The moonlight is in the sky, and the eerie red color reveals blood and gloom.

The two black cats stared at the pale red moonlight in the sky, as if enjoying endless food, extremely greedy.

"Big brother, why do you have to take those children away, wouldn't it be better for us to eat them at that time?"

One of the smaller black cats looked at the big black cat lying on the ground next to him and asked curiously.

The big cat looked at the kitten and said disdainfully:

"You know what a fart! These children's essence is much better than the essence of the guy who ate it some time ago! Tonight is a once-in-a-lifetime night of the full moon of the blood moon! If we swallow the essence of those children when the blood moon is all present, we can double our cultivation speed!

When the time comes, the chances of an extra tail will be greater, and if you eat those children like you now, I don't have a problem! If the tail transformation is not successful, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"Yes, it's the eldest brother who said it right!"

The kitten glanced back at the tail behind him, his eyes narrowed, as if he was very happy, and spoke again:

"If we can successfully promote to cultivation, then we won't have the final say on the monster forces in this area?"


Who knows, as soon as the kitten spoke, the big cat raised his hand and slapped it straight on the kitten's face!

"Fart, you deserve to be my equal?"

"Yes, yes, I don't dare!"

The kitten crawled to the front of the other party stupidly, looked at the angry look on the other party's face, and said timidly:

"In the future, the eldest brother will be the master of this area, and I, as the younger brother, will also be honored!"

"Well, that's pretty much it!"

Hearing this, the big cat straightened up, feeling the power of the moonlight falling in mid-air, and his heart was much more relaxed!

However, the next scene made the two cat demons lose their interest in enjoying the moonlight in an instant!

At this time, a car appeared sideways next to the unfinished building in the suburbs, like a ghost!

The car that suddenly appeared instantly startled the two cat demons!

Immediately, they flashed to the side at a very fast speed, staring coldly at the car that suddenly appeared, and their sharp claws were already scratching the hard ground, making a sonorous sound!

"It's two kittens!"

With the sound of banter, I saw a young man lazily stepping out of the car.

Along the side, there is also a girl and two armed catchers!

No need to ask, this young man is Ye Tian, and that girl is naturally Zi Zombie Ah Zi!

Miao Wei looked at the two half-human-tall cat demons scattered on both sides, and was horrified in his heart, so he immediately patted the shoulders of his companions on the side, and ordered:

"Lao Gao, you drive to the side first, I'm afraid this place is not for you!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The man was already timid, but now when he saw that it was two cat demons, he trembled even more with fright.

If he hadn't known that this matter was done by evil spirits earlier, and Ye Tian and the others were by his side, I was afraid that this meeting would have collapsed to the ground a long time ago.

"Who are you?"

The big cat glared at Ye Tian and the others angrily, and spat out people's words, and the demonic aura on his body was soaring!

In the blink of an eye, there is already the level cultivation of the Yellow Pupil Monster!

"Shhhhh "

The kitten also made a threatening sound, although its demonic aura was not as strong as that of the big cat, but it was also really powerful!

It's just that in the eyes of Ye Tian and Ah Zi, these two little cat demons are really not enough to see!

Even those big demons in Kunlun who claimed to be gods, Ye Tian didn't pay attention to them.

"Answer me, who are you!"

Seeing that Ye Tian ignored his questioning, the big cat roared angrily, and his eyes were filled with boundless evil energy!

"Tut-tut, it seems that this blood moon does have a great impact on you, otherwise, an ordinary yellow-eyed monster would not have such a big demonic aura!"

As he spoke, Ye Tian turned around, looked at Ah Zi and Miao Wei, and commanded:

"Those little children must have been hidden nearby, go find them!"

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, Mr. Ye!"

Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass!

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