
didn't expect another case to find him, Ye Tian was quite surprised.

He looked at Miao Wei with a respectful face with a smile and asked:

"You asked me to help you investigate the case, aren't you afraid that your leader Lin Xian will object?"

For Lin Xian, Ye Tian didn't have a good impression, when he was outside the Kaixing Hotel, he had personally taught the other party.

If you help Miao Wei to solve the case together, if the other party dares to make trouble with him again, Ye Tian can't guarantee that he will stop Ah Zi and kill him on the spot.

"Are you talking about Lin Xian?"

Miao Wei was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said with a wry smile:

"Lin Xian resigned, and now I don't know where to go, and now the head of this yamen is me."

"So, then I should congratulate you!"

"Don't interrupt Mr. Ye with me, what I want to do most now is to solve this case quickly!"

"Okay, let's not tease you, let's talk about the case!"


Miao Wei nodded, and hurriedly informed Ye Tian of several recent murders in the city.

It turned out that within a week, six men were killed one after another.

In normal times, Miao Wei may be able to characterize it as a serial murder case, looking for clues and chasing down the real murderer.

But this time, Miao Wei knew that the real murderer would not be as simple as an ordinary murderer.

The men died in an eerie state, like a dehydrated corpse, with no blood on their bodies.

Such a case can be described as very tricky for Miao Wei and other fast arresters.

Therefore, he could only hold the attitude of trying to see it and begged Ye Tian here.

"Mr. Ye, do you think, could this case be done by zombies or vampires?"

Since seeing Ye Tian's true skills, Miao Wei has also investigated a lot about the supernatural evil sect.

Now the cause of death of these men is very strange, and the blood on their bodies is gone, much like the work of zombies or vampires in the literature.

couldn't help but glance at Ah Zi's body inadvertently.

Because in the last battle with the Jiuju faction, Miao Wei knew Ah Zi's zombie identity.

In fact, at the beginning, Miao Wei suspected that these cases were all committed by Ah Zi.

But Miao Wei also knew that Ye Tian and Ah Zi were upright, and they would definitely not be this kind of people.

That's why he dared to take the initiative to come and ask Ye Tian for help.

"Look, do you think I did it?"

Ah Zi also noticed Miao Wei's gaze at this time, and couldn't help but show anger on his face, and asked in a deep voice.

The other party waved his hand again and again, and hurriedly explained:

"How so? How could Miss Zi do such a thing! If I really doubt you, I can't find this place! "

"Hmph, you've got a bit of a brain!"


Seeing that Ah Zi didn't say anything more, Miao Wei's hanging heart finally fell, and then he looked at Ye Tian and asked again:

"Mr. Ye, do you think my inference is correct?"

"It's hard to say!"

Ye Tian shook his head, he was a Maoshan Taoist priest and knew those evil things.

The evil spirits that suck the blood of living people are not necessarily zombies or vampires, and besides, these two types of blood sucking are not divided into men and women!

"Did you find a tooth hole in their body?"

"Tooth holes?"

Miao Wei was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"No, it doesn't seem to have any tooth holes!"

"Is the body still there? Take me to see it! "

"No problem, the corpse is stored in the yamen morgue, I'll take you there!"

Miao Wei was overjoyed when he saw that Ye Tian was willing to help, and immediately got up and left the hotel, drove the two of them, and went straight to the yamen.


"Mr. Ye, these corpses are here!"

In the morgue, Miao Wei pointed to the dried corpses lying flat in front of him and spoke.

Ye Tian, on the other hand, took a cursory look at these dried corpses, nodded and said:

"The spirits and blood of these men have been sucked out, and it is very likely that the evil cult has targeted them! If you have any information about these people, show it to me! "

"Yes, here!"

As he spoke, Miao Wei hurriedly handed Ye Tian a stack of documents, not daring to delay for half a minute.

"I see!"

Ye Tian looked through the information of these deceased, and instantly understood the reason, and said:

"These people were all born in the Ten Spirit Hours, so it's no wonder that they have been attacked by evil spirits."

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