If you want to kill Shi Shaojian directly, it is the easiest way to kill the opponent with a mini peach wood sword. Even under the isolation of the mana fluctuation attached to the peach wood sword, the sword does not need to be stained with blood, it is so easy.

However, Xu Ce didn't want Shi Shaojian to die so easily. It's better to shoot this bastard to death.

The equipment on hand seems to be just like a frying pan after the Hunyuan begging bowl has been enlarged.

That's right, that's why Xu Ce took away the mahogany sword and took out the Hunyuan beggar.

"I'm going, what is the elder brother doing? How can I turn it into a washbasin and put Shi Shaojian in it? Have you stewed it?"

Qiu Sheng pulled Wen Cai back a few steps towards a place a little farther away. The aftermath of the battle between Coffin Mountain and Zombie Forest was too terrifying. I felt it once, but I don't want to be affected again.

Of course, Shi Shaojian's strength is definitely not as good as that of the Zombie King, and a little distance is enough.

"I don't know, don't mind him, just look at it first, it's nothing to us anyway.

By the way, there is such a big commotion here, why hasn't the master appeared yet? "

Wen Cai looked around suspiciously, very puzzled.

"Here is the teacher."

In the darkness, Uncle Jiu's voice came out faintly. In fact, Uncle Jiu arrived only two or three breaths later than Xu Ce.

Seeing Xu Ce's actions, as a master and as an old man, it's better to leave it to the young people to do the beating and killing.



Qiusheng and Wencai were overjoyed, and hurried to Uncle Jiu, standing next to the master who was at the Foundation Establishment Realm, they became more confident, and they didn't have to worry about a sneak attack from Shi Jian who might have sensed the movement and ran out of the inn.

"Look carefully at how your big brother fights against the enemy.

You big brothers have worked so hard, you can clearly kill Shi Shaojian with a single sword, but you have to use the most troublesome means to deal with him, just to let you have a good experience in advance, the high-level battle fluctuations, which will affect your future Practice will help a lot. "

Uncle Jiu pressed his hand, and said lightly, his heart was actually quite bitter, so it was not for his master to demonstrate.

It's just that Uncle Jiu didn't even think about it himself, he was thinking too much, Xu Ce just wanted to use the most brutal means to make Shi Shaojian feel the pain more clearly, he was just jealous, and had no other intentions.


Shi Shaojian's brain began to congest after he transformed into a demon body. The pain he had suffered from the Baibaotang earlier turned into endless anger and killing intent. He stared at Xu Ce with red eyes, or , any living creature in front of him will be his target of attack.

And the teeth that were smashed by the mahogany sword before, also grew back after the transformation, and the teeth became thicker and more ferocious.

Especially at the position of the tiger teeth, there are fangs protruding out, and the peaks of the teeth are shining coldly. If it is bitten down by such a big mouth, it will definitely bite the neck of an ordinary person in two.

"court death!"

Xu Ce frowned slightly, looking at Shi Shaojian, the super-big man who pounced on the demon refining body, grabbed the edge of the Hunyuan begging bowl with one hand, and swung it up like a frying pan. He shook Shi Shaojian's forehead.

under the touch of both.


There was a crisp buzzing sound, and the Hunyuan begging bowl issued a tone full of Zen, which was washed away in the night.

Xu Ce didn't use the six-character mantra taught by Master Yixiu, but used the strength of the earth-level magic weapon of Hunyuan begging bowl to fight Shi Shaojian's forehead hard.

Whether it was Hunyuan begging for alms, or Shi Shaojian's forehead was hard, the result came out soon.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ...

One after another, Xu Ce waved his arms without stopping, until he slapped Shi Shaojian's head almost out of shape, and then gradually stopped.

Sensing Shi Shaojian's aura with mana fluctuations, it has become illusory, with more air out than inhale, and at most he will linger on for a stick of incense before he dies.

What Xu Ce hammered was the head, and every time the Hunyuan begging bowl was hammered, it vibrated with the sound waves of the Buddha's voice, smashing Shi Shaojian's brain from the inside out.

Even if Shi Shaojian is handed back to Shi Jian now, even if Shi Jian has the elixir to bring the dead back to life, it will be difficult to save Shi Shaojian's life.

Xu Ce waved his hand, and the Hunyuan begging bowl quickly became smaller and then disappeared in his hand.

Uncle Jiu, Qiu Sheng, and Wen Cai came forward, and all three of them stared at Shi Shaojian, who was dying on the ground, with strange expressions on his face.

Especially Qiusheng and Wencai, the feeling in their hearts is even more strange. Is this the way the master said that the big brothers fought in order to let them see the high-level realm and power?

Why back and forth, the two of them only had one feeling, that Xu Ce was just fighting like an ordinary person, grabbing the scapegoat and slapping each other on the head, moreover, he even fainted from the slap.

What kind of mana fluctuations, what kind of special means of the realm, there is no such thing at all.

In fact, Uncle Jiu is also very puzzled, is it because he thinks too much in secret, or is it that the higher the level, the more back to basics? Using the purest, simple, brutal and effective fighting method is the correct direction of practice?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems like that's the case, otherwise I really can't explain the reason for Xu Ce's actions.

"Teacher Xu Ce, this..."

Uncle Jiu pointed to Shi Shaojian who was lying on the ground, still twitching instinctively.

Xu Ce smiled and said:

"Master, this guy won't survive a stick of incense, he's doomed!"

"Eldest brother, you are too powerful. You just ruined this bastard with three times, five times and two times. It's just a pity. It's too cheap for him to die like this!"

"That's right, Master, is there any medicine that can save his life? Give him to Awei, and then let Awei delay him, so that he can relieve his anger!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai hummed and said.

Is it late? Good advice, but here comes the problem. Shi Shaojian's brain has been turned into a paste by him, and he is already in the stage of being an idiot. It is nothing more than a self-expression of bodily functions.

It's pointless.

Xu Ce is unwilling to do meaningless things.

He shook his head and said:

"Forget it, just leave him here to fend for himself, Master, let's go back first.

Shi Shaojian had already lost his own thinking consciousness, and he had already caused enough pain to him before, so it would not be very meaningful to cut him into pieces.

In addition, you said, what would happen if that bastard Shi Jian saw Shi Shaojian's ghostly appearance?

Tu'er felt that if we went back to Yizhuang first and made some preparations earlier, Shi Jian might come to avenge Shi Shaojian.

And the real culprit that caused all the causes and effects, if I have to say it, is Shi Jian!

It's fine if he doesn't come, if he dares to come, then he will be dealt with together! "

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