"Can you shut your dog's mouth for me?"

Ah Zi stared at Daoist Qin impatiently and said, "Didn't you hear my master tell you to get out?"

Daoist Qin couldn't hear Ah Zi's words at all, and fell into a long period of sluggishness.

That's a Taoist divine fire!

As if self-aware, the three-flavor true fire rushed into the cave with great aura, and for a while, the heat wave was rolling.

After a while, Ye Tian took back the Three Flavors True Fire, sighed, shook his head, and said:

"It's a pity that I came one step too late, and the living people in the cave couldn't be saved. "

Ah Zi said in a deep voice: "The master doesn't have to blame himself, if it weren't for these fools stopping in front of the master, how could it be like this?"

As she spoke, her eyes were very unhappy on Daoist Qin's body, glaring at Daoist Qin viciously.

"This master!"

Daoist Qin fell to the ground suddenly, and said in panic: "It's really rude before you go down, I hope you will forgive me!"

Ye Tian said indifferently: "It's just a trivial matter." "

"Moreover, this incident is indeed my fault. "

The people around him didn't dare to speak, Ye Tian's strength was too strong, and they didn't dare to go against Ye Tian again.

Suddenly, a large group of people came from afar, surrounding Daoist Qin, Ye Tian and the others.

In the crowd, a middle-aged man walked out, staring at Ye Tian with extraordinary bearing, squinting his eyes and asking:

"You are Ye Tian?"

Wang Shidao said in a deep voice: "You are the culprit of this disaster?"

Ye Tian said indifferently: "It's indeed me, what do you want? Looking at Your Excellency's face, you can't wait to swallow me?"


Wang Shidao said coldly: "If it weren't for your negligence in fighting that vampire, this matter would never have evolved into such a situation. Do you know how many innocent people died in Gimhae-gun?"

Ye Tian said calmly: "I will be responsible for this." "


Wang Shidao said angrily: "They are dead, how are you responsible for this?"

Ye Tian just laughed at this.

The people of the underworld are already familiar with their names, and although those people are dead, their souls are still there.

All you need to do is go to the underworld, bring their souls back to the yang world, and heal their bodies.

"Why don't you speak?"

Wang Shidao said angrily: "Aren't you responsible for this incident?

Ah Zi's eyes changed, and he stared directly at Wang Shidao, "Where are you from an unknown person?"

"How can you humiliate my master at will? Get out of the way of me!"

"What if I don't get out today?"

While Wang Shidao was speaking, a group of soldiers armed with submachine guns rushed out of the surroundings, and these soldiers from the Yamen of Jinhai County pointed their guns at Ye Tian one after another.

Seeing this, Wang Shidao seemed to be very confident, and sneered: "Why don't you kid quickly kneel on the ground and beg for mercy?"

Ye Tian shook his head and said, "This gentleman, I really don't have time to play children's games with you. "


Wang Shidao saw that Ye Tian was facing so many bullets, but he still didn't pay attention to it, and said angrily:

"Call me!"


When the soldiers of the Yamen of Jinhai County heard this, they pulled the trigger one after another!

The bullets all shot towards Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian just stood in place and shouted softly, "Golden Bone Silver Armor!"

"Bang dang!"

As the first "clang" sounded, countless clangs followed.

Bang bang

After all the bullets hit Ye Tian's body, they all fell to the ground weakly, and Ye Tian's body produced sparks of collision!

"What !!"

Wang Shidao's eyes almost flew out.

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