"I think it's better to forget it, Master Newgate. Since Young Master Owenson thinks that the woman is murderous, she must not be an ordinary person! It's better for us to have more than one thing to do, don't wade into this troubled water! "

"What are you afraid of, Jason, we three masters are here, can we still be scared by a woman?"

Newgate didn't seem to take Jason's dissuasion to heart, and was still reluctant to leave easily.

"But this is Huaxia, not our territory, what if the other party is a Huaxia monk?"

Huaxia monk has always been a taboo word in the Western dark biological world!

Once upon a time, many leaders of dark creatures died in Huaxia, at the hands of these monks.

So much so that in the previous decades, dark creatures had never dared to set foot in Huaxia, fearing the prestige of Huaxia monks.

Nowadays, China has opened up economic and financial trade, expanded overseas markets, and attracted a lot of foreign investment.

Gradually, the dark creatures found that Huaxia no longer seemed to be as terrifying as before, so they continued to infiltrate Huaxia's territory.

Despite this, they were still cautious, for fear of encountering the legendary terrifying Huaxia monk!

After all, no one dares to guarantee that this Huaxia monk will not return to the world again!

"You're thinking too much, we've been in Huaxia for so long, have you ever seen those so-called monks?"

Newgate pursed his lips disdainfully, and said disdainfully:

"Maybe those monks have died in the deep mountains and old forests a long time ago, where is there a place for them in the world today?"


Newgate laughed, arrogant and presumptuous!

For a moment, the eyes of all the customers in the café noticed Newgate's body, and there was a look of disgust on his face.

But Newgate didn't care, he still kept laughing, as if he was the only one in the whole café.

"Sir, please be quiet, your laughter has already affected other customers!"

At this time, the waiter walked up quickly, looked at Newgate, who was still arrogant, and said with a smile.

"Hmph, what are you!"

Who knows, that Newgate instantly turned into an angry look, slapped the table, and shouted loudly:

"I'm a guest here, I'm a foreigner, why can't I laugh, why!"


The waiter was a little scared, the other party was right, he was a foreigner, if there was really any conflict, he was afraid that he would be the one who suffered.

When those customers heard Newgate's words, they all dared to be angry and didn't dare to speak, so they could only turn their heads and act as if nothing had happened.

"Master Newgate, forget it!"

Owenson seemed accustomed to Newgate's hubris and didn't say anything.

And Rosen hurriedly tugged at Newgate's shirt and signaled him not to pursue the matter further.

"Hmph, what's it!"

Newgate has always been arrogant and domineering, when will he take the initiative to retreat!

stepped forward and grabbed the waiter's neck, and he was about to slap him hard!


However, at this moment, an explosion struck!

I saw that the right hand that Newgate had just raised exploded into a cloud of blood mist at this time.

And the waiter, whose face was sprayed with blood, looked at the scene in front of him with a frightened face, dumbfounded.


Newgate lost his right hand and howled in anger.

The customers also screamed when they saw this, and they ran out of the café as soon as possible, not daring to linger for a moment.

"Master Newgate!"

Lawson hurriedly stepped forward to check the other party's injuries, although the blood clan had a strong ability to heal and recover.

But the pain of losing your right hand is also real.

Newgate scolded angrily, and boundless hatred welled up in his heart.

Owenson, on the other hand, calmly looked around for a week, and finally his eyes were fixed on a table in the corner.

I saw a young man in his early twenties looking at him, and with a movement of his fingertips, a dazzling golden light appeared.

"It's him!"

Owenson could be sure that the person who had attacked Newgate just now was the young man sitting in the corner.

This young man is none other than Ye Tian!

At this time, Newgate also noticed Ye Tian's existence, he looked at Ye Tian with great anger, and shouted loudly:

"It's you! It's you, right! "

"Hmph, how can my land of China allow you to be so despicable and presumptuous!"

As he spoke, Ye Tian's fingertips moved again, and a golden light instantly fell into Newgate's body!


In the blink of an eye, Newgate's body exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and he no longer had the ability to recover himself!

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