you can only go deep into this demon world and destroy the corpse of the demon king, and you can be done!

"Master, where is the independent space you just mentioned, why can't I find it?"

Ah Zi looked at everything around him, shook his head lightly, and didn't seem to be able to find the independent space that Ye Tian said in his mouth.

"Right here!"

Ye Tian smiled, and a golden needle of the tree root instantly appeared behind him!

In the next second, the golden needle emitted a dazzling golden light, and a golden storm was immediately formed, shrouded in the mirror!


Sure enough, the Dongying ghosts that had been eliminated twice reappeared, only this time their faces showed shock and uneasiness!

A loud shout sounded, and then Ah Zi shot again, and those powerful ghosts turned into ashes for the third time.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and Qiankun borrows the law! The golden needle breaks the yin and yang, and the truth is revealed! Hurry like a law, open it for me! "

With Ye Tian's loud shout, the big mirror in front of him instantly emitted a white light!

Then the mirror disappeared in an instant, and in front of him, a long passage appeared, surging with thick yin qi.

This is the entrance to the Asura Demon Realm!

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