A golden gate exploded in front of Ye Tian.

And a golden and generous figure walked out of it.

The moment the figure walked out, Ye Tian's face suddenly turned extremely pale.

"You little doll, what are you telling me to come out for?"

The figure who came out of the golden gate looked at Ye Tian indifferently.

The words were spoken, but it made Ye Tian's whole body feel refreshed, and all the mana that had just dissipated was recovered.

Ye Tian said with a respectful face: "Laojun, there is a swarm of bats here that the younger generation cannot suppress, please help!"

The figure was just a divine sense phantom, and the aura it emitted was enough to make all the immortals in Ye Tian's original world fall.

"This world is interesting, you kid, you have some skills!"

He drank softly, but did nothing, and all the bats that had appeared here were reduced to powder and scattered on the ground.

All of a sudden, the moonlight shrouded the earth again.

The figure glanced at Ye Tian indifferently and said, "It's just a trivial matter, don't bother me in the future." "

He walked into the Golden Gate, and the Golden Gate disappeared with him.

If the Maoshan Taoist priest saw Ye Tian performing such a Taoist technique, he would definitely be shocked that his jaw fell.

That's a wisp of the shadow of Taishang Laojun Zhenjun!

In fact, when Ye Tian performed this technique, he was also beating a drum in his heart.

After all, this world is different from the original world, and whether it can attract the divine consciousness phantom of the original world is uncertain.

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

But as soon as he relaxed, a large group of bats came from the southeast and northwest again!


Ye Tian was stunned when he saw this, and said in shock: "There are still any?"

And not only that, but so much more.

His face slowly turned gloomy, and he couldn't do it again, staring at the bats angrily.

Miao Wei suddenly came to Ye Tian covered in injuries, looking at his embarrassed appearance, he must have been scratched by bats.

"Mr. Ye, what should we do?"

Miao Wei cried: "There has been news that many citizens have been attacked by bats and died, if this continues, I am afraid that Huaxia will send soldiers to suppress this place, and there will be a river of blood at that time!"

Ye Tian did not speak with a gloomy face, in order to solve the current situation, he had to find the blood clan vampire.

He really didn't expect that this blood vampire would be crazy and brutal to such a situation, which was to make the whole of China uneasy.

Knowing this, he killed this blood vampire at that time, so as not to let him stay and harm the common people.

Ye Tian pinched his hands and muttered to himself, just as he was about to cast a spell to track the vampire's location, he was patted on the shoulder.

"Hey, you little Taoist, what are you doing standing here?"

An arrogant voice resounded in Ye Tian's ears.

Ye Tian raised his eyes and saw that it was an old man who was also wearing a Taoist robe, staring at him with disdain at this time.

"What?" Ye Tian said indifferently: "Who are you?"

"I wanted to ask you why you came to my dojo. "

The old Taoist priest in the Taoist robe sneered: "Those bats are all contaminated with your breath. "

"Obviously, this disaster, if nothing else, has a lot to do with you. "

He stared at Ye Tian with a gloomy face and asked, "Tell me quickly, what the hell is going on!"

Although the other party's tone was very polite, Ye Tian had the mind that he should save the people in the world as soon as possible, and did not bother with this old Taoist priest with a weird yin and yang, after all, one more person means more strength.

He said lightly, "A few days ago, I killed a few vampires from the Western Bloodline... "

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