Bang bang!

With two loud bangs, the two Yin soldiers immediately burst around their bodies, and they were wiped out on the spot by the Golden Needle of the Trick Gate.

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 50 merit points and 50 gold coins! "

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 50 merit points and 50 gold coins! "

"What rubbish!"

Ye Tian pursed his lips with disdain, then raised his feet and got up, and walked towards the manor full of yin qi in front of him.



The sound of the fight that happened just now caused a chaotic sound in the manor.

I saw that dozens of Yin soldiers rushed over with weapons held high, and the one who rushed to the front was a burly man with a strong man in battle armor.

The strong man was holding a huge hammer, staring at Ye Tian coldly, and roared angrily:

"Bold monk, do you know that you broke into the Yinshan Palace?"

"Damn, why do you have to repeat this sentence if you're a ghost, it's annoying!"

Ye Tian was speechless, looking at my strong man's strong ghost's rich yin qi, and shook his head helplessly:

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, I'm still waiting to kill that guy from the Yinshan Ghost King!"

"Look for death!"

The strong man shouted angrily, and then the Yin soldiers around him instantly rose into the air, filled with endless yin qi and murderous aura, and rushed straight towards Ye Tian!

Facing this yin soldier like a sea tide, a bright smile appeared on Ye Tian's face.

Although the reward value of these Yin soldiers is not high, this glance at nearly a hundred Yin soldiers is also a big gain.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian still had half a minute of delay, and eighteen golden needles flew out again behind him.

And his hands, which had been covered by the golden Samadhi True Fire, swept with incomparable momentum, and rushed towards the group of Yin soldiers in front of him!

Boom Boom!

Boom Boom!

A loud bang exploded in the air, and Ye Tian was like a crushing force, frantically fighting a group of Yin soldiers.

Although these Yin soldiers are not weak in combat, they have no power to fight back in the face of a strong existence like Lin Fan!

In just half a minute, nearly 100 Yin soldiers had all been killed, and their souls were scattered!

And the strong man with the giant hammer in his hand fell to his knees on the ground covered in devastation, looking at Ye Tian's eyes, full of horror!

Host: Ye Tian.

Cultivation is: two products into gods.

Merit: 17280/20000.

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique.

Magical powers: Three flavors of real fire, shrinking into inches.

Skill: Martial arts mastery, the power of ten thousand jun.

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor.

Weapons: Golden Hoop Stick.

"Well, there's still three thousand left...

Looking at the changes in the personal attribute panel, Ye Tian smiled slightly, and then placed his gaze on the strong man's ghost, and said coldly:

"Ugly bastard, I don't know how much reward you can worth!"


The strong man and the ghost were already shocked in his heart at this time, and the scene that happened just now was simply unbelievable!

Let's not talk about how strong Ye Tian's ability is, even the legendary Samadhi True Fire can be easily summoned by the other party!

Such a monk is simply an existence against the sky!

"That's a lot of nonsense!"

Ye Tian was too lazy to reason with this strong man, his goal, but the ghost king of Yin Mountain!

can dominate the Jiangzhou side, he must be a powerful guy.

If you kill it, maybe you can advance to the realm of the three-rank god!

Thinking of this, Lin Fan's body was shocked, and one after another golden needles flew out, and in the blink of an eye, a storm of golden needles was formed, breaking through the chest of the strong man.

"Ding! Kill a ghost and get 400 merit points and 400 gold coins! "

Host: Ye Tian.

Cultivation is: two products into gods.

Merit: 17,680/20,000.

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique.

Magical powers: Three flavors of real fire, shrinking into inches.

Skill: Martial arts mastery, the power of ten thousand jun.

Attributes: Gold bone and silver armor.

Weapons: Golden Hoop Stick.

"Yes, yes, it's been a long time since I've seen such a powerful monk!"

Just as the personal attribute panel of the system changed, a woman's charming voice came from the manor.

I saw a bewitching and delicate red-haired maiden slowly walking towards Ye Tian, with a charming gesture between a smile and a smile.

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