At night, convenience store No. 444 was not open as usual, but the door was locked.

Although passers-by clearly saw the convenience store with the lights on and three people sitting on chairs, the door was closed, which was very strange.

"Zhao Yan, you say, that Ye Tian, will he really come?"

Xia Dongqing already knew her identity at this time, and she also knew the existence of Chiyou in her body.

If it is really according to what Ye Tian said the night before, I am afraid that it will appear again today today.


Zhao Yan no longer had the hot temper he used to have at this time, looked at Xia Dongqing in front of him, and shook his head with a wry smile.

He told Hades Chacha about Ye Tian's desire to destroy Chi You's soul yesterday.

And today, he finally waited for a reply.

Hades Chacha, disagree!

That said, but it's just disagree!

And it doesn't make any difference!

The Hades are not allowed to enter the yang world, and they are trapped in the underworld for the rest of their lives, and they can't control anything at all.

And Ya also informed the big demons of Kunlun about this, and the reply they gave was exactly the opposite of Hades!

That is, you must not disobey the order of the envoy of the monarch of Taishan Mansion and stand by and watch!

Yes, stand by and watch!

Now one wants to manage it but can't, and the other doesn't want to manage it and doesn't want to ask!

This has created today's situation, and Chiyou's soul will definitely be destroyed!

Ya looked at Xia Dongqing, who had a complicated complexion, gently brushed his back, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Holly, if that Chiyou's soul is destroyed and you lose your sight, I will definitely find a way to treat your eyes!"

"Well, it doesn't matter!"

Xia Dongqing seemed to see it, shook her head helplessly, and said with a wry smile:

"What's the point of someone like me being able to see things? It's better not to see it, and it saves me from those ghosts coming to me and annoying me! "

"Holly, look at the point!"

Zhao Yan didn't know how to persuade the other party, so he could only say a few simple words, but it was useless at all.

Bang bang bang!

At this time, there was a knock at the door of the convenience store.

I saw that the figures of Ye Tian and Ah Zi had already appeared at the gate, with faint smiles on their faces.

Looking at this scene, Xia Dongqing knew that what he should come was going to come after all, so he could only look at Zhao Yan's body.

And Zhao Yan got up with a wry smile, walked quickly to the door, opened the door lock, and said respectfully:

"I've seen Mr. Ye, Miss Ah Zi!"


Ye Tian nodded, strolled into the convenience store, and asked:

"How about it, how have you discussed, Chiyou's soul, can I take it!"

"We Kunlun don't have any opinion on this matter!"

Ya replied first, making her position clear.

And Zhao Yan shook his head and said:

"The Hades King disagrees, but I can't stop you, Mr. Ye, what should I do, I won't interfere!"


Ye Tian smiled and walked to Xia Dongqing's side.

Seeing that he was looking at himself with a frightened face, he said with some fear:

"I... I'm not going to die! "


Ye Tian shook his head and explained with a smile:

"I'm only going to destroy the soul of Chiyou in your body, and as for your soul, I'm not interested!"

"Oh well! Do it! "

Hearing this, Xia Dongqing turned his heart sideways, closed his eyes, and had a righteous and awe-inspiring appearance, which was a little funny.


Ye Tian nodded, and several golden needles appeared behind him, hovering in mid-air!

At this time, he needs to lure Chi You's soul out of Xia Dongqing's body, and then truly destroy it!


Then at this moment, a block came from behind Ye Tian, and it was a woman's voice.

I saw a woman with a hot body and a delicate face inexplicably appeared in the convenience store.

Looking at the golden needle that appeared behind Ye Tian, an expression of shock and anger appeared on his face!


"My lord Chacha!"

Ya and Zhao Yan shouted at the same time, looking at each other's appearance, they shouted in disbelief.

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