With Ye Tian's order, the golden hoop stick, which was already far higher than the sky, slammed down on the island where seven thousand vampires lived!

Momentum like a rainbow!

Abt roared angrily and ran towards where the golden rod had fallen, trying to stop it from falling.

But with his strength alone, how could he be the opponent of the golden hoop stick.

"Give me death!"

Ye Tian smiled, and in an instant, the golden hoop rod hit that island fiercely!

The waves were churning, the moon was not visible, the earth was collapsing and the mountains were shaking, and with countless terrible screams, the island sank to the bottom of the sea.

Ah Zi couldn't help but sneer: "That guy, it is estimated that he is also broken into ten thousand pieces." "

Ye Tian didn't have time to answer Ah Zi's words, and the prompts of the system kept ringing in his mind.

"Ding! Kill a Count Vampire, get 30 merit points, and 10 diamonds!"

"Ding! Kill a baron vampire, get 10 merit points, and a hundred years of lightning strikes. "

"Ding! Kill a Marquis vampire and get 50 merit points!"


The corners of Ye Tian's mouth involuntarily rose.

Although the vampire rewards in this world are pitiful, they add up to a very considerable number!

Soon, he gained a full 6,000 merit points, reaching the maximum merit point he can get today.

System, open the Properties section. Ye Tian saw that there was no sound and ordered.

An attribute board spread out in front of him.

Host: Ye Tian.

Cultivation: a product of God.

Merit: 12,900/10,000.

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique.

Magical powers: Three flavors of real fire, shrinking into inches.

Skill: Martial arts masterpiece, the power of ten thousand jun.

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor.

Weapons: Golden Hoop Stick.

Ye Tian excitedly continued: "System, advance to the second-grade divine realm!"

In the blink of an eye, his aura was countless times stronger.

After Ah Zi felt the change in Ye Tian's breath, he looked at Ye Tian in disbelief and said:

"Master, you have become a second-grade god realm powerhouse?

Ye Tian nodded with a smile, and was about to laugh, when he was stunned to see that in the attribute page, the merit was like this...

Merit: 2900/20000.


If you want to advance to the Three-Rank Divine Realm, you need 20,000 merit points, so wouldn't it take 30,000 to advance to the Three-Rank Divine Realm?

Fuck it!

In an instant, all the good moods went bad, Ye Tian frowned and stared at the attribute layout in his eyes, and sighed faintly.

After destroying these vampires, Ye Tian didn't bother to stay here any longer, and took out the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen hidden in his arms.

Soon, he opened the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, and a ray of light appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, Ye Tian slowly stepped into it, and Ah Zi also followed closely.

In an instant, the two men returned to where they had been standing.

This world, sure enough, only a second has passed.

Returning to this world, Ah Zi seemed a little excited, after all, she had been in the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen for too long and too long, which made her a little tired.

She hurried to tidy up the clothes she had brought from the parallel world, and was very happy.

Ye Tian sat in the medical hall, looking at Ah Zi's girlish and agile back, and shook his head with a smile.

Although it is a purple zombie, it is a woman after all.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian put it back into the spirit servant space, and let her play happily there.

"Uncle Shi!

"Uncle Shi, something is wrong!"

At this time, it was already dark, and Ye Tian was about to close his eyes to cultivate, when he heard Wen Cai's panicked voice.

Ye Tian suddenly stood up, calmly opened the door, slapped Wen Cai's head, and said slowly:

"A big man, what does it look like when you encounter something like this?

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