"But if that Hades Chacha dares to be rude to me, I don't mind personally taking action for your underworld and changing the master!"

This sentence came out of Ye Tian's mouth and lingered in Zhao Yan's ears.

He believed that if this accident really happened, Ye Tian would definitely have the ability to do it!

Thinking of this, Zhao Yan hurriedly waved his hand again and again, and said with a confident look:

"No, Mr. Ye, I promise that this kind of thing will never happen!"

"That's for the best!"

Ye Tian smiled, looked at the other party's sincere eyes, and said with a smile:

"Let's go, I haven't been to the underworld of your world yet, I don't know what the difference is with our underworld!"

"Where are you?"

Zhao Yan didn't understand what Ye Tian meant, but he didn't dare to speculate.

Hurriedly turned around and raised his hand in front of him, and a black vortex appeared in front of him.

"Mr. Ye, this is the passage into the underworld, you two can come in with me!"

"Let's go, Ah Zi, see their underworld!"

"Yes, master!"

After that, Ye Tian and the others followed the Zhao Yan into the underworld passage in front of them.

Sure enough, the underworld of this world is very different from the underworld in his own world.

Everywhere there are high-rise buildings, and it looks like a modern metropolis.

However, the environment on the street is in stark contrast, and there is silence everywhere, and there is no human figure.

Sometimes, one or two soul ferrymen would lead the souls of the sun into the underworld, but they quickly disappeared before the eyes of the three of them.

"Mr. Ye, please come here!"

Zhao Yan smiled and pointed to a majestic palace not far ahead, and said respectfully.

"Well, this palace looks out of place here, it should be the sleeping palace of Hades Cha Cha!"

Ye Tian nodded and muttered, and then walked towards the Hades King's dormitory with Ah Zi.

Outside the palace of the Hades King, there were rows of guards with weapons in their hands, and when they saw Zhao Yi coming with two strangers, they stepped forward to stop them and said:

"Zhao Yan, who are these two people?"

"Lao Wang, these two are the envoys of Taishan Mansion, Mr. Ye and Miss A Zi, hurry up and greet you!"

Zhao Yan said, frantically casting colors at the guard.

The Hades King secretly went to the Yang World to prevent the envoy of Taishan Mansion from killing Chi You, and the entire Three Realms already knew about it.

Unexpectedly, the two envoys of the Taishan Mansion actually appeared in the palace of the Hades King, and the soldier instantly became frightened, hurriedly knelt on the ground, and said loudly:

"Humble greetings to the envoy of Taishan Mansion, Mr. Ye, Miss Ah Zi!"

"Humble greetings to the envoy of Taishan Mansion, Mr. Ye, Miss Ah Zi!"

Seeing this, the rest of the guards also knelt on the ground one after another, not daring to have any suspicion or neglect.

"Well, it's okay, you all get up!"

Ye Tian smiled, secretly saying in his heart that his randomly stolen identity was so powerful, but he was a little proud.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye!"

Immediately, a group of guards got up one after another, and in an instant, a spacious passage was opened sideways, allowing Ye Tian and the three of them to go.

"Mr. Ye, Miss Ah Zi, please come here!"

Zhao Yan smiled respectfully, and soon led the two of them through the strict blockade and came to a room.

And Zhao Yan pointed to the room in front of him, nodded and said:

"Mr. Ye, this is the room of the Hades King, but it was banned by the people of Kunlun, and my lord Ah Cha can't come out!"

"Well, it's just a small forbidden number, what's the trouble!"

Ye Tian glanced at it, and a feeling of incomparable contempt rose in his heart.

The spells and levels of this world were too low to arouse Ye Tian's own interest in the slightest.

And after hearing Ye Tian's words, Zhao Yan was overjoyed in his heart, and hurriedly said excitedly:

"Then I respectfully ask Mr. Ye to lift the ban on this party and return my lord Ah Cha a free body!"

"Okay, you stand down!"

Ye Tian nodded, and with a movement of his fingertips, eighteen golden needles instantly flew out from behind him and burrowed into the room in front of him!




There was a strange sound, and then, a muffled sound was heard, and the eighteen golden needles returned to Ye Tian's hand.

"That's it! Lifted! "

"This... Is this lifted? "

Zhao Yan was a little surprised, secretly saying that this prohibition that could trap the Hades King and not be able to leave was so easily broken by the other party, it was really unimaginable!


Sure enough, in the shock of Zhao Yan, the originally closed door was slowly pushed open.

What caught everyone's eyes was a woman with teary eyes and a pale face.

If it's not Hades Chacha, who will it be?

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