The black cat looked at Ye Tian with a wary face, and it was obviously incomprehensible to what Ye Tian had done.

After all, he is his enemy, so why should this human help him advance?

"Do you drink or not?" Ye Tian looked at the black cat with a smile and said, "This is a rare opportunity. "

"As long as you drink this bowl of blood, you will definitely be able to turn into a four-tailed cat demon, and you can also become a green-eyed demon. "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the big black cat only felt that his heart was itching, and it didn't resist the temptation after all, but it still looked at Ye Tian with some vigilance, and said in a deep voice: "Why do you want to help me?"

"I naturally have my reasons. Ye Tian said lightly: "Don't worry, since I helped you, I will definitely not harm you again." "

The big black cat is already itching, looking at its demeanor, it is not difficult to understand, it can't help it!

This big black cat rushed to Ye Tian's front excitedly, and the two cat's paws picked up the bowl of blood and drank it with a clatter.

As the owner of the bowl of blood, Miao Wei was terrified when he watched from the side.

Seeing the big black cat drink its own blood cleanly, he couldn't help but show a disgusting look.


The next second, he threw up on the spot.

"Look at your cowardly look. "

Ah Zi stood next to Miao Wei and looked at Miao Wei with some disdain.

Miao Wei only felt that his stomach was overturned, even if Ah Zi girl laughed at him, he couldn't say even half a word.

"How? Do you think it's delicious?"

Ye Tian said with a smile: "Coupled with the blood-red full moon above your head, your strength will soon be greatly advanced." "

"Hahahaha!" The big black cat burst into a creepy laugh and kept laughing.

Looking at it like that, I was in a very happy mood.

"Stupid human, you've turned me into a green-eyed demon, you're stupid enough!"

The big black cat looked at Ye Tian with a smile and said with a playful smile: "I really don't know what you have in your head!"

Ah Zi said angrily: "Hugh is arrogant! Do you think that if you burst out with the strength of the four tails, you will be the opponent of my master?!"

In an instant, the aura emanating from Ah Zi's body made the big black cat tremble.

Endless yin qi gathered from all around, forming black copper walls and iron walls, and then burrowed into the body of the big black cat, constantly improving its strength for the big black cat.

However, even so, the big black cat felt Ah Zi's breath, and it was also creepy.

"You human woman, why are you so terrifying..."The big black cat looked at Ah Zi in horror.

Ye Tian smiled and asked Ah Zi to step back, looking at the big black cat with a smile on his face.

The big black cat still couldn't understand Ye Tian's path, stared at Ye Tian with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice:

"Do you dare to fight me alone? That subordinate of yours is indeed terrifyingly strong. But I'll ask you, do you dare to fight me!"

"Hmph, I don't know if I'm alive or dead. "

Ah Zi knew that the master's strength had not really been shown at all.

This guy wants to find the master to fight alone, and that is purely looking for death.

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders and said:

"I have no murderous intent towards you. "

The big black cat sneered: "Then you just don't dare?"

Ye Tian looked up at the full moon that had gradually dissipated and the surrounding yin qi, and said helplessly:

"If you have to fight me, then fight. "

He couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

The reason why the big black cat advanced to the height of four tails is because killing a three-tailed cat demon only has a mere three hundred merit points.

But killing a four-tailed cat demon has a full 600 merit points.

Ye Tian came to this world once, and there were only fifteen days left, so naturally he couldn't waste time and opportunity in vain.

"You're looking for death!"

Seeing that Ye Tian was still indifferent to himself after the breakthrough, the big black cat immediately showed a furious look.

It looked angry and said, "I have to strangle you kid to death!"

A strong demonic aura emanated from the big black cat's body, making the big black cat look extremely terrifying.

Its pupils turned green, and a fourth tail grew out of its tail, and it roared to the sky!


"Hahahaha. Ye Tian was amused and said with a smile:

"I said kitten, you can't learn the momentum of other people's wolf howls. "

"Kitten?" the big black cat roared, "I have to swallow you!"

It had a very strong confidence in its own strength, and immediately burst out with the terrifying aura of the green-pupiled cat demon and crushed towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian stood in place, motionless, looking at the big black cat with an indifferent face.

The big black cat smiled and said:

"You kid was scared stupid, didn't you?

In an instant, it rushed in front of Ye Tian, raised its claws high, and was about to make a move.

Next second!

Ye Tian came behind the big black cat in an instant!

"What?!" the big black cat's expression, which was still extremely arrogant just now, suddenly changed, and said in horror:

"Your speed, how can it be so fast?!"

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