Ye Tian looked at their backs indifferently, and didn't take their ridicule to heart.

Looking at his face, it was as if he already knew what these people would end up into.

Daoist Qin walked in the bottomless cave, holding a torch in his hand, illuminating the front.

And beside him was a thin apprentice named Ah Fang, when he thought of Ye Tian, he couldn't help but sneer and said:

"Master, Ye Tian's kid is too funny, it's ridiculous to do such a ridiculous thing. "

He said disdainfully: "What do you say, we are not the opponent of the vampire, what a clown." "

Daoist Qin said unhappily: "Since you already know that kid is just a clown who jumps off the beam, why do you mention him?"

"Don't mention him again, just mentioning him will make you master upset. "

"Okay, well, I won't mention that little one again. "

Ah Fang smiled, suddenly his eyes changed, and he said in a deep voice, "Master, there!"

I saw a large number of living people in front of me, and all of them fell asleep.

A young man with a pale face in the form of a human figure was biting the neck of one of the living people, sucking the blood of the living person.

This scene made everyone angry.

"Tsk, who am I supposed to be, it turns out to be a bunch of useless waste. "

Jerry smiled disdainfully, and gracefully picked up a handkerchief and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He sneered and said, "What about Ye Tian, you group of waste, you are really not enough to see, so Ye Tian can barely fight with me." "

Having said that, Jerry's eyes flashed with jealousy.

He hoped that the dense bats in the city could drag Ye Tian, if that kid really came, he might not be able to bear it.

Daoist Qin was already very unhappy with Ye Tian, but when he saw the damn vampire in front of him, he didn't even take himself seriously, but mentioned Ye Tian who didn't come here, and he immediately said angrily:

"Why, there are more than 30 of us, can you be our opponent?"

"You Western blood vampire, why don't you get down on your knees and beg for mercy quickly, or I'll have to break your neck!"

He stared at the vampire in exasperation, his hands already beginning to conjure.


Jerry looked at the crowd, and after finding that there was no Ye Tian, he immediately laughed wildly.

He looked up to the sky and laughed: "Just because you fools want to be Lao Tzu's opponent, it's ridiculous!"

He immediately spit out a large breath of black gas, only to see that the black gas turned into extremely evil bats one after another, and slaughtered everyone.

Each bat made a terrible and strange cry, so high that some even covered their ears and fell to the ground.

Daoist Qin's face changed drastically, and he was shocked to the extreme:

"Where did a little vampire come from with such great power?!"

He hurriedly pinched the trick and said:

"Heaven and earth are infinite, too high, supernatural powers are impossible, the sky is burning, and the urgency is like a law!"

In an instant, he spat out a large fireball and slashed at the bats that came at him.

Dao Chang Qin was relieved to see that the fireball had drowned those bats one after another.

In the next second, Jerry's weird laughter suddenly sounded:

"Old thing, are you thinking about fart? You think I'm so good at fighting? I'm just playing with you!"

I saw that countless bats with burning flames all over their bodies were slaughtered out of the sea of fire, and they killed Daoist Qin alone.

There was only a look of horror left in Dao Chang's eyes.

In an instant, he was slaughtered by the bats, and the whole person flew upside down and smashed into the wall, and his flesh and blood were blurred.

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