Chapter 20: Zombies Out! (Please ask for comments and flowers!)|Zombie World: My Taoism can be cultivated by myself! |Zombie World: My Taoism can be cultivated by myself! Chapter Reading-Siku Bookstore

Ye Qing glanced at the mass grave, he had never run to this side before, and he didn’t knowWhat is the former mass burial mound, but after hearing what Uncle Ninth said, Ye Qing had a clue. Thinking about it, it was that Feng Shui master who did it…

Ye Qing smiled, her eyes flickered, and she said, “Isn’t it a good thing to have less yin and ominous qi? What are you doing? You’re gone, it’s time to go back, you’re already hungry!”

The ninth uncle was interrupted by Ye Qing, his stomach also growled twice, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he didn’t care about the mass grave, he followed Ye Qing and went down the mountain…

“Boom!” I don’t know how long Ye Qing and Ninth Uncle have been walking, but a figure suddenly appeared in the depths of the mass grave!


The figure’s body was stiff, and under the beating, the footsteps were abnormally heavy!

When the smoke dissipated, I saw that it was a zombie wearing a Qing Dynasty official uniform, with straight arms, scarlet eyes, ferocious fangs in his mouth, and a blue-black complexion!

This zombie, who is it if it’s not Mrs. Ren?

Grandpa Ren jumped and jumped, and wherever he passed, the chirping of insects and birds dissipated, and an evil spirit spread rapidly!


Mrs. Ren smelled the human smell in the air, stared blankly at Ye Qing and Ninth Uncle leaving the direction, as if he wanted to chase, but soon, he was attracted by another breath…

That is the breath of his son Ren Fa!

“Roar!” A low roar roared in the throat, and the scarlet eyes of the zombie suddenly looked in the direction of Renjiazhen…

“Dong, dong, dong…”

The heavy footsteps of zombies resounded in the night sky, like the morning bell and the evening drum, terrifying!

“Clang clang clang…”

“The sky is dry and things are dry, be careful with the candles, it’s a watch!”

Da Gengren walks in the town, shouting the words, and Da Gengren still exists in this era!


I don’t know why, but a gloomy wind blew past, and the beater shrank his neck, wrapped the collar of his wrapping clothes, and frowned as he looked around. Tonight, it seems to be extraordinarily cold, much colder than the previous days. !

“Clang clang clang…”

However, he dutifully knocked on the gong in his hand, turned a street corner, and the sound of chanting words sounded again!

“Dong dong dong!” Suddenly, heavy footsteps sounded, and out of the alley, a black shadow flashed away. Even though the body was stiff, the shadow had already disappeared into the night, and the speed was a bit fast. outrageous!

“Huh?” The watchman retreated to the alley, looked around in surprise, scratched his head, and was a little unclear. So, I felt like someone was behind me before, but now I look back, where is there anyone else?


Another gust of wind blew through, and Shi Gengren swayed coldly, a rush of urination surged up, and Shi Gengren took a deep breath, looked left and right, and hurriedly found a dark corner to solve it…


After a while, the surrounding temperature recovered a little, and the sound of insects and birds sounded again.

Playing more comfortably, he forgot about the previous things, and didn’t care, he continued down the street, beating the gong and singing!

He didn’t know at all that he was only one step away from death!

If it wasn’t for the urge to urinate, he would already be a blood-sucked corpse by now!

At this moment, the Renfu is still brightly lit!

Ren Fu’s family has a big business, and everyone else has turned off the lights and the fire. Ren Fu doesn’t care about the consumption of that little money at all, the patrolling servants are listless, and many servants are basically going to sleep!

In the study at this time, Master Ren was still calculating the accounts.

“Shashasha…” Suddenly, there were some sparse sounds and movements outside the window!

Master Ren frowned, and hurriedly went to the window frame to take a look…

“Meow!” Suddenly, a black cat’s shrill scream sounded, and the next moment, the black cat rushed to the wall and ran away!

The scream of the cat startled Master Ren, but looking at the black cat that turned over the wall, Master Ren couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

“Cat…” Ren Fa shook his head, he thought it was some kind of thief.

“Ha…” Seeing that it was about to enter into the night, Master Ren yawned and became lazy, and a sense of sleepiness came to his mind.

But seeing that the accounts on the table have not been checked yet, Master Ren shook his head again, sighed, and continued to sit at the table, and began to check the accounts!

“Shasha, thump…”

But at this moment, there was a faint sound, and some heavy footsteps sounded, like a strong man carrying a hundred kilograms of heavy objects up the stairs…

Master Ren frowned, ignored it, and continued to count the accounts!

“Shasha, move!” Suddenly, the heavy footsteps sounded again.

Master Ren frowned and said in a low voice, “Who, walk quietly!”

The voice fell, and sure enough, the heavy footsteps disappeared. Master Ren shook his head, ignored it, and continued to look at the accounts in his hand…

It seems to be due to overuse of the eyes, Master Ren narrowed his eyes, looked at it carefully,He also whispered about fifty-six, seventy-two and other words!

At this time, in silence, outside the door of Master Ren, a shadow appeared…

“Huh…” A cloudy wind blew past, and Mr. Ren always felt cold air blowing from the back of his neck, and the cloudy wind swished into the collar of his shirt…

Ren Fa looked at the open window, frowned, and hurriedly went to close the window!

“Boom!” However, at this moment, the door of the house was slammed open, the glass shattered, and a terrifying figure, wearing a Qing Dynasty official uniform, with a dark face and a thin and stiff figure, stood at the door!

“Ah…” Master Ren suddenly widened his eyes and stepped back in horror, but it was too late!

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